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Wiki Markup and Plugins

This page provides a detailed summary and description about the Wiki formatting options and plugins available.

Table of Contents

Basic Formatting

Writing Text

----         = Make a horizontal ruler. Extra '-' is ignored.
\\           = Force a line break, \\\=force line break and clear.
// comment   = markup comment line (nothing is rendered)

[link]       = Creates a hyperlink to an internal wiki page called 'link'.
[alias|link] = Creates a hyperlink to an internal wiki page called 'link', but displays the text 'alias' to the user instead of 'link'.
[1]          = Makes a reference to a footnote numbered 1.
[#1]         = Marks the footnote number as 1.
[[link]      = Creates text '[link]'.
~[link~]     = Creates text '[link]' by escaping the square brackets with the tilde character.

!1 heading   = Large heading with text 'heading'
!2 heading   = Medium heading with text 'heading'
!3 heading   = Small heading with text 'heading'
!4 heading   = Smaller heading with text 'heading'
!5 heading   = Smallest heading with text 'heading'

''text''     = Prints 'text' in italic.
__text__     = Prints 'text' in bold.
{{text}}     = Prints 'text' in monospaced font.
^^text^^     = Prints 'text' in superscript.
,,text,,     = Prints 'text' in subscript.

* text       = Makes a bulleted list item with 'text'
# text       = Makes a numbered list item with 'text'
;term:ex     = Makes a definition for 'term' with the explanation 'ex'

You do not need to know anything about the Wiki text formatting rules to use Wiki. You just need to write normal text, and then use an empty line to mark it as a paragraph. It's just like writing a simple email.

Links can also be direct URLs starting with http://, ftp://, mailto:, https://, or news:,in these cases the link points to an external entity.

For example, to point at the official Sun Java homepage, use [], which is changed to or [Java home page|], which is changed to Java home page.

Advanced: System administrators can also allow custom schemes and custom URL formats by configuring it : Application Configuration

Preformatted Text

If you want to add pre-formatted text (like code) just use three consecutive braces ({) to open a block, and three consecutive braces (}) to close a block.


If you want to quote some text (e.g. a previous comment written by someone else), just add a greater sign (>) in front of that text.

>> This is a very old comment.
> This is a question that I quote.
And this is my answer.

This is a very old comment.
This is a question that I quote.

And this is my answer.


A good use for the ';:' is that you can use it to give a short comment on other people's text, by having an empty 'term' in the definition, like shown below:

;:''Comment here.''

Which would be seen as

Comment here.


External Pictures

You can embed external pictures by using the following markup:


You can also assign a URL to the inline picture:


If you specify a link text that is not a valid URL, it becomes the ALT text for those who either cannot or do not want to view images.

Links with Pictures

The example below shows the Yahoo online / offline graphics and creates a link to the Yahoo send message:

[{Image src='' border='0' height='30'

See more examples of resizing and styling at the plugin's own webpage.

Image plugin supports following parameters:

  • src The image's url (src attribute) for fetching images outside of codebeamer or from static urls
  • wiki The wiki markup points to the image. Especially useful if you want to reference an image which is attached to the current wiki page or issue.
    Just use wiki="[!apple.jpg!]" parameter to add the "apple.jpg" image that is attached to the current wiki page or issue.
  • width The width of the image. Allows you to resize images manually. The same resizing is easily performed in wysiwyg editor by dragging the image's corners and resizing it using the mouse.
  • height The height of the image
  • ...any... Any other attributes are passed to the image html tag, so you can add css styling, borders or similar to images using this

Slideshow with Thumbnails

The example shows how to display internal and external images with thumbnails.

[{ThumbnailImage width='300' height='300'


The images have to be listed in the body part of the plugin (two new lines after parameters), same wiki syntax applies as in

External pictures


Links with pictures


Thumbnail plugin supports following parameters:

  • linkText (optional): instead of using thumbnail, a clickable link to open the slideshow
  • width (optional): The maximal width of the thumbnail, default value is 200.
  • height (optional): The maximal height of the thumbnail, default value is 200.

Automatically Sizing/Shrinking Images in Wiki to Fit on Page and Using Thumbnails

If you have larger images - like screenshots - added to a Wiki page or an Issue/Bug's description it may happen that the image will push out the boundaries of the page and ruin its layout.

To fix this situation you can use a special Wiki markup (a CSS class) which if used will automatically resize and shrink the large images. If this markup is used the "shrunk" images can be clicked on when a slideshow and overlay will open to show them in their original/larger size.

For example this markup will render the image which will shrink if the image does not find on the page:


Will render this:

The simple "%%thumbnailImages" markup will shrink the image if that is too large, so that is good for avoiding overly large images.

