Cluster overview
Cluster component
Load balancer
A load balancer is a device / application that acts as a reverse proxy and distributes network or application traffic across a number of servers.
It is recommended to use a non-sticky session in order to distribute the load evenly among servers
Physical or virtual device that dedicated for running codebeamer
Local file system
A file system controls how data is stored and retrieved, codebeamer is only stored static data on local file system. e.g. compiled java file of the codebeamer
Shared file system
A shared file system uses a storage area network (SAN) to allow multiple servers to gain direct disk access. codebeamer stored all non-static data on shared files system
Database server
A database server is a server which uses a database application that provides database services to codebeamer servers
You can find our supported databases here: General System Requirements
Email server
An email server is a server which uses email application to send and receive emails
Cluster with installed codebeamer
A single node installation is sufficient for most small and medium size deployments. You need clustering when
- you need high availability with active-active cluster or
- you need to scale for large number of concurrent users.
You can find a detailed guide about installing codebeamer onto a server here: codebeamer Configuration
Cluster with docker
You can find a detailed guider how to start and configure codebeamer container here: Docker and How to Start Docker Containers for Cluster Environments
We also recommend using an auto heal solution along codebeamer. It will restart your instance in case of codebeamer container's health changed to unhealthy. Following container is recommended: