codebeamer 21.09-LTS (Emma) - Licensing information
- Every customer should renew their codebeamer 21.09-LTS Licenses before upgrading, please contact with your Sales representative using
email address.
- From 21.09-LTS the features below require appropriate licenses
- Horizontal Deployment
- Clustering
- Storing Artefacts (such as Documents, Attachments etc.) into the database instead of file system
- Document-Tracker
Project Templates, Horizontal Deployment files created with earlier codebeamer versions cannot be imported/processed, they must be exported/recreated again.
Hessian based API solution is deprecated in Emma version and will be removed in Felicity.
codebeamer 21.09 - Service Packs
codebeamer 21.09-LTS - Release Notes
- BUG-6059631 - Traceability browser shows false field updates at all levels
- BUG-6035414 - After submitting a join request, the user is not able to see the project in question anymore in the Project Browser
- BUG-5975578 - Unable export Review Hub items to Word due to ClassCastException: gson.JsonObject cannot be cast to gson.JsonPrimitive
- BUG-5861332 - Test Run creation from baseline testcase creates Test Run from Head testcase
- BUG-5853374 - Project deployment - Task - reviewer configuration not taken over properly to the target server
- BUG-5767058 - Second picture in item description not exported to Word
- BUG-5660786 - If the Test Steps field is read only then it is not possible to write any other field via API
- BUG-5642199 - Word export fails when trying to export certain meta data fields included in a loop
- BUG-5412316 - Reusable test step is not inserted into a test case
- BUG-6045828 - Obfuscate task field values and task field history for MySql
codebeamer 21.09-RC3 - Release Notes
You must login to see this link. Register now, if you have no user account yet.
- BUG-6027340 - Some German characters are not escaped in Escalation rule names
- BUG-6018198 - branch view is empty if tracker specific baseline is selected
- BUG-5969273 - Fields cannot be changed in Document Edit view
- BUG-5956092 - Filtered view does not work with document view hierarchy
- BUG-5932941 - After the successive ReqIF imports the application will be slow down and unresponsive
- BUG-5929445 - Unclear Trigger State Transition workflow action definition
- BUG-5767801 - Document view does not load deleted node in baseline mode
- BUG-5750232 - Shared field problems in reports
- TASK-6018388 As a developer I want to know when an API can call next time
codebeamer 21.09-RC2 - Release Notes
Please note that codebeamer 21.09-RC2 upgrade procedures were only executed based on the following versions and databases.
- 21.04-SP2
- Oracle 19
- MySQL 8 (MySQL 5.7 must be upgraded to MySQL 8 before)
- 20.11-SP7
- Oracle 19
- MySQL 8 (MySQL 5.7 must be upgraded to MySQL 8 before)
- BUG-5989656 - Logging work with unspecified Kind fails from dialog even though Kind is not mandatory
- BUG-5961114 - Inconsistent shared link results
- BUG-5938541 - Project Deployment - Field "Execute as" available in workflow action/change handler configurations
- BUG-5929445 - Unclear Trigger State Transition workflow action definition
- BUG-5928636 - Color panel in Document Edit View is partially hidden
- BUG-5892748 - Importing high number of users can crash the system by running out of space
- BUG-5859736 - Project deployment - Import fails due to a tracker name conflict
- BUG-5859735 - Project deployment - Field references are not set after the deployment on target server
- BUG-5859606 - Project deployment - problems with change handler after import / strange audit entries
- BUG-5853374 - Project deployment - Task - reviewer configuration not taken over properly to the target server
- BUG-5853156 - Project Deployment - Availability of guard condition is not deterministic after deployment on target server
- BUG-5841899 - Custom table column index (-1) out of range error message
- BUG-5829863 - ORA - 30006 ; Exception: resource busy, acquire with wait timeout expired
- BUG-5767684 - References not Copied to Branch if Reference Field has Custom Filter
- BUG-5698416 - Clicking on the item in the middle panel of Document View won't expand the tracker's hierarchy tree on the left
- BUG-5653859 - Tracker Item filter with Oracle DB does not work properly.
