codeBeamer 10.1.x - General information
- codeBeamer 10.1.x is the last release supporting Oracle 12c. Starting with the next release, Oracle 19c will be supported.
- The codeBeamer API based on Hessian Protocol
will be removed from the next version. It is recommended to start using the Swagger API instead. The REST API will continue to be supported.
Project Configuration Merge - supported project configuration merge only for a single project - will be replaced by the more sophisticated Project Configuration Deployment Concept. It should be noted that Project Deployment requires additional licensing.
- codeBeamer 10.1.x is the last release supporting SSO Authentication with Siteminder. It is recommended to start using
SAML or OpenID Connect.
- codeBeamer-10.1.0 is the latest version tested with Internet-Explorer 11, however it remains supported.
- The ability to turn off Show Ancestor is now removed from Document Views because of grooming of superfluous features and mitigate the possibility of performance problems.
- The /users Swagger endpoint is now limited to account administrators only.
- The /users/search Swagger endpoint now requires at least one search criteria to be defined.
- LatexPlugin is now deprecated will be removed from the next version.
- FlashPlugin is no longer supported and removed.
- From codeBeamer 10.1.x, the unsupported Demo database Derby is not shipped with codeBeamer. To use/evaluate codeBeamer, either MySql-5.7.x is Oracle 12c is required.
General Information about codeBeamer Service Packs
codeBeamer 10.1 Service Packs
Available Service Packs
codeBeamer 10.1.0 Release Notes
- BUG-2292965 - Swagger API - Successful upload of bug using the swagger API without any warning ... but some field values was ignored and not set
- BUG-3286692 - Custom Project Icon not visible in project list for Users without permissions
- BUG-3565596 - Special characters encoding problem in Traceability section of the Item details page
- BUG-3741411 - Rejecting/Accepting review causes console error
- BUG-3749850 - Review export to Word fails
- BUG-3888111 - Release Activity Trends export sometimes fails
- BUG-4036409 - WikiPageController.displayWikiPageProperties causes IllegalArgumentException: fromIndex > toIndex
- BUG-4106861 - Project Deployment import and project import during Project Creation are not separated
- BUG-4107015 - Section review comments are shifted
- BUG-4145492 - Test steps in document view shows 0 in every cases
- BUG-4196415 - Project Category - Project Counter is not vertically aligned in some cases.
- BUG-4207979 - Project Category - The highlighting of a Category stays after double click.
- BUG-4217281 - When a tracker has a mandatory field the editor always opens in an overlay
- BUG-4219580 - Fields are copied when creating bug for a Test Set Run even if the checkboxes are deselected
- BUG-4229206 - Successfully saved popup message is missing after referring item generation on document view
- BUG-4238744 - Cannot add item when Per Status field configuration is Read
- BUG-4255422 - Word export fails when merge field name contains the phrase "count"
- BUG-4274907 - Traceability Browser cannot resolve level with Expert filter in case of invalid expression
- BUG-4276079 - Tracker Class Diagram project's trackers list empty after the initialization
- BUG-4276482 - Export selection to Office with their children does not export Children items
- BUG-4276483 - In case of the selected Test Case is folder/information type, but it has child which is not folder/information type, the "...only contains Folder..." error message does not disappear to "Include children of the selected Test Cases?"- "Yes" option
- BUG-4277818 - Unable to export field values to Word when field name is containing German "umlaute" characters
- BUG-4277878 - Confusing behaviour in filters
- BUG-4287036 - Excel parameter storage unstable sometimes fails with unwanted exception
- BUG-4287327 - If I generate test run for a folder/information type item in Item Details page, it navigates to the Document View and appears message in the top of the main tab (and there is the new unique name message too)
- BUG-4287782 - Newly created items merged to branch gets Updated on branch badge in doc view
- BUG-4288052 - codeBeamer includes fonts not licensed for re-distribution
- BUG-4288704 - Project Deployment - Outdated item has no Status after merge, and not visible in the right place in the item hierarchy
- BUG-4289127 - Slow Review Hub page - (50+ reviews has the user)
- BUG-4289301 - Tracker tree misplaced
- BUG-4296273 - Infinite scroll on a branch doc view cause missing badge in center pane
- BUG-4296289 - Project Deployment - Cancel button is not working on import page
- BUG-4296366 - Planner - In Downstream Reference menu some trackers are available even if the user has no field permission to create a new item
- BUG-4296561 - Doors Bridge | Import fails with "null" message
- BUG-4296563 - "Mark Work items with unresolved item dependencies option" icon is always visible
- BUG-4296752 - Switch to head from Branch is working only for second time if i am not on the default view of the tracker
- BUG-4297023 - Reference type shared field usage in cbQL issue
- BUG-4297547 - 'Duplicated IDs found' error message returns when posting multiple Referencing Test Steps
- BUG-4297823 - Intelligent View load after change method
- BUG-4297846 - URL is not correct in SVN Repository
- BUG-4301097 - Refreshing Traceability preset causes JavaScript console error
- BUG-4301244 - Infinite scroll related bugs on Document and Intelligent Document View
- BUG-4301301 - Document View history view does not work, deleted item cause resource not defined
- BUG-4301303 - Branch and baseline Creation is not shown on master item history tab
- BUG-4301317 - Temporary files are kept under the TMP directory
- BUG-4301352 - Diff Suspected Merge Screen throws exception
- BUG-4302287 - Uncaught TypeError when clicking on inactive vote button on pull request page
- BUG-4302322 - Document View- when history date is in use, details is not up to date.
- BUG-4304920 - In Documents tracker Document View, after item creation in a folder, the folder selection is disappeared on the left tree, and if I create an other item, it is created to the root instead of folder
- BUG-4304939 - Generating test run from item details page of a folder navigates back to tracker view
- BUG-4305336 - Merge request Cancel button wrong behavior
- BUG-4305497 - Unwanted escalation email was sent to the user
- BUG-4305581 - Planner shows no children when Owner is indirectly set via Group assignment
- BUG-4305847 - Test Cases Document view - inline edit on right panel of the Test Steps field cause 404 page only in IE11
- BUG-4306974 - Table columns - Checkbox appears on choose roles and members dialog in case single select member columns
- BUG-4307097 - Table column field dependencies - field dependencies are not working in case of table columns.
- BUG-4307157 - Associations created by DND won't show up in baseline mode.
- BUG-4307170 - Document view - filtering cause wrong infinite scroll and shows not relevant part of the tracker even an item is selected.
- BUG-4307178 - Downstream reference - Imperfect appearance of a downstream reference in the task detail page.
