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Codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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General System Requirements

The Codebeamer installation kit contains all components (database, web-server) required for evaluation.

For additional information, see page Installing Codebeamer.

Operating System

Windows and Linux on 64-bit x86 architectures.


  • Windows 2022 Server starting from Codebeamer 21.09
  • Windows 2019 Server starting from Codebeamer 9.5.0
  • Windows 2016 Server starting from Codebeamer 8.2.1


  • Red Hat Enterprise (RHEL)
  • SuSE Enterprise Linux Server (SLES)
  • CentOS
  • Oracle Linux
  • Ubuntu for long-term deployments (LTS)

It might be necessary to upgrade supported Git, Mercurial and Subversion versions from additional packages.

Database (RDBMS)

Client Web Browsers

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge Chromium
From Codebeamer 20.11 (CARMEN), Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer are not supported. Refer to the appropriate release notes about supported platforms and browsers.

The following settings are required:

  • Cookies must be enabled
  • Javascript must be enabled

For Mozilla browsers (up from non-tested Firefox version 70 ), it might be needed to toggle the value of to false in case there are page elements fails to load (for example, new comment window) due to a known issue in Firefox as described in

Hardware Requirements


SSD or M2 (preferred) disk with RAID is strongly recommended for best performance and reliability. 30-50 GB for database storage and 100-500 GB for documents, attachments and SCM repositories.
The size of the required storage strongly depends on the size of documents, attachments and SCM repositories managed by Codebeamer.

CPU / Memory

Multicore 2.9 GHz Intel Xeon (x86) architecture).

See also: codeBeamer ALM's Official Scalability Performance Test Report 2019.

Maximum number of active/concurrent Users



Recommended Amazon AWS instance type
50 (concurrent)

CPU: 2 Cores
Memory: 8 GB
CPU: 4 Cores
Memory: 16 GB
100 (concurrent) CPU: 4 Cores
Memory: 32 GB
CPU: 8 Cores
Memory: 48 GB
500 (concurrent) CPU: 8 Cores
Memory: 48 GB
CPU: 8 Cores
Memory: 64 GB
1000+ (concurrent) CPU: 16 Cores
Memory: 64 GB
CPU: 16 Cores
Memory: 128 GB

Active/concurrent Users refers to the number of users which are actively (concurrently) working in Codebeamer at a given time, e.g. creating, editing Work Items, adding Comments and/or other artefacts.

The number of registered users (accounts) may be a much higher number than the number if concurrent users, so this guidance should be used to refer to the total number of expected active (concurrent) users.


For network connections between the Codebeamer ALM server and the database, low latency time connection (less than 1 ms.) and at least 10Gb network bandwidth are required.

Performance Measurements

Refer to Codebeamer ALM's Official Scalability Performance Test Report 2019 about performance measurements with up to 1,000 concurrent users and 10 million work items.

High Availability Clustering

For High Availability Clustering options, contact