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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Important Files and Directories - v9.4+

This page describes important files and directories that should be used for configuration and backup purposes.

Please make changes on files and directories under <cb-installation-dir> only if you know what you are doing! These files and directories impact how codeBeamer ALM works.

  • <cb-installation-dir>/bin
    This directory contains startup and stop scripts on Linux.
  • <cb-installation-dir>/tomcat/conf/server.xml
    This file can be used to configure Tomcat.
  • <cb-installation-dir>/tomcat/webapps/cb/WEB-INF/classes/log4j2.xml
    This file configures logging of codeBeamer and used software components.
  • <cb-installation-dir>/tomcat/logs
    This directory contains the codeBeamer log files.
  • <cb-installation-dir>/repository/access/.htaccess
    This file is generated by codeBeamer and used by Apache for Subversion user/password authentication.
  • <cb-installation-dir>/repository/access/acl.svn
    This file is generated by codeBeamer and used by Apache Subversion module for role/account authorization on Subversion repositories and directories.
  • <cb-installation-dir>/repository/search
    This directory contains search indexes of codeBeamer. The required disk space depends on the total size of all tracker items and documents, the number of their revisions, and the size of all attachments.
  • <cb-installation-dir>/repository/docs
    This directory contains all codeBeamer documents and attachments. The required disk space depends on the total size of all documents, the number of their revisions, and the size of all attachments.
  • <cb-installation-dir>/repository/git
    This directory contains all managed Git repositories. The required disk space depends on the total size of all Git repositories.
  • <cb-installation-dir>/repository/hg
    This directory contains all managed Mercurial (hg) repositories. The required disk space depends on the total size of all Mercurial repositories.
  • <cb-installation-dir>/repository/svn
    This directory contains all managed Subversion (svn) repositories. The required disk space depends on the total size of all Subversion repositories.
  • <cb-installation-dir>/repository/tmp
    This directory contains temporally files.