- BUG-4307220 - Project Configuration containing project roles and role members will produce duplicate role member associations
- BUG-4307222 - Field dependency Inline edit - when the parent field is not filled, selector dialog contains an element.
- BUG-4307251 - Downstream reference - Missing 'x' icon next to the Suspected budge in the appearing overlay.
- BUG-4307562 - Wildcard dependency between a project selector/reference field and a tracker selector/reference field does not work
- BUG-4307747 - Access Log Filter is logged after session creation
- BUG-4310377 - There is no filter named "No Team" on Release's planner page
- BUG-4311154 - Exception thrown when saving tracker config
- BUG-4311171 - Expanding all nodes in the left tree causing performance problems when the tracker contains thousands of items
- BUG-4311174 - If there is a same field in Test Case and Test Run too, the Test Run field value should be stronger in copy properties action in Test Run Bug Report
- BUG-4311259 - Generating Test Run from empty Test Set causes error
- BUG-4311360 - [Document View XSS] Script vulnerabilities in Document View
- BUG-4312152 - Document view - D&D works in a wrong way with historical filter
- BUG-4312228 - Date type fields - When inline editing an empty date field, time selector does not appear
- BUG-4312276 - Traceability Browser widget - On Preview tab there is plus gray line
- BUG-4312449 - Document edit view - Page reloads with default view, instead of private view
- BUG-4312456 - Document edit view - Date selector only appears for the first tracker item.
- BUG-4312486 - Layout is changing back to default after saving the settings of the Document View tree
- BUG-4312593 - Document View - When filtering, the bottom item is wrongly displayed
- BUG-4320109 - Clicking on Test Case in left tree causes NPE
- BUG-4320169 - Last/first item is not loaded after infinite scrolling on center panel
- BUG-4320195 - Context menu item detects click only if you click on the text
- BUG-4320915 - Showing sub tree is not working properly on IDV
- BUG-4320921 - Items are disappearing after inserting new items from context menu
- BUG-4320940 - DnD a reference item on another reference item causing Error 500
- BUG-4320972 - Child item counter disappears after moving an item into the node
- BUG-4320991 - HEAD version is shown for versioned reference items on IDV
- BUG-4320997 - Opening branch's Test Coverage shows master
- BUG-4321008 - WYSIWYG toolbar icons are not visible on IE11
- BUG-4321021 - Export of Coverage Browser contains a test set tracker that is not displayed on the page
- BUG-4321049 - Rejecting review gives HTTP 400
- BUG-4321059 - In case of "Copy To" and "Move To" actions in Document Trackers the process is stopped
- BUG-4321324 - Editing own comments not possible via API
- BUG-4321345 - Inline edit shows the edited item multiple on center panel after DND an item in the left tree
- BUG-4321391 - Cannot import project (IllegalArgumentException) because of used shared fields
- BUG-4322565 - Project Import - Reports: project and tracker ID resolution/replacement does not work
- BUG-4322569 - Project export is not possible - no error message just an empty JSON file
- BUG-4324327 - Inconsistent transform on Intelligent View DND with shift modifier
- BUG-4324331 - Clear suspected is visible in baseline mode
- BUG-4324447 - Document view "Compare to Head revision" button doesn't work
- BUG-4325017 - When copying properties to Bug must not copy status
- BUG-4325068 - Badge is displayed on original item in the left tree after creating an association
- BUG-4326416 - Error when upgrading from codeBeamer 9.4 to 10.0 when Approval workflow allowed
- BUG-4326420 - IDV versioned item icon shows head status
- BUG-4326604 - Table header does not stick up on Report View page
- BUG-4326759 - If Wikitext type field contains table it's clearing itself
- BUG-4326918 - In Test Cases tracker Document Edit View the item modification is saved with an error message
- BUG-4327507 - Double references are incorrectly handled in Downstream References tab
- BUG-4328858 - Adding Traceability Tree View and Hierarchical Rendering Method to Table View fails on first level
- BUG-4329191 - IDV-Additional editable field and number is appearing on center panel for the same reference item
- BUG-4329308 - Test parameter is not found in description when adding it on Document-view
- BUG-4329500 - mxGraph - special characters are appears incorrectly (e.g. ő, ú, ű, ß, $)
- BUG-4329966 - IDV-Highlight levels icons are not refreshing after remove/add levels on the Intelligent Document View Configuration overlay
- BUG-4330404 - Suspected icon 'x' is missing on '>>' and '<<' pop-up windows of document view
- BUG-4332466 - Associations are opening without revision number from baseline
- BUG-4332527 - Console error when trying to save an item with a space as summary at Document View
- BUG-4332897 - Add association option is missing from doc view center panel context menu
- BUG-4332929 - Add Association is not possible on IDV
- BUG-4332957 - Traceability - review items are not clickable in traceability result
- BUG-4332979 - Document View left tree filter does not use the given colors in the settings
- BUG-4333608 - Script vulnerability on in-line edit user selector popup
- BUG-4334057 - Unable to edit own item in document edit view
- BUG-4334078 - IDV - More levels cause Exception
- BUG-4334109 - Document Edit View: If i remove a default column i cannot add it again
- BUG-4334138 - Error page appears instead of error message if user don not have permission to create item
- BUG-4334240 - Some reference items cannot be opened in baseline mode from IDV
- BUG-4336022 - Gray suspected badge is clickable from item detail page and shows version difference
- BUG-4336673 - When session is expiring there is no User System Logout event in Audit trail but User Logout
- BUG-4337004 - No warning icon and tooltip if Traceability maxFirstLevelElementsPerItem limits the displayed references
- BUG-4337055 - Clicking on Suspected badge in baseline causes error
- BUG-4337086 - Table View when Sticky Header is active- Moving columns to the other position shuffles the columns name when I scroll down
- BUG-4337101 - IssueCountTrends plugin's columns does not have labels
- BUG-4337105 - IDV-Exception after switching between views
- BUG-4338079 - Unable to move / copy multiple items to tracker in Intelligent Document View tree
- BUG-4338212 - Document Edit View - Clicking Save button in right panel results in onscreen error
- BUG-4338673 - 'Public View - Admin' tracker permission can only selected if 'Issue - View Any' also selected
- BUG-4342838 - Restored items are not visible on document view
- BUG-4342934 - Left tree does not filter after item deletion
- BUG-4343105 - Document view - Navigate to document view icon of a task reference leads to the table view of Tasks tracker
- BUG-4343127 - Opening item in baseline mode leads out from baseline mode
- BUG-4343190 - TrackerHistoryAuditTrailPlugin startBaselineId and endBaselineId are not working
- BUG-4343524 - Reporting bug (from test run) - At the 'Choose an existing Bug for the Same Test Case' tab the Bug selector checkboxes do not work properly.
