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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

The SWS migration is currently in progress, and users may experience some temporary slowness.

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General information for codeBeamer 8.2.1
  • This is the last codeBeamer version where the Open JDK 1.7.x, Oracle JRE 1.7.x and MySQL 5.5.x databases are supported!
  • Windows Server 2016 is supported staring from codeBeamer 8.2.1
General information for codeBeamer 8.2.0
  • Using codeBeamer with Oracle you should check
    • if codeBeamer schema user has no access to DBMS_LOB if not please run the following command before first start GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_LOB TO <codeBeamer DB username> otherwise codeBeamer will not start due to lack of Permission.
    • if codeBeamer schmea user has no access to CTXSYS.CTX_DDL in order to get better and faster Reports user experiences under Oracle.
    • for more information please check the following url
  • Chrome 58.0 and Firefox 53.0 are not fully supported because of fundamental changes. We do not recommend to upgrade onto these versions.
  • Git 2.11 or higher server and client versions are not supported we kindly ask you to downgrade to the supported versions.

System Requirements

This page describes the hardware and software requirements of codeBeamer 8.2.x. For general requirements, please refer to the wiki page titled System Requirements.

Operating Systems

Windows, Linux and Mac-OS on 64-bit x86 architectures with at least 2 GB memory. 32-bit operating systems are no longer supported.

The amount of memory required depends on the number of concurrent users, and the data in the system.

Virtual Systems

codeBeamer 8.2.x versions are tested with VMware ESX-6.1 and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

Supported Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Platform Version Tested with Recommended
Oracle JRE 1.8 1.8.0_111 64-Bit ALT_WIKI:EMOTICON:%28%2F%29%20
Open JDK 1.8 1.8.0_72 64-Bit ALT_WIKI:EMOTICON:%28%2F%29%20
Oracle JRE 1.7 1.7.0_55 64-Bit slower than 1.8 ALT_WIKI:EMOTICON:%28%21%29%20 Oracle JRE 1.7 is no longer supported after 8.2.1 release
Open JDK 1.7 1.7.0_40;24.65-b04; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM slower than 1.8 ALT_WIKI:EMOTICON:%28%21%29%20 Open JDK 1.7 is no longer supported after 8.2.1 release.

Supported Application Servers

codeBeamer is shipped and tested with Apache Tomcat 7.0.67.

codeBeamer 8.2.x Supported Databases

Database Version Tested with Recommended
MySql 5.7 5.7.15 (on Linux), 5.7.10 (on Windows) ALT_WIKI:EMOTICON:%28%2F%29%20
MySql 5.6 without performance optimization 5.6.34 (on Linux) only with automated tests ALT_WIKI:EMOTICON:%28%21%29%20
MySql 5.5 without performance optimization 5.5.53 (on Linux) only with automated tests ALT_WIKI:EMOTICON:%28x%29%20 ALT_WIKI:EMOTICON:%28%21%29%20 MySql 5.5 is no longer supported after 8.2.1 release.
Oracle Oracle 12c Standard and Enterprise Edition ALT_WIKI:EMOTICON:%28%2F%29%20
MariaDB 10.1 MariaDB-1~wily
(our tests show that MariaDB is stable but right now we do
not recommend to use this on production environments)
10.1.13-MariaDB-1~wily ALT_WIKI:EMOTICON:%28%21%29%20
Derby (only for evaluation) 10.12 ALT_WIKI:EMOTICON:%28x%29%20

codeBeamer 8.2.1 Supported Browsers

In all browsers, JavaScript must be enabled to use the full functionality of codeBeamer.

Browser Version Tested with
Internet Explorer 11 (compatibility mode must be switched off) 11.494.10586.0
Firefox 53.0.x 53.0.3
Chrome 58.0.x 58.0.3029.110

codeBeamer 8.2.0 Supported Browsers

In all browsers, JavaScript must be enabled to use the full functionality of codeBeamer.

Browser Version Tested with
Internet Explorer 11 (compatibility mode must be switched off) 11.494.10586.0 (partly tested)
Firefox 52.0. 52.0 (partly tested)
Chrome 57.0 57.0 (partly tested)

Chrome 58.0 and Firefox 53.0 version are not fully supported because of fundamental changes. We do not recommend to upgrade onto these versions.

Source Code Management Systems (SCM)

Git 1.9.1 - 2.10 tested with Git 1.9.1, Git 2.11 or higher versions are currently not supported
Mercurial 3.0.1 or higher tested with 3.0.1
Subversion 1.6.6 or 1.7.x and 1.8.x tested with 1.6.6, 1.7.4, 1.8.8

JIRA Integration

JIRA Server version Tested with
6.3 - 7.2.6 6.3.8, 7.2.3, 7.2.6