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codebeamer Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

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Widgets - Can I Order a Report by Choice Field ID?


Having a tracker field of type Choice:

and possible options, each one having an ID:

Is it possible to get a report that is shown in a chart widget, and orders choice fields by their IDs? For example: 1. To Do, 2. In Progress, 3. Implemented..., 8. Verified?

Observed on

  • Codebeamer - 22.10-LTS (GINA)


Out of the box, the Chart widget does not ship this functionality.


  1. Implement a computed Text field that pulls the choice ID and the choice name, for example concat(, " - " ,
  2. On each item, this will output the and
  3. Having the in a field, all report operations can be performed on it.
    For example:
  4. This can be finally shown in a Chart widget:

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