- BUG-4343528 - Remove "This Item is a Child Item." popup from the Traceability view
- BUG-4343575 - After a refresh, the "Add Item" button is displayed while historical filter is active
- BUG-4344149 - License - If the user has floating licence and I change on User page to named license on the logs NPE appears
- BUG-4344154 - Tracker Class Diagram widget always shows all trackers even only a few are set up to show
- BUG-4344776 - Document Edit View - In the table header after removing and moving cause plus arrows near to columns when I use Resizable columns by percentages
- BUG-4344803 - Creating association in baseline mode is possible
- BUG-4346904 - Group by doesn't work in Planner view
- BUG-4347093 - IDV- Filter will be ignored after page refresh
- BUG-4347212 - Uncaught TypeError when trying to expand a node on filtered view with IDV
- BUG-4347985 - [XSS] Diff view executes JavaScript code from Wiki Text Fields
- BUG-4354484 - If a reference is updated, the diff view opened from ReviewHUB shows Unexpected error
Change Requests
- CTSK-4016525 - As a DevOps engineer I want to notify logged in user via Websocket
- CTSK-4176972 - Improve error handling when file upload is too large and rejected by CB or rejected by another Apache or NGIX server used in-front-of CB
- CTSK-4212666 - Permanent Link support of Resizable column settings of selected Views
- CTSK-4296638 - Replace the Share icon to the common share icon
- CTSK-4337975 - Add a information popup to SAML configuration page
- CTSK-4344771 - IDV- Saved View is not working after creating a project from saved template
- CTSK-4347259 - Change memory related warning messages
codeBeamer 10.1.0-RC1 Release Notes
- BUG-1663032 - Separate Test Runs for each Test Cases option works inconsistently when generating Test Runs
- BUG-2201394 - Old branch Git Pull and Merge can slow down the server with HIGH CPU usage
- BUG-2234188 - Graph cannot be rendered
- BUG-2767360 - Tracker selector does not work in widget configuration
- BUG-2816594 - Internal address is shown as host name for logged in users
- BUG-2896536 - Missing test case copy options for parent requirements when copying from library
- BUG-3003479 - Baseline - the user can see the baselines without permission on the reference settings overlay, if it had permission when the baseline was created
- BUG-3261676 - Excel Export with missing "]" in formula causes high CPU load, never ending request, eventually downtime
- BUG-3270728 - At review creation the Previous link throws error
- BUG-3305116 - Rich-text Edit Bar is Sometimes Attached to Top of Page
- BUG-3354235 - Word export with attachments does not work for copied items
- BUG-3419780 - Copying items does not trigger workflow
- BUG-3605848 - Copying folder from library is not functional
- BUG-3665458 - Document tracker - Default columns in Kanban Board View
- BUG-3727803 - Renaming a Private View creates a new private view instead of renaming
- BUG-3799153 - Edit Item - Section Review (tracker item add description comment) is loading
- BUG-3810020 - Refresh item on the Document view after moved changes from the associated item
- BUG-3853867 - Clear suspected jumps to the dependent item
- BUG-3870224 - Permanently deleted issue attachment documents are not marked in file system
- BUG-3905168 - Newly created Folder type tracker item allows us to generate test runs from selected on the left tree context menu
- BUG-3922025 - Using recently uploaded file error in wiki page
- BUG-3948298 - Tomcat TMP folder size can grow out of control
- BUG-3951889 - REST API error if the file size is bigger than the limit
- BUG-3954071 - Exception when trying to save item with deleted computed field
- BUG-3965734 - Live edit of Spent Effort does not work on reports tab: js error
- BUG-3967134 - Permanent links don't work when after user login in using SSO
- BUG-3967405 - Permanent link - only in tracker cardboard view, page is not in baseline mode after using the link (works in table and document view)
- BUG-4001232 - ReqIf import loses attachments with the same name
- BUG-4012401 - Insert item before/after does not work properly in Document view
- BUG-4016302 - System Admin - Documents - Total size of the documents not calculated
- BUG-4016439 - Document View - After the associated item deleted, the suspected/copied badge still visible for the item in the left tree
- BUG-4017594 - Zip of all daily logs does not contain logs from all nodes
- BUG-4017705 - Exception when deleting an SCM comment
- BUG-4017736 - Add Association to an item is not possible in Intelligent Document View
- BUG-4017855 - Documents tracker - In upload dialog there are more scrollbars than accepted
- BUG-4017924 - Shared fields common attributes can not be edited when Shared field used
- BUG-4017941 - Slow Intelligent Document View in special case
- BUG-4018669 - Documents tracker - I can not download file in Document View in Baseline mode
- BUG-4018684 - Documents tracker - In case of Baseline mode the moved item does not appear in the original tracker
- BUG-4018687 - Documents tracker - In case of change to previous version in History tab, the downloaded file is not the previous one
- BUG-4023277 - Tags selection window appears faulty in Firefox when opening from context menu in left tree in Intelligent Document View
- BUG-4023448 - Table View - strange behavior with Test Cases tracker in table view with Show Children enabled
- BUG-4023514 - Document Edit - Parent field value deletion has no effect, value remains
- BUG-4023555 - Reports page - Group by a date type field (week) and on group header the week begins on Sunday
- BUG-4023635 - Minor CSS bug on the wiki page in case of a issue link with long title text
- BUG-4023818 - Lazy loading not working on center panel when Intelligent Document View is active
- BUG-4023856 - Date of exported log files do not keep the original date
- BUG-4024938 - Multiple selection is not possible in the Library (right panel) at document view
- BUG-4025115 - Obsolete Priority Options are Shown in Filter
- BUG-4025653 - Specific excel import file cause Server Down
- BUG-4027421 - Intelligent Document View suspect and copy badges are not rendered
- BUG-4027516 - Password is revealed in server logs - if authentication fails
- BUG-4032482 - Tracker Item Review Fails with MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Duplicate entry exception
- BUG-4033083 - Reference selector's filters are showing projects/trackers where user has access instead of showing only available ones from tracker configuration
- BUG-4033109 - Cannot import an upstream reference from office when choice-field reference filter is present in a specific case
- BUG-4033110 - Cannot create main inbox
- BUG-4033134 - Gnatt Chart collapsed after modifying the sprint date by d&d
- BUG-4033165 - Shared Fields - "Shared Type Name" is displayed instead of "Shared Field Name"
- BUG-4033605 - Traceability browser - In the result table the tracker custom fields show invalid data
- BUG-4033789 - UI glitch on License page
- BUG-4033794 - Tracker configuration - Variables appear within Member type fields
- BUG-4033897 - Not all field values are shown of a members type choice field in single tracker item view