- BUG-5653552 - Group By on "Work Item Tag" field shows private Tags
- BUG-5637354 - Baseline does not show items of deleted tracker (tracker still in trash)
- BUG-5636938 - Inconsistent options for Context-menu and Burger-menu with Test Case and Test Run trackers
- BUG-4147673 - Horizontal scrollbar missing in Document View "Show tree from this item" view
codebeamer 21.09-RC1 - Release Notes
Please note that codebeamer 21.09-RC1 upgrade procedures were only executed based on the following versions and databases.
- 21.04-SP2
- Oracle 19
- MySQL 8 (MySQL 5.7 must be upgraded to MySQL 8 before)
- 20.11-SP7
- Oracle 19
- MySQL 8 (MySQL 5.7 must be upgraded to MySQL 8 before)
- EPIC-5636376 - Run excessive Excel Import codebeamer operations using Background jobs
- EPIC-5585133 - Working-Set Stabilization
- EPIC-4882888 - Working-Sets for Component Development
- EPIC-5578955 - Limit Rest API / Swagger requests
- EPIC-5525882 - Fast Account Filter Selector supporting large number of accounts
- EPIC-5521516 - Making Excel Importing using less Resources
- EPIC-5516466 - Traceability Widget improvements
- EPIC-5507955 - Database schema performance optimizations
- EPIC-5310768 - Official PostgreSQL Support for production
- EPIC-5644340 - Mass test run creation from test sets
- EPIC-5644307 - Search for users by project ID and user status
- EPIC-5530546 - Make OpenID audience filtering configurable
- EPIC-5441780 - Comment/attachment permissions based on status
- EPIC-5357232 - Maintenance mode for codebeamer
- EPIC-5110329 - Save Excel Import settings
- EPIC-5110270 - Intelligent Table View - Supporting Resizable columns
- EPIC-5587685 - Customized Default Personal Wiki Page
- EPIC-5639437 - Selective deployment
- EPIC-5338262 - Supporting new Group Permission Shared-Field - Admin
- EPIC-5285592 - Deployment usability enhancements
User Stories
- US-5836127 - As a DevOps engineer I want to configure 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' in apache
- US-5744169 - As a system administrator I want to limit the usage of APIs
- US-5726357 - As a user I want to use CSRF token
- US-5722869 - Support common server Time zone using cbQL
- US-5709665 - Checkbox for processing each Mass Edit item separately
- US-5659474 - Change default Windows installer
- US-5600769 - Create possibility to execute long processes in background
- US-5600642 - Providing UUID codes in email notifications to support simple email filtering rules
- US-5585136 - Working-Set Feedback and Stabilization
- US-5531337 - Making Uploading file process faster, reducing operation overhead
- US-5530760 - Webdav related improvements
- US-5527059 - Providing new Licensing Options
- US-5521525 - Making Excel Import-update less resources
- US-5521522 - Making Run-in-Excel Import using less resources
- US-5521520 - Making simple Excel Import using less resources
- US-5516660 - Fast Account Filter Selector supporting large number of accounts
- US-5516250 - Traceability Widget / Wiki Plugin UI enhancements
- US-5516234 - As a system administrator I do not was to let users use Remember Me function
- US-5508842 - Organize indexes in MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle
- US-5507956 - Support MySQL 8.0.23
- US-5504498 - Refactor tracker item permission handling
- US-5290134 - As a user I do not want to let browser cache any page
- US-5290130 - As a system admin I do not want to let normal users to send emails with XSS
- US-5163735 - File system binaries cache
- US-4940812 - Supporting Australian Western Standard Time Zone
- US-4931659 - Find solution to check database status
- US-4931658 - Measure performance of PostgreSQL
- US-4931656 - Implement MySQL database migrator
- US-4931650 - Check database schema indexes
- US-4931647 - Support PostgreSQL database
- US-4923966 - Remove product and version information of 3rd party tools
- US-4481265 - Vertical Deployment - Preserve Project Workflow
- US-4481263 - Vertical Deployment - See All Changes
- US-5660766 - Using Public Views of Single Reference Trackers
- US-5644317 - Extend users/search request parameters with Project ID and User Status