Alternatively you can add real thumbnails of your images if you know your thumbnail size in advance. For example this markup will show a 200px wide thumbnail of the previous image, and by clicking on it will show the larger version:

%%thumbnailImages200px ... images... %%

The following CSS classes can be used:

CSS class effect
%%thumbnailImages ...%% The image is shrunk if does not fit on page to the width of page
%%thumbnailImages200px ...%% A fixed 200px width thumbnail is shown instead of the picture
%%thumbnailImages300px ...%% A fixed 300px width thumbnail is shown
%%thumbnailImages400px ...%% A fixed 400px width thumbnail is shown
%%thumbnailImages600px ...%% A fixed 600px width thumbnail is shown
%%thumbnailImages800px ...%% A fixed 800px width thumbnail is shown
%%thumbnailImages1000px ...%% A fixed 1000px width thumbnail is shown
%%thumbnailImages20pct ...%% A thumbnail is shown which will be 20% of the page/container's width. That means If used for multiple images 5 of them will fit next to each other on a page.
%%thumbnailImages25pct ...%% Shows a 25% width thumbnail of the page/container
%%thumbnailImages33pct ...%% Shows a thumbnail with 33% width of the page
%%thumbnailImages50pct ...%% Shows a thumbnail 50% width
%%thumbnailImages75pct ...%% Shows a thumbnail 75% width
%%thumbnailImages150pct ...%% Shows a thumbnail 150% width

Pictures from Page- and Issue Attachments

You can easily display pictures attached to the current wiki page:


This will display the most recent picture with this name from the page attachments.

This syntax can be used also in issue descriptions to display picture attachments of the issue (ex: screenshots).

You can also refer explicitly to a specific picture revision (Wiki page attachments only):


You can also display inline pictures that are attached to other pages:

[!My favourite page/mypic.jpg!]

To inline pictures attached to an issue, into a Wiki page other than the issue description, you must specify the issue via an interwiki link:


Alternatively a picture can be viewed inline by using its attachment identifier:


You can create links for all these markups:

[|!My favourite page/mypic.jpg!]

Or you can even use Interwiki links with the attached pictures:

[PROJ:1|!My favourite page/mypic.jpg!]

Pictures from "Documents"

As with wiki attachments, pictures that are stored in the document managements system can be viewed inline:

[!/My pictures/Buttons/button.gif!]

You can use also its document identifier:


You can also refer to a specific version of a picture:

[!/My pictures/Buttons/button.gif#2!]

You can create links also for these:

[|!/My pictures/Buttons/button.gif!]

Copying an image from a Wikitext field and pasting it into another Wiki page or Tracker Item creates a hyperlink to that image, but will not add it as an attachment to the destination.

When displaying the image from the hyperlink, the followings are checked:
  • The actual existence of the image.
  • The actual Read permissions to the original image context for the user attempting to display the image.
As a result, a broken link may appear instead of the image if:
  • The image is directly or indirectly moved to Trash (For example, the source Wiki page, the Tracker item or the Tracker or Project is moved to the Trash.
  • The user has no Read permissions to display the image source. For example, no Read access to the source Wiki page, Tracker item, Tracker or Project.
For more information, see article Broken link instead of an image is displayed on wikitext fields in Codebeamer.


Bulleted Lists

Use an asterisk ( * ) in the first column to make bulleted lists. Use more asterisks for deeper indentation. For example:

* One
* Two
* Three
** Three.One


  • One
  • Two
  • Three
    • Three.One

Numbered Lists

Similar to that of bulleted lists, but you use a hash ( # ) instead of the asterisk. Like shown below:

# One
# Two
# Three
## Three.One


  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
    1. Three.One

If you want to write the list item on multiple lines, just add one or more spaces on the next line and the line will be automatically added to the previous item.

  • This is a single-line item.
  • This is actually a multi-line item.

We can continue the second sentence on a line of its own. We might as well do a third line while we are at it... Notice, however, as all these sentences get put inside a single item!

  • The third line is again a single-line item for your convenience.

See Advanced formatting for complex list examples.

Definition Lists

A simple way to make definition-lists is to use the ;:-construct:

;__Term__:''Explanation of the term''

that renders as:

TermExplanation of the term


You can do simple tables by using pipe signs ('|'). Use double pipe signs to start the heading of a table, and single pipe signs to then write the rows of the table. End with a line that is not a table.

For example:

|| Heading 1 || Heading 2
| ''Gobble'' | Bar
| [Main]     | [SandBox]

gives you the following table. Note how you can use links also inside tables.

Heading 1 Heading 2
Gobble Bar
Main SandBox

See Advanced formatting for complex table examples.

Advanced Formatting

Text Styles

Text Color

In addition to the simple styles represented by the regular wiki markup, we also allow you to put in your own styles. For example:

This is red text.%%
This is red text.

Sometimes it is ambiguous if the %% is closing a styled block or not, then you can use the %! markup to close this block. For example this produces invalid result:

  first %%blue second%%third

To correct the markup use the %! markup for closing the block:

  first %%blue second%!third

Styles for the following colors are pre-defined:


Text Size and Alignment

%%small this %%             = Smaller than normal font
%%sub aij = aji %%          = Subscript
%%sup 23 = 8 %%             = Superscript
%%strike hardly readable %% = Strikethrough text

!centered text              = Centered text
!left-to-right text         = Left-to-right text
!right-to-left text         = Right-to-left text

Custom Text Styles

You can also define almost any CSS style command:

%%( font-size: 150%; color: green; )
Hello, world!%%
Hello, world!