- BUG-4036410 - Wiki pages with the same content cannot be created in the same transaction
- BUG-4036615 - Planner left panel does not refreshes when multiple selection contains items that cannot be moved
- BUG-4038370 - Review Hub - UnexpectedRollbackException: Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only
- BUG-4038400 - Tracker date fields - Date type related check boxes and warning message won't appear in case of creating a new table column
- BUG-4045667 - Document view slow with large description
- BUG-4046069 - Planner: Creating child from Sprint should preoload the parent field
- BUG-4046259 - Editing an item with Custom Wiki Link/URL field throws console error
- BUG-4046285 - Unexpected System Error when trying to export baseline tracker with more than 11k items into Word/Excel
- BUG-4046338 - Reports/ Tracker views - Upstream/Donwstream References filter with Children and Parent option does not work
- BUG-4047923 - Test Runs: Uploaded excel file detected as folder in some cases
- BUG-4048357 - View changes to Document view from Document Edit view when trying to go up in the hierarchy
- BUG-4049210 - Synchronize the tree with the center panel - Cannot read property 'is_selected' of null
- BUG-4051920 - Sometimes offered work item list does not fit into the screen and not able to see it
- BUG-4052249 - Bug reporting overlay misaligned if the language is German
- BUG-4055090 - User name appears twice on Report members selector when account Link is defined
- BUG-4057931 - License page Host_ID is invalid
- BUG-4057943 - Traceability Browser - Pictures are too big in the wiki text type fields in the result table
- BUG-4059366 - Drag and drop function not working properly when IDV is activated in Internet Explorer 11
- BUG-4069859 - Save button is missing from Intelligent View dialog (both ITV and IDV) in case of saved Public view
- BUG-4069860 - mxGraph requests during Work Item page load even no diagrams are visible at all
- BUG-4070121 - Intelligent View and Traceability Preset levels are not resolved after Project Deployment
- BUG-4070444 - Traceability browser - error during historical filtering
- BUG-4077929 - Reference overlay doesn't have version options when creating new items with developer role
- BUG-4080541 - Make sure we do not call upgrade Directories twice
- BUG-4080543 - SelectReference throws Exceptin QueryResultTrackerLayoutDecorator.finishRow
- BUG-4080831 - Token field edit with pencil gives unexpected error
- BUG-4080834 - Cannot fill token input field during Risk edit
- BUG-4080836 - References are not loading on Test Case Verifies selector dialog
- BUG-4081167 - SCM Repository-Pull Requests: some texts are not resolved from I18N file
- BUG-4081930 - Tracker views - saving a public view with shared field and AND/OR logic the logic Slice String is invalid, view is unusable
- BUG-4081952 - When Order by is set, Export Selection to Office won't pick any selected item
- BUG-4082865 - Filtering on Test Set Result page does not work
- BUG-4082888 - Tracker views - missing warning sign when using a complex parent-child hierarchy on Reports page with Ancestor and Descendant check boxes
- BUG-4083070 - Tracker views - in one case it is possible to use Group by and Order by with Show Ancestor and Show Descendant item check boxes
- BUG-4083539 - Field hide if condition incorrectly applied
- BUG-4085583 - Mass Suspected Merge may throws Exception
- BUG-4086303 - Editing comment of versioned item is possible
- BUG-4086336 - Details section does not refresh when activating a filter in Document View
- BUG-4086467 - Transferring User Groups is not working during Project Export
- BUG-4086824 - Attachments are not downloadable after Project Deployment
- BUG-4087102 - Private views are also merged to target instance after Project Deployment
- BUG-4087111 - Tracker Item Hierarchies not merged after Project Deployment
- BUG-4087204 - Default the reference projects are unchecked at export overlay during Project Deployment
- BUG-4090256 - The export file has the wrong name during Project Deployment
- BUG-4090396 - Guard condition error while updating referring item from downstream reference
- BUG-4092966 - Tracker icon image not transferred during project deployment
- BUG-4093062 - Review Hub - Restart review Add/Remove items item selector is missing the cbQL reference selector and reference paging does not work
- BUG-4093120 - Project Deployment fails due to 'Agile Dashboard' cannot be null error
- BUG-4096987 - System administration - Service Desk configuration screen performance problem
- BUG-4097191 - Documents are not usable after Project Deployment
- BUG-4097219 - Artifact file link upgrade cannot be started during codeBeamer start
- BUG-4097268 - Errors with identical group names
- BUG-4105687 - Private tags behaves public when using filter
- BUG-4105791 - Can not create Work log from Timetracker because invalid references.
- BUG-4106173 - Attachment permission handling problem during Project Deployment
- BUG-4106259 - The dash "-" character is eliminated from the title of a saved report
- BUG-4106588 - Historical Filter won't display in cbQL when switching to Expert mode
- BUG-4110919 - During DnD rows into a report result table isn't limited to 18 when Resizable Columns is checked
- BUG-4111063 - In case of the selected Test Case is information type, but it has children which are NOT folder/information and one of them is Accepted, the "Include children of the selected Test Cases" option below… " option is inactive in Test Run creation
- BUG-4111288 - A regular user can change ADFS SAML config.
- BUG-4111338 - Traceability Browser widget - Show Ancestor/ Descendant check boxes does not work
- BUG-4111339 - Project Deployment - existing users are deleted from tracker Notification settings when new settings are applied
- BUG-4111351 - Can't login to codeBeamer when ADFS SSO is configured and Automatic=True.
- BUG-4111662 - Traceability Browser widget - error when I add an invalid AND/OR logic
- BUG-4111663 - Project Deployment - existing users are deleted from tracker Escalation settings when new settings are applied
- BUG-4111771 - The created Test Set is Information type with a Folder type Test Case with Sub-child Test Case - the Test Run creation cannot be saved
- BUG-4111772 - Some tracker fields are not updated after Project Deployment
- BUG-4111941 - A part of the log arrives at the notification email after configuration merge fails
- BUG-4111984 - Missing elements in baseline when tracker is deleted
- BUG-4114933 - Project status from Project Metadata Description not transferred via Project Deployment
- BUG-4115255 - Only necessary trackers should be available to choose during export of Project Deployment
- BUG-4115292 - Reports page - Unsaved warning not appears if I change NOT badge in the Item Id filter
- BUG-4118551 - Project Deployment - calculated field dependency table is not exported/imported
- BUG-4132262 - On Configure Library overlay the added Projects/Trackers are not checked
- BUG-4132673 - The Order by is not disabled when You use Show Ancestor and Show Descendant check boxes in Traceability Browser.