- US-5642084 - Resizable columns at the Traceability Intelligent Table View
- US-5582448 - Configure audience whitelisting for OpenID authentication
- US-5526109 - Resizable columns at the inner tables of Hierarchical Intelligent Table View
- US-5526094 - Resize columns at Table view without having to go the the view settings
- US-5464834 - Query maintenance mode via Swagger
- US-5464829 - Switch to Maintenance mode via Swagger
- US-5441920 - Get virtual field permission settings for Comments/Attachments via Swagger
- US-5441905 - Display comments/attachments in accordance with their virtual field settings
- US-5441864 - Set comments/attachments permissions field-like
- US-5436919 - Prevent user logins in Maintenance mode
- US-5436875 - Switch codebeamer to Maintenance mode
- US-5436843 - Sysadmin function to invalidate user sessions
- US-5436611 - User group permission for maintenance
- US-5127713 - Automatically save Excel Import Format and Mapping per Tracker and User
- US-5704578 - Disable Mass Edit via application config
- US-5688226 - Mass Review functionality
- US-5688178 - Application configuration for removing mandatory field validation checkbox from Mass Edit
- TASK-5841511 - Make test management update scripts run after project template import
- TASK-5760636 - Tracker unlock is not possible for project admin
- TASK-5707079 - Export Baseline to ReqIF
- TASK-5706624 - Implement individual item processing for Mass Edit
- TASK-5659554
- TASK-5597029 - Disable the editability of the "Reported as" field
- TASK-5569062 - Swagger - Check and fix deployment endpoint in 21.04
- TASK-5567070 - Remove "Export as Project Template" menu option from Trackers Tab
- TASK-5564435 - Make default "Regular" test run type selection configurable
- TASK-5432072 - Member filtering improvements to find relevant results more easily
- TASK-5238456 - Opening Admin->Members of project does take very long time
- TASK-5147085 - Support different time zone for report results on various date fields
- TASK-4660326 - EPA (security) scan | Caching issues
- BUG-5933522 - Uploading a large file using on unstable network upload process can block user interface
- BUG-5902672 - User cannot verify Mass Edit results
- BUG-5892451 - Review Hub diff has reversed panels and style highlighting
- BUG-5888189 - ReqIF Import: Excel Import crash after creating tracker via ReqIF
- BUG-5888172 - In Document Edit View, autocomplete choice list is not removed from page upon saving
- BUG-5888163 - Inconsistent incompatibility messages at suspected merge
- BUG-5879169 - Confusing behaviour of inline editing of old revision items
- BUG-5856582 - Excel master template ruins export with regular template
- BUG-5847777 - Temporary login failure using OpenID connect
- BUG-5847754 - SAML Configuration - Domain Filter
- BUG-5845897 - Selecting many items in the tree causes a performance problem and sometimes even a reboot
- BUG-5841927 - User suggestion list remain there after deleting the searching characters
- BUG-5841918 - Recently selected dialog does not pop up anymore
- BUG-5838744 - Non-breaking space in table cell of DOORS ReqIF import cause strange result
- BUG-5832519 - REQIF file contains German umlaut like äöü, we get malformed error by opening it
- BUG-5809602 - ReqIF export/import adds undesired max. value definition to field configuration
- BUG-5804728 - Cannot disable .htaccess file update
- BUG-5788544 - TestRun upgrade script issue with deleted trackers
- BUG-5788288 - Depends on is broken after renaming tracker - items can not be released
- BUG-5788142 - Mass Edit: Transaction Aborted without further information to the user
- BUG-5785523 - Excel export silently disregards master template
- BUG-5784231 - New line character in excel cell does not create new line in wikitext type field in codebeamer at import from excel
- BUG-5776080 - Items with references in description are considered changed directly after creating a working set
- BUG-5776023 - No Discard Change Warning When Navigating to Another Wiki-Page While Inline-Editing
- BUG-5767109 - When applying e-signature via SSO of credentials not assigned to the approval task the current user is logged out and new user is logged in