Text Boxes

Information, Warning and Error Boxes

The following special block markers are supported:

%%information Draft version %%
%%warning Low disk space %%
%%error Out of memory %%

Draft version Low disk space Out of memory

Video Box

%%videobox You may find a tutorial video in the Knowledge Base. %%

You may find a tutorial video in the Knowledge Base.

Collapsable Box

When closed only the title of the collapsable box is visible, when opened the complete box becomes visible. Do not forget to use one of the wiki heading styles in the first row of body text, otherwise the handle will not appear.

!! Title of the Box
Here is the body of the box

Title of the Box

Here is the body of the box

Comment Box

See this example comment box to the right and below this section.

__Hi there!__
Hi there!

It's actually quite possible to do things like put comment boxes like this directly on your wiki page. This sample comment box uses the "commentbox" style, as defined in the included "jspwiki.css" style sheet. To make a box like this, just use

<text> %%.

Tabbed Sections

When the page loads, only the first tabbed section will be visible. All other sections are hidden, until you click the corresponding tab.

You have to surround all tabbed sections with a tabbedSection style. Next, start each tabbed section with a style prefixed with tab-.

Some text inside the first tab.
Some other text inside the second tab.
Some text inside the first tab.
Some other text inside the second tab.

Collapsable Lists

You can turn ordinary lists into collapsable trees by enclosing them inside a collapse style.

** Commercial
*** DB2
*** Oracle
** Free
*** MySQL
    • Commercial
      • DB2
      • Oracle
    • Free
      • MySQL

Advanced Tables

Table Plugin

This plugin extends the basic table markup with the following features:

  • merge cells horizontally and/or vertically (i.e. colspan and rowspan)
  • auto-numbering of rows
  • multi-line table markup to ease the entry of large or complex table cells, including nested tables
  • additional formatting for odd/even rows, headers, etc.
    |Nr |A |< |C |<
    |#  |a |b |c |(background:yellow;)d
    |#  |^ |b |^ |(background:yellow;)d
Nr A C
1 a b c d
2 b d

You can easily organize any content into grid layout with this:


|[{ProjectList}] |(vertical-align:top;) [{MySubscriptions}]
|^ |(vertical-align:top;) [{PullRequests}]


See more details on the plugin's home page.

Zebra Striped Tables

You can render alternate row coloring for large tables. by enclosing them inside zebra- tags. You can specify the odd and even colors using HTML hex color values or HTML color names like aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, yellow and transparent.

|| column-head1 || column-head2
| cell-data | cell data
| cell-data | cell data
| cell-data | cell data
column-head1 column-head2
cell-data cell data
cell-data cell data
cell-data cell data

Sortable Tables

You can make tables sortable by enclosing them inside a sortable block. Just click the column header and your table is sorted without a round-trip to the server.

|| Title || Author || Published   || Edition
| book1  |  zappy  |  25-Feb-2005 |  5
| book2  |  happy  |  25-Jan-2005 |  19
| book3  |  pappy  |  23-Mar-2005 |  06
| book4  |  dappy  |  21-Apr-2005 |  199
| book5  |  rappy  |  25-Jul-2005 |  017
Title Author Published Edition
book1 zappy 25-Feb-2005 5
book2 happy 25-Jan-2005 19
book3 pappy 23-Mar-2005 06
book4 dappy 21-Apr-2005 199
book5 rappy 25-Jul-2005 017

Bar Graphs

You can translate a set of values into horizontal colored bars. You can specify both the color and the maximum length of the bars.
These bars can be combined with lists or even with tables:

* %%gBar 20 %% apples
* %%gBar 40 %% peers
* %%gBar 60 %% bananas
  • 20 apples
  • 40 peers
  • 60 bananas

Basic Link Types

Creates a link to the project with the id "37".
Creates a link to the wiki page with the id "1037".
Same as previous.
Creates a link to the wiki page with the id "1037", version "17".
[WIKIPAGE:1037#My favourite paragraph]
Creates a link to the wiki page with the id "1037", section titled "My favourite paragraph".
[WIKIPAGE:1037/HEAD#My favourite paragraph]
Same as previous.
[WIKIPAGE:1037/17#My favourite paragraph]
Creates a link to the wiki page with the id "1037", version "17", section titled "My favourite paragraph".
Creates a link to the directory with the id "1320".
Creates a link to the document or baseline with the id "2798".
Creates a link to the baseline with the id "2798".
Creates a download link to the document with the id "2798", latest version.
Creates a download link to the document with the id "2798", version "23".
Creates a link to the tracker with the id "91".
Creates a link to the issue with the id "567".
Creates a link to the report with the id "965".
Creates a link to the repository with the id "1234".
Creates a link to the user account with the id "1".
Creates a link to the user account with the user name "bond".

Link Stereotypes

Since codebeamer 6.0, Interwiki links to issues [ISSUE:XXX] and configuration items [ITEM:XXX] can be customized via link stereotypes.

An interwiki link stereotype defines:

  • whether a hyperlink to the target object should be rendered, and what should be the hyperlink text.
  • whether a link popup/tooltip should be rendered, and what should be the popup/tooltip text.
  • whether additional object attributes (e.g. status, description, etc.) should be rendered in a body section below the hyperlink.