- BUG-4141221 - Delete button is misaligned on Field configuration page
- BUG-4141873 - Excluding a user from a workflow action parameter, that is defined as users in roles, does not work
- BUG-4142283 - Mandatory propagation throws Empty stack exception
- BUG-4145089 - Releases tracker Dashboard view shows No data to display even if there are available releases
- BUG-4145243 - Tracker doc view report selector gives SHOW_DOCUMENT_VIEW console error
- BUG-4145247 - I can add new spent effort in versioned item in item details page
- BUG-4145256 - I cannot open an item in baseline mode, I get an error page
- BUG-4145807 - Test Run generation is missing from the Document View's menu
- BUG-4146041 - Creating a new tracker branch and switching to it throws console error
- BUG-4147320 - Creating a new item in default Tasks throws error using Oracle Database
- BUG-4147586 - Document view left panel toggle disappears after refresh
- BUG-4147600 - HTML tag is removed from item's name in left tree
- BUG-4147673 - Horizontal scrollbar missing in Document View "Show tree from this item" view
- BUG-4147704 - Tracker Doc view right pane should keep its state after refreshing
- BUG-4147826 - Left tree Show tree from this item is broken
- BUG-4148044 - Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
- BUG-4148392 - Insert a new child into left tree throws 500 error, and the child wont appear in the tree
- BUG-4148662 - Folder type item should not have test steps component and should have folder icon in the left tree
- BUG-4148963 - I can not open all parent item in tracker Requirement Library
- BUG-4151401 - At document View the branch root item should show the tracker name
- BUG-4151759 - Branch and Baseline dialog opened from left tree shows only the current branch
- BUG-4151804 - Adding Upstream or Downstream reference filter from Filtering Reference Items isn't saved with the report
- BUG-4152188 - Exception during project import - from ProjectManager.setupProjectRoles
- BUG-4152664 - Insert a new item from center pane context menu does not work
- BUG-4152666 - ATC tracker Verifies field does not find the searched item
- BUG-4153068 - REST API - impossible to update a test case if it has referred test steps
- BUG-4153087 - Rename is missing from left tree context menu
- BUG-4155396 - After deleting a child item the opener remains on the parent in left tree
- BUG-4156126 - Can't DROP 'tag_revision_fk' during upgrade
- BUG-4156501 - Creating a new item gives console error and modify item gives error in Test Case tracker in Document Edit view
- BUG-4156610 - Document View Left tree: In case of item summary modification, in Baseline mode the current summary appears
- BUG-4156732 - Document edit view - column context menu does not work properly
- BUG-4156751 - Project Deployment is not working due to SQL error
- BUG-4156892 - Saving item with empty summary produce different error messages
- BUG-4168058 - Add new item in Document view is not possible
- BUG-4169353 - Review Hub can't be opened because of SQL exception
- BUG-4169652 - Updated on branch badge does not work properly after refresh
- BUG-4169958 - Cannot add New Folder in Document view
- BUG-4171647 - Document view Properties tab does not refresh after save
- BUG-4171656 - In case of Sticky Headers are enabled, I cannot scroll down in the context menu in trackers with Table View
- BUG-4172470 - Document View: Uncaught Type Error when drop an item from Library on the tree after "Show tree from this item"
- BUG-4176931 - Document view left tree flickers when filtering
- BUG-4177679 - Preview image will be not imported
- BUG-4177857 - Thread name of threads are not set properly
- BUG-4177890 - Test Sets cannot be added one by one, only all at once to an other Test Set
- BUG-4177954 - Document View: Blue relation selector overlay stays on center panel after pressing ESC during the drag movement
- BUG-4178231 - Document View: Error while loading the tree when tying to expand the tree
- BUG-4180999 - Creating branch does not copy the tracker items
- BUG-4181000 - Cannot create new item on branch: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
- BUG-4182132 - Tracker view contains group by filter gives 500 error and Exception in document view
- BUG-4182341 - Floating licenses consumed when named licenses are in use
- BUG-4182512 - Navigate to Document View icon is not working for Associations on the right panel
- BUG-4182865 - Document View: Drag and drop an item from Test Case Library not working
- BUG-4183039 - Next fragment is not loading on center panel
- BUG-4183073 - @ mentions in review hub not working starting from 10.0.x
- BUG-4185450 - Successful Swagger API request creating a new bug item causes error code 500 writing history
- BUG-4185941 - Historical Filtering doesn't work in Document view
- BUG-4186103 - Document view: Test Run generator dialog always shows the Include children section
- BUG-4186195 - Star character cause SQL Exception during contextual search using MySQL
- BUG-4186199 - Generate test run from a child is not possible if parent item is closed
- BUG-4186369 - If I generate test run in Test Case Document View from a not-accepted item with not-accepted child item, the "Include non-Accepted Test Cases?" option appears (with a wrong default option)
- BUG-4188667 - Test Case tracker Document View - test run generation with "recursively" option from one parent item, after modify to "only selected case" and "create separate test runs" option generates test run to child item too
- BUG-4188797 - Cannot open node in the tracker tree when the library tree is already open
- BUG-4196420 - Project Category - Category order change has no immediate effect on the Project list tab.
- BUG-4196429 - Project Category - Project Category name change does not appear immediately in the hint
- BUG-4196431 - If I press enter in field in "Search for an existing Bug" tab, the "Create a new bug"section appears
- BUG-4196509 - Unwanted Exception occurs during branch creation
- BUG-4196566 - Table view in trackers loads indefinitely, throws console error
- BUG-4196866 - Old Project Deployment process not working
- BUG-4197433 - Suspicion merge does not work for all (wiki)fields when created field properties does not match
- BUG-4201774 - Information is missing from the right panel
- BUG-4203836 - Root tree is reloading after editing an item in the sub tree on center panel
- BUG-4204268 - The owner field is working inconsistent on Table and Document View in head and baseline mode
- BUG-4204289 - Baseline - Baseline view displays empty reference fields
- BUG-4204341 - Project Category - Saved view is not correct in some cases.
- BUG-4207324 - Project Category - The project disappears from the page after deleting its category.
- BUG-4207330 - Project Category - It is not always allowed to save the modifications of a view.