- BUG-5760488 - Not possible to export to Word when using a selection from the filtered left tree in Document View
- BUG-5760067 - Inconsistences in labelling of Stacked bar charts
- BUG-5736171 - Test management - Test step changes affect each other
- BUG-5730554 - Renamed Status field does not reflect in the right panel of the Document Edit View
- BUG-5730462 - Pipe character in tracker name brakes office export dialogue
- BUG-5729945 - Filter is case sensitive
- BUG-5726611 - Paging is not possible in Field Changes and Workflow Changes tabs of Tracker Audit Trail
- BUG-5725447 - If Test Set created from more than 500 items selected in Table View then Test Set will contain the subset of the items above 500
- BUG-5720470 - False confirmation of saving invalid decimal values
- BUG-5719695 - Message about lack of permissions for a Test case is received only after typing the Conclusion
- BUG-5709632 - Manually updating an item while it's being mass edited leads the Mass Edit to fail
- BUG-5706619 - Unprivileged users see the "Create Project" button
- BUG-5706569 - Cannot remove recipient from custom email workflow action configuration
- BUG-5704111 - ApiCallbackValidityUtil does not work with "auto" callback URL feature
- BUG-5701808 - Workflow action removes entire comment instead only attachment
- BUG-5701622 - ReqIF issue - missing information in the exported ReqIF file
- BUG-5701606 - System Admins see a warning about non-configured password policy even if Open Id is configured
- BUG-5698641 - 'Mandatory if' function does not work properly in the Test Run creation dialog in case of bypassing the pre-approval of a formal test run
- BUG-5683729 - Misleading Widget name after cut/paste
- BUG-5678571 - Unable to add test steps in overlay editor
- BUG-5674130 - Closing review with status update causes high CPU load
- BUG-5670151 - Planner View - Sort does not work with items grouped by Shared Field
- BUG-5670079 - Reference selector dialog - When using "Group by" results are cleared
- BUG-5660572 - Document type tracker - Using the "+ New Item" option in Trackers causing Unexpected System Error
- BUG-5651607 - When search users, unnecessary calls to backend without results but with long runtime (3 tickets, similar issues, but still different)
- BUG-5649583 - Unable to edit tracker item while it's being duplicated
- BUG-5644578 - User cannot login several hours long - lock wait timeout exceeded - Update User Last Login
- BUG-5644517 - Not possible to check the "union" option of "depends on" in inherited trackers
- BUG-5642025 - Inability to see all Tracker Item comments in Table View
- BUG-5641161 - WebDav - Opening a word/excel through file manager, randomly results in error
- BUG-5639373 - ReqIF import issue - unique constraint (CALMDB.TASK_SEARCH_REVISION_PK) violated
- BUG-5637371 - No underline for Closed Items
- BUG-5634328 - Intelligent Document View - Setting up baseline/version on references is causing inconsistences in the view's Level(s)
- BUG-5628550 - ReqIF - Empty value of all Choice Field after importing ReqIF
- BUG-5625091 - Documents - deleted folder can be downloaded
- BUG-5621327 - codebeamer license update via environment variable not working anymore
- BUG-5615043 - Shared field option cannot be removed in tracker configuration
- BUG-5596958 - Excel import - Picture is only imported when there is some text in its cell
- BUG-5587287 - Changing the label of "Reported bug(s)" breaks Test Results view and Report Bug functions
- BUG-5584545 - Test Coverage result seems incorrect
- BUG-5581263 - Reference selection views reset tracker field permissions
- BUG-5569821 - Unable to override the value of error.user.password.not.changed
- BUG-5567468 - New tab is not visible after editing menus.xml
- BUG-5567037 - Test Run and Test Set trackers are renamed to Run and Set
- BUG-5567028 - Bug And Or Logic in Reports: does not save new filter settings when and or logic is involved
- BUG-5564835 - Duplicate key 'type' in Swagger API result
- BUG-5561990 - Copied Items in Working-Sets Behave Inconsistently
- BUG-5561617 - Report - "You have unsaved changes in the current Report!"