To associate an interwiki link with a stereotype, use:


Where stereotype is the name of the interwiki link stereotype, e.g.


Global Stereotypes

Global interwiki link stereotypes are:

proj, doc, wikipage, category, item, tracker, issue, infosheet, description, repository, changeset, push, src, user, query, dashboard

For example, the default stereotype infosheet is defined as follows:

   <body>columns=3, 18em, categories, namedPriority, severities, status, versions, subjects, platforms, description</body>

This stereotype renders some target object attributes and the target description (no hyperlink) and is indented so be used as paragraph body in conjunction with a default interwiki link in the paragraph header:



Another default stereotype is description:


As the name implies, this stereotype only renders the description of the referenced object, e.g.


A stereotype definition consists of three parts, each of which can be empty.

Definition Meaning Format
link Defines the hyperlink (label) A string with {No variable {attributedefined. placeholders,
where attribute is the name of object attribute whose value to substitute.
E.g. {No variable {namedefined. renders a link with the name of the referenced object as its text.
popup Defines the hyperlink tooltip Analog link
body Defines additional attributes to render A comma-separated list of the attributes to show, plus optional display settings

In the body definition, you can also specify display settings as setting = value pairs.

Setting Value Default Example
columns Number of attributes per row in the attributes table 5 columns=3
table.class CSS class for the attributes <table> -- CSS style to apply to the attributes <table> --
label.class CSS class for the attribute label cells (<td>) in the attributes table -- label.class=optional CSS style to apply to the attribute label cells in the attributes table margin-left: 1em; white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold;
background-color: #EEEEEE; text-align: right;

value.class CSS class for the attribute value cells (<td>) in the attributes table -- value.class=tableItem CSS style to apply to the attribute value cells in the attributes tables min-width: 15em; 18em
attribute.label.class CSS class for the label of the named attribute -- status.class=mandatory CSS style to apply to the label of the named attribute''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' --
attribute.value.class CSS class for the value of the named attribute -- CSS style to apply to the value of the named attribute --
attribute.colspan Number of columns the named attribute should occupy 1 subject.colspan=3
attribute.newline Whether to place the named attribute on a new line false subject.newline=true

Caution: Do not modify general.xml while codebeamer is running.

Page Specific Stereotypes

You can also define local interwiki link stereotypes for a page, by declaring the stereotype at the top of the page.

[{SET <<stereotype>> = body}]

For example:

[{SET <<special>> = status, namedPriority}]


Wiki Content

Table of Contents Plugin


generates a table of contents for the current page by using the !!!, !! and ! headings as content entries. You can override the default title and apply numbering (starting with 100) to the entries like this:

[{TableOfContents title='Topic map' numbered='true' start='100'}]

If you need a higher level TOC that covers several pages, you can specify what pages to include in what order by listing their names or IDs in the body text:

[{TableOfContents title='EJB 3.0 Tutorial' numbered='true'

Stateless EJBs
Stateful EJBs
Transaction and Security
Dependency Injection

Please note that the Table of Contents plugin cannot be placed in a heading or in an anchor.

Tag Cloud Plugin


displays the visual depiction of tags used to categorize content in this codebeamer instance. Legend: larger font means more popular, darker color means newer tags.

Project Content

Project List Plugin

Plugin to display the complete list of projects accessible by the current user.


The projects listed can filtered by using the following optional parameters:

  • id='<comma-separated list of project ids>'
  • name='<regexp>'
  • category='<regexp>'

Filtering rules:

  • If the id parameter is specified, then name and category will be ignored.
  • name and category filters can be used together and their result sets will be joined by OR.

In addition, the output format can be specified: format='name|brief|full'

  • name: "name" is the visible only column (default)
  • brief: "name", "members" and "created"
  • full: most details

Usage examples:

[{ProjectList id='12,1'}]

displays the projects with identifiers 12 and 1.

[{ProjectList name='Test.*' format='brief'}]

will display all projects with names starting with "Test" in brief format.

Project Info Plugin


displays basic information about the current project.

[{ProjectInfo projectId='2'}]

displays the same for the project with the identifier 2.

Members Plugin


displays the members and administrators of the current project.

[{Members projectId='2'}]

displays the same for another project.

Tracker List Plugin


displays all trackers of the current project, with statistics.

[{TrackerList projectId='2'}]

displays the same for another project.

[{TrackerList items='work'}]

displays the work trackers of the current project, with statistics.

[{TrackerList items='configuration'}]

displays the configuration trackers of the current project, with statistics.

[{TrackerList items='both'}]

displays all trackers of the current project, with statistics (default)

[{TrackerList sorting='name'}]

displays all trackers of the current project, with statistics, sorting by tracker name

[{TrackerList sorting='key'}]

displays all trackers of the current project, with statistics, sorting by tracker key

[{TrackerList sorting='lastmodified'}]

displays all trackers of the current project, with statistics, sorting by last modified date of tracker

[{TrackerList sorting='type'}]

displays all trackers of the current project, with statistics, sorting by tracker type and name

[{TrackerList types='Bugs,Requirements,Test Cases'}]

displays the Bug/Requirement/Test Cases trackers of the current project, only these kinds of trackers are shown. Note: You can use the tracker's type names as they appear on the UI, except that you must use English names for types. So you can use "Bug" or "Bugs" as filter, but cannot use "Fehler" here.