- BUG-4207507 - Cannot add folder and insert child item in Document Tracker left tree
- BUG-4207513 - Document View: test steps expander is missing after insert a new item
- BUG-4207676 - Tracker Dashboard - in the menu the hidden trackers are visible
- BUG-4207991 - The items do not appear in Test Sets Document View
- BUG-4208146 - Hidden field values popup shows incorrect number of hidden elements
- BUG-4209311 - Traceability browser - The Report could not be executed error occurs on Oracle servers
- BUG-4209690 - Document view: tree item not open is a special case
- BUG-4209845 - Document view Left tree paste above pastes below at 2nd time
- BUG-4212791 - Expert filter - Problem when I use this filter with Project and Tracker selector
- BUG-4212927 - Project Category - The Project Category view overlay doesn't show the content of the 2nd page.
- BUG-4212928 - If I import a test case which has test steps, in Document View the test step is 0
- BUG-4213027 - Baseline Diff page - the top of the Filter selector disappeared if I use a lot of filter or a very long expression in Expert filter
- BUG-4213583 - History revert icon visible in baseline mode
- BUG-4213719 - Unexpected system error when creating a Test Set and no item is selected
- BUG-4214108 - User timezone cannot be saved when OpenID authentication used
- BUG-4214140 - No evidence we are allowed to redistribute the IBM RPE libraries.
- BUG-4215456 - Item Details Page - Status menu icon/list duplicated
- BUG-4215875 - Reference selector overlay - Order by in column header cause empty result
- BUG-4215936 - Adding new item is possible when Historical filter is active on Document View
- BUG-4216359 - Status pop-up appears multiple times
- BUG-4217510 - Deleted references in project configurations cause error in deployment process
- BUG-4219904 - I can add more than 18 columns on report page when Resizable columns are ticked
- BUG-4221125 - Newly generated test run status is null
- BUG-4221914 - Drop item from Library is possible when Show Ancestor Items is switched off
- BUG-4221954 - EmptyQueryException during Project Deployment
- BUG-4221985 - Duplicated key error during Project Deployment
- BUG-4222012 - Opening Planner View throws console error
- BUG-4222069 - Project Deployment export blocked by deleted items, however those artifacts are not deleted
- BUG-4222070 - Hide if fields sometimes does not disappear
- BUG-4222438 - Project Deployment import fails with error - The value initial Layout must not be null
- BUG-4222511 - wrong value stored for deployment option at Application Configuration JSON at the first time
- BUG-4226699 - Reference filters are not resolved at Traceability presets during project deployment
- BUG-4227254 - Some field values are not part of the Excel export
- BUG-4227555 - DocumentViewSupport.getInitialData() sets incorrect child counts
- BUG-4227841 - Slow coverage browser tree open with large database dump in a special cases
- BUG-4229108 - Table cells are wrapped if Pixel resize columns is enabled
- BUG-4229276 - Suspected badge status is not exported to Excel from Traceability Browser
- BUG-4229927 - Tracker Audit Trail configuration Diff sometimes throws Exception when status permission values not correct
- BUG-4230007 - Go to Parent arrow disappearing when changing a field value
- BUG-4230822 - Unexpected error occurs when trying to "Export to Word" on Trackers tab
- BUG-4230958 - Clicking on a Planner Relation does not import it as a filter
- BUG-4233557 - Workflow action condition cannot be edited after upgrading to 10.0.x
- BUG-4235667 - Editing a branch item does not change the badge in center pane
- BUG-4235719 - There is no proper error message and there is an error in console if I try to modify the order of the items in Document View if I only have read permission to Parent field
- BUG-4235768 - Cannot edit wiki pages after database upgrade
- BUG-4236968 - System error when trying to edit Users field
- BUG-4236974 - Filtering closed tree nodes works inconsistently
- BUG-4238491 - Changing tracker item status on Document Edit View from right panel is not possible
- BUG-4238738 - Members panel does not show all members after inline edit
- BUG-4239685 - Full text search for Trackers not working
- BUG-4239692 - Adding wiki page in the associations can cause Unexpected error
- BUG-4244706 - Adding a tag to a tracker in table view, navigate us back to document view
- BUG-4249902 - In Table View the parent field value appears without read permission
- BUG-4249934 - Document View - Missing error message in case of move a locked item
- BUG-4254408 - Deleting a tracker item after taking a project baseline changes the baseline traceability
- BUG-4255044 - Deleting a tracker item after taking a project baseline, item summary will be Summary not readable' in traceability browser
- BUG-4255165 - Center panel shows parent items which do not fit the filter criteria
- BUG-4255421 - Switch to HEAD is working only at second time on Document View
- BUG-4256251 - Show tree from this item not working when default layout is not Document View
- BUG-4258619 - The ordinal of the item is wrong after parent change
- BUG-3691990 - Document tracker - An incorrect message appears in case of a folder/document with this name already exists
- BUG-3967176 - Permanent links - saved public view is not loaded back, visible but not selected
- BUG-3967350 - Permanent links - using the permalink test coverage is not the same, until clicking GO button
- BUG-4016310 - Planner error when I switch from product backlog to release backlog
- BUG-4018677 - Documents tracker - In case of Baseline mode the deleted item does not appear
- BUG-4024140 - Tooltip shows incorrect references in baselines
- BUG-4026522 - Deleting a tracker item after taking a tracker baseline changes the baseline traceability
- BUG-4155724 - No delete option in the context menu of a branch item
- BUG-4176794 - Document tracker - There is a choiceList[4] default field in Fields configuration
- BUG-4209545 - Document tracker - Uploading new document through "+" completely bypasses the document field's permission configuration (read-only)
- BUG-4209804 - Hidden field option cannot be cleared
- BUG-4215874 - Workflow Action & Guard - in a chain an error message appears.
- BUG-4216383 - Documents tracker - Add some filter in 'Add Filer area after that Order by icon and filters are slipped
- BUG-4219907 - Reusable filter does not work at test case tree
- BUG-4221974 - User not alerted about ongoing export process/finished export process
- BUG-4226461 - Project Deployment - Create Tracker Baseline workflow resets the selected tracker for baseline creation to Bugs
- BUG-4232746 - Users with floating licences are logged out after 2 minutes of inactivity at a hosted client
- BUG-4234937 - Branching is not properly shown in item details page history tab
- BUG-4238778 - Test Run generation in Document View: The "Include non-Accepted Test Cases?" question is missing, if the parent item is "Accepted" and child item is not accepted.