- BUG-5558096 - Big project delete freezes codebeamer
- BUG-5557904 - Enhanced Selection Dialog - Expanding a parent selects the parent
- BUG-5527060 - Upstream and Downstream Reference arrows are not displayed in case of items without Summary in Document View
- BUG-5521529 - Status Options are recreated after project deployment
- BUG-5517044 - Guard/Condition Description is missing after Project Configuration Deployment
- BUG-5516525 - Change the time format in the log file
- BUG-5509038 - Project Deployment - Field dependency configuration is missing from deployment project
- BUG-5501107 - Project Configuration Cleaner - Not Visible value shown in Public View filtering condition in case of unresolved Project reference
- BUG-5495143 - Security problem with recently viewed item names
- BUG-5468581 - Interwiki link is converted in an unwanted way
- BUG-5468239 - After the patch apply there are problems with the editor on Windows
- BUG-5459401 - Merge Request - Tracker Merge Request - Item merged from working set does not contain merge comment
- BUG-5437026 - Open links in new browser tab feature does not work for certain links
- BUG-5436904 - Mass Edit selection keeps selected after mass editing action performed
- BUG-5436866 - Unexpected reordering of items in table view
- BUG-5436783 - Sticky Header disappears during editing of the description of an item in Table view
- BUG-5432514 - Rename Item does not work
- BUG-5379907 - User with floating license cannot generate signature
- BUG-5369868 - Review does not properly handle duplicate references
- BUG-5357489 - Issues with file attachments with special characters
- BUG-5338595 - Subtree root is cleared from direct URL link after login
- BUG-5338534 - Coverage Tracker option does not work in Requirement Coverage plugin
- BUG-5317937 - Subfolders can't be opened on WEBDAV's web interface
- BUG-5314748 - System error occurs when trying to authenticate through SAML integration
- BUG-5298791 - Tracker item details hangs when saving lots of Wiki fields
- BUG-5298273 - Uploading more files - add space or enter after the file names
- BUG-5293809 - Cannot edit permissions of non-restricted fields
- BUG-5284742 - Recursive Mass Edit omits filter criteria
- BUG-5263193 - License - Strange license page loading during parallel Selenium Test Set
- BUG-5263147 - Null pointer exception by merging branches
- BUG-5230215 - Document Edit View takes 23 secs to open and load the content
- BUG-5179269 - Test Run filter in baseline is not functional
- BUG-5157878 - NPE on CBQL Select
- BUG-5151470 - Test Management - If item 'Edit Any' tracker permission is revoked from user, then test step reuse UI is broken
- BUG-5093939 - Not all Releases are displayed when using Test Cases by Last Run Result Widget
- BUG-5053283 - Release Stats Plugin filter parameters are not working
- BUG-5035383 - SMTP password property can't be removed using GUI
- BUG-4972443 - Wiki links are exported to Word as absolute links despite this option is not set
- BUG-4963600 - After applying 'Clear All Suspected' option in Mass Suspected Diff page, not all suspected flag will be cleared
- BUG-4963586 - Multiple elements can not be created using Ctrl + Enter shortcut
- BUG-4921097 - numpad is not working in all fields => e.g.: Kanban Board to enter the min/max story points
- BUG-4915488 - Changes are lost in document edit view if using Enter key
- BUG-4915272 - Adding comments with Mass Edit does not work
- BUG-4893565 - Field dependency which defined in the Test Steps table of Test Case tracker does not work
- BUG-4757431 - Date filtering with custom date field is not working properly
- BUG-4674235 - JS Error on Document View when an item has the same id as its tracker
- BUG-4615463 - Collapsed groups in Kanban Board will expand in case of editing/moving a card
- BUG-4402729 - Failed to create Branch from large number of multiple trackers
- BUG-4375677 - Hierarchy of branched items is not preserved in Document View after Merge Request performed
- BUG-4116051 - Branch merge problems when moving tracker item
- BUG-4027887 - Tracker search does not work on branches
- BUG-3870196 - Menu items are disappearing when displaying tooltip
- BUG-3829912 - Test Case of type Folder / Information blocks completion of Test Set
- BUG-3581778 - Swagger - Suspect setting are ignore when creating / updating items via Swagger API
- BUG-2998470 - Multiple branch merge - branched item improperly marked as updated
- BUG-2896415 - Monospace styling not working with anchor starting text
- BUG-1981022 - Line break removed when using mono-spaced text