[{TrackerList typesExcluded='Test Cases,Test Sets'}]

displays all trackers except the Test Case and Test Set types

[{TrackerList detailedLayout='true'}]

Show the detailed layout/view of the tracker list, contains more information about the Word items in each tracker

[{TrackerList trackerOrder='1,2,3'}]

Show the trackers in specific order if the trackerOrder parameter is present. This can contain tracker id-numbers in the desired order. Typically updated by the project configuration when drag-drop reordering the trackers on the plugin UI.

Most Active Projects Plugin

This plugin shows the top most max active projects either from the set specified via projectId or tag, otherwise from the current working set of the current user. The ranking score is calculated from activities in the specified reporting period (default 'Last 30 days').

[{MostActiveProjects period='Last 30 days' max='5'}]

shows the top 5 projects from the user working set, that had the most activity in the last 30 days.

Project Activity Trends Plugin

This plugin shows the number of activities (any kind of create, modify, delete and restore activity on tracker items and artifacts, like comments, attachments, wiki pages, documents, trackers and so on) over time for selected projects in the specified granularity and reporting period. Either the projects via the projectId parameter, whose value is a comma-separated list of project ids, or the tag parameter, whose value is comma separated list of tag names (only the tagged projects are considered) needs to be specified.

A custom reporting period (default is 'Past 30 days') via the period parameter, and the granularity (daily, weekly, monthly) via the grouping parameter (default daily) can also be specified.

By default, the activity trend is shown as a chart, however, the data can also be shown as a table via display='{chart|table|both}'

[{ProjectActivityTrends projectId='2,4' period='Last 30 days' grouping='Daily'}]

Displays the activity trend of the projects with ID 2 and 4 for the last 30 days, daily.

Activity Stream Plugin

This plugin provides an aggregated view of all recent activities in a project, including wiki page and document creates, issue submissions, comments, forum posts, and such.


displays all recent activities in the enclosing project. When used in a personal wiki page, it displays all recent activities in all projects in which the user is a direct member. You can easily narrow down the displayed activities using the filter parameter: filter can be any combination of 'issue', 'commit', 'wikipage', 'document', 'build' and 'forum', separated by comma.

[{ActivityStream projectId='2,4' title='Recently in the Development Project' cssStyle='-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 1em gray;' filter='issue,build' period='Last 3 months' max='10'}]

will display the 10 most recent issue submissions and updates, and the most recent builds in two other projects.

[{ActivityStream tag='customer, client' title='Recently in the Customer Projects' max='30'}]

displays the activities from all projects tagged with "customer" or "client".

Artifact Activity Trends Plugin

[{ArtifactActivityTrends artifactId='1000'}]

displays the number of "reads" of a wiki page or document.

[{ArtifactActivityTrends artifactId='1000,1002' display='table'}]

displays the "reads" of two wiki pages or documents, in a table.

[{ArtifactActivityTrends title='Updates on MySql' tag='mysql, rdbms' activity='update' period='Past 30 days' display='both' cssStyle='background-color:#DEEFF6'}]

displays the "updates" of any wiki page or document tagged with "mysql" or "rdbms", for the past 30 days, both in a chart and in a table with a distinct background color.

Artifact Count Trends Plugin


displays the number of wiki pages changing over time in the current project.

[{ArtifactCountTrends projectId='11,27' type='document' display='table'}]

displays the total number of documents in two projects, in a table.

[{ArtifactCountTrends title='Knowledge Base Size' tag='knowledge-base, kb' period='Past 30 days' display='both' cssStyle='background-color:#DEEFF6'}]

displays the total number of wiki pages in any project tagged with "knowledge-base" or "kb", for the past 30 days, both in a chart and in a table with a distinct background color.

Issue Count Trends Plugin

Issue Count Trends plugin displays the number of issues created vs the number of issues resolved for a period of a time.

This information can be displayed in either chart or table format. The chart image will show two lines of the issue progress: the green line indicates the total number of issues cumulative from the start of the period and the red shows the number of new issues. The coloring of this chart indicates the health of the project, simply saying: the green area will indicate that there are more bugs/issues being fixed than it is created, and if the red area is dominating that suggests that more resources and time should be spent on fixing the bugs.