- BUG-4239091 - Documents tracker - If I add an item in Parent field it disappears in Document View
- BUG-4239155 - Import of reused Test Step: If I import an Excel, where is a step which can be referred to 2 items, not that item reuses which reused more times before
- BUG-4247633 - JSON parse error when trying to add JIRA Project
- BUG-4254307 - Grouping in Planner doesn't show Expand/Collapse All
- BUG-4256197 - Try to improve Document Edit View performance
- BUG-4256236 - Docx4j contains a file with string copyleft
- BUG-4258596 - After a successful merge to master, an "updated on master" badge appears on the branch items
- BUG-4259129 - Layout is changing back to Default layout after Lock/Unlock a Tracker from more menu
- BUG-4263098 - Filtering in left tree does not show the parent items
- BUG-4264104 - Project Deployment import fails due to parent key not found issue (ORA-02291)
- BUG-4264123 - There is an existing guard with a missing condition (from UI) in case of default SCRUM template
- BUG-4264222 - Not correct field values displaying after Summary column on Traceability levels
- BUG-4264223 - After adding comment focus gets lost in left tree
- BUG-4267803 - Moving and removing fields in Report page resizable columns pixel mode shows strange behavior
- BUG-4267943 - Report page: Summarize option is missing from columns when resizable columns is ticked.
- BUG-4269113 - Associations under baseline are not displayed in doc view and the associated item is missing
- BUG-4269399 - Could not render the widget with historical filtering after the save
- BUG-4269809 - codeBeamer installation failed - post install did not start after install
- BUG-4270927 - Doc view - DnD item from the Library created with the same status instead of "New"
- BUG-4273243 - Reference selector overlay - even if Show Children disabled and I select Show Descendant checkbox it seems that it works in the result list together
- BUG-4273598 - "This week" option missing in the Adding popup for the Item Count Trends widget
- BUG-4273763 - The change the order of folders gives error on the left tree in Document type trackers
- BUG-4273803 - If I delete a folder on the left tree in Document tracker it is not removed from the left tree
- BUG-4273804 - Project Category - The appearance of a long character named Project Category is not proper.
- BUG-4275497 - Branch Items without descriptions does not get badges in doc view center pane
- BUG-4275970 - Reports tab - Selected Baseline value disappear in the saved report if this set in Historical View filter
- BUG-4276063 - Reports page - Unsaved warning not appears if I modify a history filter in a saved report
- BUG-4276082 - The "Show tree from this item" option does not work well in Document View left tree in Document type trackers
- BUG-4276105 - In Document type trackers If I open an item from a folder and go back to the Document View the folder is selected on the left tree, but the root appears on the main tab
- BUG-4276157 - In Document type trackers the Copy/Cut - Paste as new Child actions in Document View left tree do not work well until page refresh
- BUG-4276216 - Release Activity Trends preview unnecessary incorrect tooltip
- BUG-4276644 - js/Flash.js licensing unclear
- BUG-4277748 - Comparing baselines containing deleted items causes permission errors
- BUG-4277821 - Messed up entries in Recently Visited Items
- BUG-4283591 - Intelligent Document View tree with open nodes loads additional sub tree requests
- BUG-4286465 - Duplicated reference items under the same parent
- BUG-4287681 - TestSteps' hash function generates different hash code from previous versions
- BUG-4287853 - Find deleted references in view criteria
- BUG-4292327 - Console error Cannot read property 'cbQLAttributeName' of undefined
Change Requests
- CRQ-4152686 - Filter possibility for pending reviews
- CRQ-4196612 - codeBeamer shall provide an option for the selected Reviewers to delegate their Review task to others or add additional people
- CRQ-4220315 - JIRA Sync: Make the JIRA KEY an URL field, that links to the original issue in JIRA
- CTSK-1647240 - Ability to reject the automatic user creation process with LDAP authentication processes
- CTSK-1647248 - Provide user friendly information about not working LDAP servers and the user has incorrect default password in codeBeamer database
- CTSK-1949417 - Upgrade Docx4j library to 6.1.2
- CTSK-2364362 - All field types should be editable using inplace editor
- CTSK-2697917 - As a developer I do not want to store temporally files in memory
- CTSK-2811454 - Better Customization of Tracker Date fields
- CTSK-2826533 - As a system administrator I want to set which directory is monitored
- CTSK-2992821 - Action menus triggered by Javascript even those are loaded a page
- CTSK-3013966 - Import of reused Test Step
- CTSK-3015050 - Get the content of a file attached to an item by name
- CTSK-3015125 - Create a new Test Set Run
- CTSK-3015127 - Set the result of a Test Case
- CTSK-3015136 - Update wiki page
- CTSK-3015140 - Get the meta-data/properties of a wiki page
- CTSK-3015141 - Get the meta-data/properties of top level wiki pages
- CTSK-3015144 - Get the change history of a wiki page
- CTSK-3015145 - Get the meta-data/properties of a wiki page revision
- CTSK-3015147 - Restore a previous version of a wiki page
- CTSK-3015148 - Get the permissions of a wiki page
- CTSK-3015149 - Set the permissions of a wiki page
- CTSK-3015155 - Get the child pages of a wiki page
- CTSK-3015156 - Get the attachments of a wiki page
- CTSK-3015157 - Get a wiki page attachment by name
- CTSK-3015160 - Update attachment meta-data and/or content
- CTSK-3015161 - Delete an attachment
- CTSK-3015162 - Get the meta-data/properties of a specific attachment (revision)
- CTSK-3015163 - Download the content/data of a specific attachment (revision)
- CTSK-3015164 - Get the change history of an attachment
- CTSK-3015167 - Restore a previous version of an attachment
- CTSK-3015180 - Get the change history of an association
- CTSK-3047005 - Store the version of a Suspected badge and see a Set of changes at once
- CTSK-3053368 - Swagger API - Simplify the explicitly defined fields in Tracker Item model
- CTSK-3057346 - Exported artifacts and work items contain GUID
- CTSK-3060140 - Implement configurable codeBeamer Menubar feature
- CTSK-3254393 - Make Configurable current Review Items during Review Restarts
- CTSK-3354152 - Create recursive reference finder - preparation
- CTSK-3434778 - Swagger API - Create a an example test which uses the generated Java client for communication
- CTSK-3434785 - Swagger API - Association - Create smoke tests for generated client library
- CTSK-3434786 - Swagger API - Project - Create smoke tests for generated client library
- CTSK-3434788 - Swagger API - Report - Create smoke tests for generated client library
