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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Intelligent Document/Table View Limits

Intelligent Document/Table View has different predefined limits to avoid performance issues.

Items on top level limit: The maximum number of Tracker Items shown on the top level of Document View. The default value of this limit is 10.000 but can be configured in the application configuration. Example:

"document-view" : {
        "maxTopLevelItems" : 2

Items on level limit - the number of items can be shown an a given level.

The default value is 25000. When the limit is reached, no further item is added to the given level.

Items from previous item limit - the number of referenced/associated items that a previous level item can have.

The default values are 500 for the initial level and 200 for additional levels. When the limit are reached no further item is added to the given item.

Reference items from previous item limit - the number of referenced items that a previous item can have.

The default value is 'unlimited' - limited by Items from the previous item limit. When the limit is reached no further referenced item is added to the given item.

Associated items from previous item limit - the number of referenced items that a previous item can have.

The default value is "unlimited" - limited by Items from the previous item limit. When the limit is reached no further associated item is added to the given item.

Test run items from previous item limit - the number of test run items that a previous level item can have.

The default value is 10. When the limit is reached no further test run item is added to the given item.

In case of Intelligent Document View if any of the limits is reached a warning message is added to the top of the tree.

In case of Intelligent Table View if any of the limits is reached a warning icon is added to the corresponding item with an explanatory hint.