Data-collection parameters:

  • projectId='1,33' Optional parameter specifies the comma separated ids of those projects to collect issue-trends from.
  • trackerId='44,55' Optional parameter specifies the comma separated ids of those trackers to collect issue-trends from. Note: either "projectId" or "trackerId" parameter can be used, but not both!
  • types='Bugs,Requirements,Test Cases' Filter for displaying the Bug/Requirement/Test Cases trackers of the current project, only these kinds of trackers are shown. Note: You can't use this parameter and the trackerIds parameter together. You can use the tracker's type names as they appear on the UI, except that you must use English names for types. So you can use "Bug" or "Bugs" as filter, but cannot use "Fehler" here.
  • showHiddenTrackers='true' Optional parameter, if set to true then hidden trackers are also displayed.
  • period='[{Past|Last|This}] [x] {day|week|month|quarter|year}[s]' Optional parameter defaults to 'Past 7 days'. Specifies the chart/reporting period in a number of last/past calendar days, weeks, months, quarters or years. The period is always relative to the current date, and is either the current day/week/month/quarter/year (e.g. 'This month'), or spans the specified number of days/weeks/months/quarters/years, either directly before (e.g. 'Past 7 days') or including (ending with) the current day/week/month/quarter/year (e.g. 'Last 6 weeks').
  • grouping='daily|weekly|monthly' Optional parameter -defaults to 'daily'. Specifies how the data is aggregated within the period. For example when the 'weekly' grouping is selected that means that issues created over any week during the period are added up, and this total number is displayed for the whole week.

Appearance parameters:

  • display ='chart|table|both' Optional parameter, defaults to 'chart'. Specifies whether the chart image and the data table are displayed.
  • title='any-text' Optional parameter, the title text displayed above the chart/data-table.
  • tooltip='any-text' Optional parameter, the tooltip information displayed as a little tooltip when the mouse hovers over the chart image.
  • width='400' Optional, the width of the chart in pixels. Defaults to 400 pixels.
  • height='200' Optional, the height of the chart in pixels. Defaults to 200 pixels.
  • cssClass='class-name' Optional, CSS class to apply to the box that encloses the chart and the table.
  • cssStyle='css-rules' Optional, CSS style to modify the appearance of the box that encloses the chart and the table.



displays the trend of the issues being created/resolved in the current project in the default period='Past 7 days'

[{IssueCountTrends projectId='11,27' display='table'}]

displays the issue-trends in the nominated projects, and the chart is not shown but data is displayed in a table.

[{IssueCountTrends trackerId='33,21' period='Last 13 weeks' grouping='weekly' display='both' cssStyle='background-color:#DEEFF6'}]

displays the issue trends in the trackers selected, both in a chart and in a table with a distinct background color, over the last 13 weeks, aggregated per calendar week.

[{IssueCountTrends tag='enterprise' period='This Month'}]

displays the issue trends of the current month, computed from all trackers of the projects tagged with "enterprise".

[{IssueCountTrends tag='funtional-req, nonfunctional-req, req' period='This year'}]

displays the issue trends of the current year, computed from all trackers in any project, that is accessible for the user and is tagged with at least one of the 3 listed tags.

Issue Count By Field Plugin


displays the issue distribution in the current project by the Status field.

[{IssueCountByField projectId='11,27' display='table'}]

displays the issue distribution in two projects, in a table.

[{IssueCountByField projectId='11,27' showHiddenTrackers='true' display='table'}]

displays the issue distribution in two projects including issues in hidden trackers, in a table.

[{IssueCountByField projectId='11,27' types='Bugs' display='table'}]

displays the issue distribution in Bug trackers of the two projects, in a table.

[{IssueCountByField trackerId='81,85' title='Bugs by Priority' field='priority' display='both'}]

displays the issue distribution in two trackers by Priority, both in a chart and in a table.

The parameter field can be one of assignedto, category, detected, os, platform, priority, resolution, severity, status, submitter and target.

[{IssueCountByField tag='java,mysql,acme-corp' title='Acme Corp. Issues' display='both' cssStyle='background-color:#DEEFF6'}]

displays the issue distribution in any project or tracker tagged with the listed tags, both in a chart and in a table with a distinct background color.

[{IssueCountByField trackerId='81,85' includeClosed='false']

The parameter includeClosed can be true or false. If this option is false then the plugin skips 'Closed' issues.

Release Activity Trends Plugin

Release Activity Trends plugin displays the list of the available releases and sprints of the current project in a tree map with the number of the containing items and optionally a burn down chart per release/sprint.


  • title='any-text' Optional parameter to override the default title (Release Activity Trends)
  • projectId='3' Optional parameter specifies the project (if omitted and plugin is in project context, the current project will be used, error thrown otherwise)
  • releaseStatus='Unreleased|Released|All' Optional parameter specifies the displaying release/sprint status (default: 'Unreleased')
  • trackerItemStatus='Unresolved|Resolved|All' Optional parameter specifies the number of items per release/sprint (default: 'Unresolved')
  • showUnscheduledItems='true|false' Optional parameter specifies if unscheduled items will be shown or not below the releases/sprints (default: 'false')
  • showBurnDownChart='true|false' Optional parameter specifies if a burn down chart per release/sprint will be shown or not (default: 'true')
  • showDropdownFilters='true|false' Optional parameter, if true two dropdowns will be shown in the plugin header to be able to select/change the desired release status and tracker item status (default: 'true').
  • showPlannerLink='true|false' Optional parameter, if true the Planner link icons will be shown in the plugin header to be able to navigate to the Planner page (default: 'false').
  • showCardboardLink='true|false' Optional parameter, if true the Cardboard link icons will be shown in the plugin header to be able to navigate to the Cardboard page (default: 'false').
  • showTraceabilityLink='true|false' Optional parameter, if true the Traceability link icons will be shown in the plugin header to be able to navigate to the Traceability page (default: 'false').
  • showTestCoverageLink='true|false' Optional parameter, if true the Test Coverage link icons will be shown in the plugin header to be able to navigate to the Test Coverage page (default: 'false').
  • showProductBacklogs='true|false' Optional parameter, if true the Product Backlog links will be shown in the table footer to be able to navigate to the selected Product Backlog (default: 'false').



shows the unresolved releases/sprints of the current project with burn down charts, and displays the number of the unresolved items per release/sprint. The status dropdowns will be available in the header.

