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User Accounts and Logging In to Codebeamer

Creating User Accounts

codebeamer operates with user accounts, therefore, users need to register to log in and to be able to use codebeamer. To create a new account, click on Not a Member yet? Register now! link on the codebeamer homepage.

See also Authentication and Access Control in codeBeamer

Clicking on the Not a Member Yet? Register Now! link brings the users to the New Account screen where all the details needed for the registration can be provided.

Personal details marked with an asterisk (*) is required.

  • User Name - The alias used for logging the user in to codebeamer.
  • Password - The password used for authentication, has to be repeated in the Confirm Password field.
  • First Name and Last Name - Users' full given name, which will be displayed throughout codebeamer (e.g. on Work Items, in User Groups, etc.).
  • Email - The emails address entered is used by the notification service, and are visible only to users with appropriate permissions (Member - View).
  • Company - Users can add the name of the entity they work for.
  • Time zone - The time zone can be selected from the drop-down menu.
  • Date Format - The format dates are displayed can be selected from the drop-down menu.

Once all required details are recorded, click [Save] to create the new user account.

Log into Codebeamer

Once the account is created, users can login to codebeamer by entering the Account name (User Name) and Password provided during the registration, and clicking on [Login]. To use codebeamer with a different account, first log out from the current session and then log in with another User Name.

Upon a successful login, users are taken to the My Wiki page, on the My Start tab.

Lockout users

As a security feature, to prevent brute-force or dictionary attacks on passwords, Codebeamer restricts login attempts by locking the user accounts as follows:

  • 5th failed attempt: locking the account for 1 minute.
  • 6th failed attempt: locking the account for 5 minutes.
  • 7th failed attempt: locking the account for 15 minutes.
  • 8th failed attempt: locking the account for 60 minutes (at this point, the IP address of the attacker is logged).

After 60 minutes, the counter of unsuccessful login attempts is reset. System Administrators are able to unlock user accounts in the System Administration ► User Accounts menu, by selecting the given user account and clicking the [Unlock user] button.

This feature is only relevant when using native Codebeamer authentication protocol. In case of SSO, or LDAP login protocols it is not recommended to use the lockout feature.

SSL Login

SSL Login performs the login to the server using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate. All communications between your browser and the server is encrypted for secure transmission.

In order to allow only secure connections, contact your System Administrator.

codebeamer is shipped with a self-signed, not-trusted certificate. To obtain a trusted certificate, contact your provider.

The SSL connection is sometimes slower than the simple non-encrypted connection, due to the added security layer in establishing the connection.

Restrict User Authentication

Since codebeamer 22.04 (FELICITY) release, the user authentication can be restricted in a clustered environment.

When a cluster node is You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet., users are not allowed to login into that dedicated node, and codebeamer displays the following error message:

Login to API server is denied.

Users with admin or API roles are allowed to login into dedicated nodes.

See also: You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.

My Account

codebeamer allows users to manage their own accounts, Wiki pages, Work Items and starred items on the My Start tab's context menu, available by clicking .

View Account Data

To view the details of the given account, go to My Start ► My Account.

On the Account screen, users can edit their account details, check their Personal Wiki page, send emails, edit their profile photos, or modify their public SSH keys. For more information on the SSH keys, see: Setting Up SSH Authentication for Git and Mercurial.

Edit Account Data

By clicking on the [Edit Account] button on the Account screen, users are brought to the Edit Account screen where they can change their Personal Details.

Personal details marked with an asterisk (*) is required. In addition to editing the data already entered during the registration process, there are further details that can be provided to the account:

  • Title - Prefixes to the user's names (e.g. Dr., etc.).
  • Phone - User's primary phone number.
  • Mobile/IP Voice - Besides the primary phone number, a secondary phone number can be also recorded.
  • Address, City, Zip/Postal Code, State/Province, Country - Users may add their detailed addresses in these fields.
  • Language - Select codebeamer's display language from the drop-down list.
  • Skills - Skills related to the user's positon.

Click [Save] to record the changes.

Change User's Password

To get to the Change expired password page, go to My StartMy Account and click on the [Change Password] button. On the My Account page, this option is also accessible by clicking on buttons [Edit Account][Change Password].

On the Change expired password page, the user needs to provide the:

  • Old password - The current password is to be provided.
  • New password - Add the new password.
  • New password again - Repeat the new password.

To execute the password change, click on the [Change Password] button.

It is advised to save all work before the password change, otherwise, those will be lost.

Reset Forgotten Password

In case of forgotten passwords, clicking on the Forgot it? link on the Login page navigates the users to the Lost Password site.

On the Lost Passwords page, users need to enter either their account names or their email addresses to which codebeamer will send password reset URLs.

Once the required information is entered, the password reset request can be sent by clicking on [Send]. Having received the password reset link sent by codebeamer, the user needs to click on it, or copy, paste and open it in a browser to be able to set a new password.

Passwords can also be reset if users are logged into codebeamer but do not remember their passwords. For this, go to the Change expired password page, as described in section Change user's password and click on [Forgot Password].

User Preferences

To change the User Preferences settings, see page Edit User Preferences

Modifying Usernames and Email Addresses

System Administrators can edit the email address of anybody by default. If this feature is not required, switch it off by adding the following to the Application Configuration:

"login": {
  "allowToEditEmail" : false,

For more information about editing the Application Configuration, see: Application Configuration.

My Wiki

On the My Wiki page users can take notes of ideas or professional information, create Wiki pages, store links, pictures, or embed spreadsheets and more. It also allows users to add various widgets to their personal page, besides the widgets added to the page by default.

My Items

A convenient way to check relevant Work Items is to go My Start ► My Items.

By default, codebeamer collects items that are Submitted by or assigned to the user, being in Unresolved status. Users have several filtering conditions to display relevant Work Items.

Work items can be filtered by:

  • The users' relation to the item: Section Items are___user
  • The items' status: Section status is___
  • Due date: Section and___

The Exclude roles option excludes Work Items bound to the user's role only. To use this option, set the Exclude roles check-box to true.

My Starred

This section shows those items, documents, and other artifacts that are starred, or marked as important.

Encrypting User Accounts

System Administrators can encrypt disabled user accounts. For more information, see: Managing Users and User Groups.

Log out of Codebeamer

The [Logout] option can be reached by clicking on the user's name on the top right corner of the screen, then, on [Logout]. codebeamer closes the current session, and the browser cookies are cleared from cache.

Licenses and Sessions

If users logged into codebeamer close the web browser without logging out, the session remains open for the next 90 minutes, and the floating license will not be freed up for this period. Being inactive for 90 minutes (no transmission), codebeamer closes the session by logging the users out of codebeamer, and frees up one floating license automatically. Multiple sessions (logins) of the same users may not function, depending on the license usage. Two login sessions on the same machine use one license. When users access floating licenses, two login sessions on different machines will use 2 licenses.

By using MS Internet Explorer you can have more than one parallel sessions with different user names. Some Netscape and Mozilla browser versions do not support this feature.

For more information on licenses, see You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet..

Using Codebeamer Without an Active Session

It is possible to browse codebeamer as anonymus, without an active session. In this case, a login highlight message is displayed at the top of the screen to draw the users' attention to logging in.