Editing Wiki Pages with Microsoft Word
This page describes how codebeamer wiki pages can be edited with Microsoft Word.
Edit Wiki Pages with Microsoft Word
To edit wiki pages via Microsoft Word, click on the related wiki page ►
context menu ► Edit via Office.
The content of the wiki page can be edited in as a Word document. After editing, saving and closing Microsoft Word, the updated wiki page is automatically uploaded and unlocked for other users.Headings, tables, links, bullet lists and many symbols are also converted between Word and wiki formats.
This feature is useful for document text updates using simple wiki markup formatting.
The conversion process:
- A wiki page is converted into RTF format for editing with Word.
- The format is reconverted to wiki upon upload.
Wiki offers a subset of all the features offered in Microsoft Word, therefore, Word documents may not be converted properly when pasted into the Edit via Office sessions.
Note that:
- Only those wiki markup constructs are supported that are described in the following sections.
- Only Microsoft Office 2007 or newer versions are supported.
- Sun's JDK-1.5 or higher must be installed on the client computer.
Forced Line Break
To reproduce this in Microsoft Word, use the Enter key to start new paragraphs.
Wiki markup:
This is a link to the Codebeamer home page
To reproduce this in Microsoft Word:
- Select the relevant text.
- Right click on the selection.
- Click on the Hyperlink option in the pop-up menu.
Wiki markup:
__This is a link to the [Codebeamer home page|http://codebeamer.com] home page.
Interwiki references like [WIKIPAGE:1037] or [My page|WIKIPAGE:1037] can be created in same way.
Not shown as headings would distort the Table of Contents of this page.
To reproduce this in Microsoft Word:
- Select the relevant text.
- Select Heading1, Heading2 or Heading3 style in the Styles section.
Wiki markup:
!!!Heading 1
!!Heading 2
!Heading 3
Text Effects
bold, italic, and monospaced text.
To reproduce this in Microsoft Word:
- For bold and italic: select the relevant text and click on Bold or Italic in the Font section.
- For monospaced: select the relevant text and change the font to Courier.
Wiki markup:
Here is some __bold__, ''italic'', and {{monospaced}} text
Bulleted List
To reproduce this in Microsoft Word, select the relevant text and click on the Bulleted List icon in the Paragraph section.
Wiki markup:
*Item 1
**Item 2
**Item 3
Numbered List
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
To reproduce this in Microsoft Word, select the relevant text and click on the Numbered List icon in the Paragraph section.
Wiki markup:
#Item 1
##Item 2
##Item 3
Preformatted Text
This is the first line.
This is the second line with a space character in the first position.
This is the last line with 2 space characters in the start positions.
To reproduce this in Microsoft Word, create dotted border around the relevant text paragraphs using the Borders and Shading option in Paragraph section.
Wiki markup:
It uses three consecutive curly brackets {{{ to open a block, and three consecutive curly brackets }}} to close a block.
Notification Boxes
information box
warning box
error box
comment box
To Reproduce this in Microsoft Word:
- Select the relevant text.
- In the Paragraph section, select Borders and Shading, and set solid border of the appropriate color:
- Red for error box
- Yellow for warning box
- Blue for information box
- Gray for comment box.
Wiki markup:
information box
warning box
error box
comment box
Table heading |
cell 1 |
cell 2 |
cell 3 |
To reproduce this in Microsoft Word:
- To create a new table, go to the Insert tab ► Table.
- Once the table is created, its cells can be merged by selecting them, and clicking Merge Cells in the pop-up menu.
- To add a heading, simply fill the heading cells with any color.
Wiki markup:
||Table heading|<
|cell 1|cell 2
|cell 3|^
Colored Text
This is a red text and this is a text with light green background.
To Reproduce this in Microsoft Word, select the relevant text and use Font Color and Text Highlighting options in the Font section to set text foreground and background colors.
Wiki markup:
%%(color:red)This is red text%% and %%(background-color:lime)this is text with lime background%%
- Pictures can be inserted rom file or clip art.
- The picture is included as an attachment to the wiki, listed among the Properties.
To Reproduce this in Microsoft Word:
- On the top ribbon, click on Insert ► Picture ► From File
- When the picture is inserted, do not resize it. Any resizing should occur in the properties of the picture itself, as performed by an image editor.
- The uploaded/converted picture can be found in Properties ► Comments & Attachments tab.
For a step-by-step guide on using Edit via Office to insert and upload pictures to wiki, see
Using Pictures in Edit via Office.
Limitations inherent in this wiki-RTF-wiki double conversion include:
- Microsoft Word pictures are automatically uploaded and inserted into the wikis, and the other way around. However, vector graphics (for example graphics created in Microsoft Word) are not supported. Pictures can also be separately uploaded to the codebeamer server and linked inline. Pictures inserted to and resized in Microsoft Word do not reflect the resizing when displayed in the wiki. That is, the pictures may be too large or too small.
- Table of contents- Use the Wiki markup plugin definition
, not the Microsoft Word Table of Contents, as the Microsoft Word Table of Contents are not imported into the wiki.
- Similarly, complex Tables and other more complex Microsoft Word constructions, that have wiki equivalents, should be defined in the Microsoft Word document using wiki markup-type commands, or the simpler table commands as shown above.
- Symbols or uncommon fonts or formats - Testing has been limited to English and German with common symbols only. Problems may occur with uncommon fonts or symbols.
- Although the wiki converts to RTF, use copy and paste from other RTF files (into the Wiki in Edit via Office) with great caution. Very large RTF files (for example, RTF files that contain pictures) may not be converted properly.
- Colors - a limited number of colors are converted from RTF to wiki.
- Font sizes - relative font sizes are not converted, unless they are part of formatted markup-style headings.