[{ReleaseActivityTrends title='Project (3) Releases' projectId='3'}]

shows the unresolved releases/sprints of the project identified by id 3 with burn down charts, and displays the number of the unresolved items per release/sprint. The title of the plugin will be 'Project (3) Releases'.

[{ReleaseActivityTrends showUnscheduledItems='true' showBurnDownChart='false' trackerItemStatus='Resolved'}]

shows the unresolved releases/sprints of the current project, displays the number of resolved items per release/sprint and the number of the unscheduled resolved items. The status dropdowns will be available in the header.

[{ReleaseActivityTrends showDropdownFilters='false'}]

shows the unresolved releases/sprints of the current project with burn down charts, and displays the number of the unresolved items per release/sprint. The status dropdowns will not be available in the header.

[{ReleaseActivityTrends projectId='3' showPlannerLink='true'}]

displays the Planner link icons will be shown in the plugin header to be able to navigate to the Planner page.

[{ReleaseActivityTrends projectId='3' showCardboardLink='true'}]

displays the Cardboard link icons will be shown in the plugin header to be able to navigate to the Cardboard page.

[{ReleaseActivityTrends projectId='3' showTraceabilityLink='true'}]

displays the Traceability link icons will be shown in the plugin header to be able to navigate to the Traceability page.

[{ReleaseActivityTrends projectId='3' showTestCoverageLink='true'}]

displays the Test Coverage link icons will be shown in the plugin header to be able to navigate to the Test Coverage page.

[{ReleaseActivityTrends projectId='3' showProductBacklogs='true'}]

displays the Product Backlog links will be shown in the table footer to be able to navigate to the selected Product Backlog.

Release Gantt Chart Plugin

Shows a gantt chart of the provided Release(s)/Sprint(s) and their Sprint(s)/Subsprint(s) and referencing Release(s) if exists. The chart displays Releases which do not have Planned Start-of-Work and Planned Release Date with a fictional schedule. Only 1 chart allowed on a wiki page.


  • releaseIds='1234,12345' Mandatory parameter, comma separated list of Release/Sprint IDs.
  • height='200' Optional parameter, size of the chart in pixels.


[{ReleaseGanttChart releaseIds='12345'}]

shows gantt chart of the Release identified by 12345.

Risk Matrix Diagram Plugin

Risk Matrix Diagram Plugin shows the number of Requirement or User Story/Risk items according to the related Risk(s) likelihood and severity values. The plugin draws a matrix, the Y axis is the Likelihood values, the X axis is the Severity values, both are configured in a custom choice field in the Risk tracker (Likelihood intervals field, Severity intervals field). Furthermore you can configure also the background colors of the matrix cells in the Risk tracker configuration page, below the Risk management tab. Note that this plugin works properly only if the used risk tracker has proper field configuration!


  • trackerId='12345' Tracker ID, can be a Requirement/User Story or a Risk type tracker.
  • trackerKey='REQ' Tracker key (can be used instead of trackerId parameter), can be a Requirement/User Story or a Risk type tracker.
  • riskTrackerId='12346' Optional parameter, you can filter the result by this Risk type tracker ID.
  • riskTrackerKey='RISK' Optional parameter, you can filter the result by this Risk type tracker key (can be used instead of riskTrackerID parameter).
  • reduction='before|after|afterthenbefore' Optional parameter, shows which likelihood and severity values of the related risk items will be used counting the requirement items. If omitted, default 'before' value will be used.
  • countBasedOn='requirement|risk' Optional parameter, shows the item counts based on Requirements/User Stories or Risks. If omitted, default 'requirement' value will be used.
  • reverseAxis='true|false' Optional parameter, if Likelihood and Severity axes will be reversed or not. If omitted, the default Reverse axes value be used set for Risk tracker.
  • showMitigationRequirements='true|false' Optional parameter, set to true if you want to see the Mitigation Requirements in the Risk Matrix Diagram. Default is false, which means Causing Requirements are displaying in the matrix.
  • title='any-text' Optional parameter, if omitted title does not appear


[{RiskMatrixDiagram trackerId='12345'}]

shows the number of Requirement/User Story items according to theirs related Risk(s) before reduction likelihood and severity values. Tracker identified by trackerId can be a Requirement/User Story or a Risk type tracker.

[{RiskMatrixDiagram title='Risk Matrix Diagram' trackerId='12345'}]

same as above, additionally the plugin box will have title "Risk Matrix Diagram".