- CTSK-3434789 - Swagger API - Role - Create smoke tests for generated client library
- CTSK-3434790 - Swagger API - Test Run, Test management - Create smoke tests for generated client library
- CTSK-3434791 - Swagger API - Tracker - Create smoke tests for generated client library
- CTSK-3434792 - Swagger API - Tracker item attachment - Create smoke tests for generated client library
- CTSK-3434793 - Swagger API - Tracker item - Create smoke tests for generated client library
- CTSK-3434794 - Swagger API - Tracker item comment - Create smoke tests for generated client library
- CTSK-3434796 - Swagger API - Branches - Create smoke tests for generated client library
- CTSK-3434797 - Swagger API - Tracker permission - Create smoke tests for generated client library
- CTSK-3434798 - Swagger API - Tracker report - Create smoke tests for generated client library
- CTSK-3434799 - Swagger API - Group - Create smoke tests for generated client library
- CTSK-3434800 - Swagger API - User - Create smoke tests for generated client library
- CTSK-3555653 - Extend project export dialog
- CTSK-3598568 - Adding a group or using invite Members by Email to a project navigates to My Start
- CTSK-3651697 - Upload tracker icon
- CTSK-3682858 - Ability to show Shared Type field in Report and View screens
- CTSK-3705091 - Create new import dialog for configuration deployment
- CTSK-3726242 - Create initial version of configuration deployment
- CTSK-3854076 - Create a new wiki page - cont
- CTSK-3870566 - cbQL should support Swagger Style date formats
- CTSK-3885164 - Check help link tags and avoid injecting html into Target fields
- CTSK-3921250 - Swagger API - search projects by key Name
- CTSK-3921254 - Swagger API - Make /v3/items/query to return Tracker Item Model
- CTSK-3921260 - Swagger API - Extend Tracker Item Model with comments information
- CTSK-3921268 - Swagger API - Fix /v3/items/{itemId}/attachments to return only comments having attachments
- CTSK-3921295 - Swagger API - Make /v3/items/{itemId}/attachments to return Attachment Model in paged format
- CTSK-3921306 - Swagger API - Make /v3/users/groups to return User Group Reference Models
- CTSK-3921308 - Swagger API - Remove timezone from dates
- CTSK-3970160 - Do not load all fields on table intelligent view
- CTSK-3973517 - Filter items by Item ID
- CTSK-3973524 - Ability to add images to header/footer of Email-Templates
- CTSK-3973588 - Create a new Test Set Run - cont
- CTSK-3973590 - Set the result of a Test Case - cont
- CTSK-3974091 - Implement attribute propagation from test run to defect
- CTSK-4000892 - Check Intelligent Table View Cache usage to archive better performance
- CTSK-4001057 - Update tomcat version to 8.5.51 on 9.5.x branch
- CTSK-4019038 - Improve Tree rendering and handling using IDV
- CTSK-4019039 - Improve Tree rendering and handling using Document View
- CTSK-4024151 - As a system administrator should be notified when the host memory if lower than X percentage
- CTSK-4024868 - Improving usability on Reference selector
- CTSK-4024884 - Check performance of Report selector overlay
- CTSK-4033780 - Add CLOB test to iSQL
- CTSK-4048286 - Swagger API - Create a an example test which uses the generated Java client for communication - cont
- CTSK-4048287 - Restore a previous version of an attachment - cont
- CTSK-4051591 - Implementation of Migration API: Implement Swagger API Endpoint to support migration
- CTSK-4051598 - Ability to configure Table View resizable columns by pixels optionally
- CTSK-4054472 - Support project deployment create/update if dependencies are not in the imported file
- CTSK-4054597 - Check performance of escalation rule job
- CTSK-4058027 - Separate service provider and identity provider configuration for SAML in system admin
- CTSK-4061059 - Introduce include='{liteal}' expression in cbQL language
- CTSK-4061065 - Ability to enter custom cbQL literal expressions from Report and Table View UIs
- CTSK-4069831 - Do not load all history entries on Item Details page
- CTSK-4082889 - Unable to add some special characters in the Edit Account Personal Details page
- CTSK-4086180 - Support partial tree in Intelligent Document View
- CTSK-4105444 - Improve Tree rendering and handling using Document View - Part 2
- CTSK-4105473 - Ability to show Shared Field field in Report and View screens - Part 2
- CTSK-4105565 - Category visibility icons does not work
- CTSK-4106261 - User is hardly able to edit Date field value during in place edit and Resizable columns
- CTSK-4109716 - Coverage browser can be slow
- CTSK-4110978 - Swagger API - Tracker item - Create smoke tests for generated client library - cont
- CTSK-4114734 - Multiple reference filtering can cause performance problem with oracle
- CTSK-4115031 - Deployment UI changes
- CTSK-4131744 - Remove MyISAM engine from SQL files
- CTSK-4151621 - Planner backlog load time performance improvements
- CTSK-4151638 - Restore artifact file content logging improvement
- CTSK-4152793 - Make the new configuration deployment functionality configurable
- CTSK-4172869 - Implement attribute propagation from test run to defect - Part 2
- CTSK-4176765 - Use the Oshi 3rd party for fetching memory values on system dashboard
- CTSK-4182009 - Hide pages from System administration page
- CTSK-4182350 - Move word export project onto spring boot
- CTSK-4185368 - Human friendly error message should be shown when multiple project is created concurrently
- CTSK-4186224 - Allow to create new Referring work Items from Planner even using grouped mode
- CTSK-4201786 - Use JWT token for starting word export request via REST
- CTSK-4216177 - Investigate and refactor Planner relations tab coloring using group by mode
- CTSK-4216390 - Escalation should not be scheduled when it is already fired
- CTSK-4219581 - Finalizing Intelligent Document View incremental Tree loading implementation
- CTSK-4219935 - Account details page is slow
- CTSK-4220355 - Do not show this message when Default project is being create without any special Template settings
- CTSK-4220513 - Usability improvement of Item Id filtering
- CTSK-4226470 - Implementation of Migration API: Implement Swagger API Endpoint to support migration - cont
- CTSK-4114725 - Turn on/off the description and comments panel on Table View using Read only mode
- CTSK-4149057 - Show Descendant and Show Ancestor Items behavior with (Intelligent) Document View
- CTSK-4247611 - Check and upgrade Intelligent Document View Drag & Drop features
- CTSK-4261414 - Try to calculate child items counts recursively without decrease the performance of Tree rendering
- CTSK-4274783 - Make /users Swagger endpoint require "account admin" rights
- CTSK-4274801 - Make filters required for the /users/search Swagger endpoint
- CTSK-4275122 - Do not delete associations, only remove them
- CTSK-4275358 - Session timeout of user with floating license cannot be less then 1h