[{RiskMatrixDiagram trackerId='12346' riskTrackerId='123456' reduction='after'}]

if the tracker identified by trackerId is a Requirement or User Story type tracker, the matrix will show the number of Requirement/User Story items according to theirs related Risk(s) after reduction likelihood and severity values. Only Risk items of the Risk tracker identified by riskTrackerId will be count. If tracker identified by trackerId is a Risk type tracker, riskTrackerId parameter will be ignored.

Resourcing Extraction Plugin (Deprecated since 9.3.0)

This plugin will be removed in the following release so please use Query Plugin

[{Query id='9875'}]

It is necessary to create new Report to use Query Plugin.

Resourcing Extraction Plugin shows the open tracker items (and their story points) group by projects and assigned members (user groups).


  • projectIds='12345,12346' Comma separated list of project IDs (or one project ID). Required if plugin is used outside project, if plugin is used in project context, it can be omitted and the current project will be used.
  • displayGroups='true|false' If true, members will group by user groups. Default: false
  • groupIds='123,124' You can filter displaying user groups, comma separated list of group IDs. Default: all user groups
  • displayTeams='true|false' If true, members will group by the assigned teams of the tracker items. Default: false
  • teamIds='12345,12346' You can filter displaying teams, comma separated list of team IDs. Default: all teams
  • fromDate='2015-01-01' toDate='2015-02-01' You can filter the tracker items by date (Start date and End date fields of the tracker items), ISO date format is required. If you use this date filtering, tracker items with empty Start/End date fields will not be displayed in the result table. Default: no date filtering.
  • displayReleases='true|false' If true, the table data will group by releases of the current project (or the provided projects). In this case fromDate and toDate will be ignored.
  • releaseIds='12345,123' If displayReleases is true, you can filter displaying releases, comma separated list of release IDs. Default: all releases of the current project or the provided projects.



Shows the open tracker items group by assigned members of the current project. If used outside project context, error thrown.

[{ResourcingExtraction projectIds='12345,12346' displayGroups='true'}]

Shows the open tracker items group by assigned members of the projects identified by project IDs. All user groups will also display.

[{ResourcingExtraction projectIds='12345,12346' displayGroups='true' groupIds='123,124'}]

Shows the open tracker items group by assigned members of the projects identified by project IDs. Provided user groups will also display.

[{ResourcingExtraction projectIds='12345,12346' displayTeams='true' teamIds='123,124'}]

Shows the open tracker items group by assigned members of the projects identified by project IDs. Result will display group by teams (filtered by provided teamIds).

[{ResourcingExtraction projectIds='12345,12346' fromDate='2015-01-01' toDate='2015-02-01'}]

Shows the open tracker items group by assigned members of the projects identified by project IDs. Tracker items will be filtered by provided date interval.

My Open Tracker Items Plugin

My Open Tracker Items Plugin shows a summary of 'Unresolved' work items submitted by, assigned to or supervised by the current user and matching specified criteria per project.


  • title='New title' Optional parameter, you can modify the title of the plugin. Default: My Unresolved Items



Shows the 'Unresolved' work items submitted by, assigned to or supervised by the current user and matching specified criteria per project.

[{MyOpenTrackerItemsPlugin title='New title'}]

Shows same result but with a different title: 'New title'

Tracker State Transition Chart Plugin

Tracker State Transition Chart Plugin shows a workflow diagram of a tracker.


  • trackerId='1234' The ID of the tracker
  • distance='2' The distance of referring trackers, the maximum value of distance is two.
  • showObsolete='true|false' Show obsolete states


[{TrackerStateTransitionChart trackerId='1234'}]

shows the workflow diagram of this tracker.

Tracker Class Diagram Plugin

(in codebeamer 8.3)

Tracker Class Diagram Plugin shows a tracker configuration class diagram.


  • projectId='2' The ID of the project, mandatory parameter
  • trackerIds='2732,2733,2762' Tracker id list, these trackers are displayed on the generated diagram, optional parameter

The maximum number of the visible trackers is 30. If the project contains more than 30 trackers then use the trackerIds parameter to filter visible trackers.


[{TrackerClassDiagram projectId='2' trackerIds='1234, 1235,1238'}]

shows the configuration diagram of the selected trackers.



Executes a Report and shows the results in a table.


  • id='1234' The ID of the report


[{Query id='9875'}]

executes Report with the identifier 9875 and displays the results in a table.

Report Plugin (Vintage)

Report Plugin executes report and displays the issues retrieved by the report.


  • id='1234' The ID of the report
  • limit='10' Optional parameter for limiting the number of issues displaying
  • Appearance parameters (optional): height, width, border, cellpadding, cellspacing, backgroundcolor, tableclass, headercolor, headerbackgroundcolor, headerclass, evenrowcolor, evenrowbackgroundcolor, evenrowclass, oddrowcolor, oddrowbackgroundcolor, oddrowclass


[{Report id='9875'}]

executes report with the identifier 9875 and displays the issues retrieved by the report.

[{Report id='9875' limit='10'}]

executes report with the identifier 9875 and displays the first 10 issues retrieved by the report.

Tracker Item State History Plugin

[{TrackerItemStateHistory id='1000' showHeader='true'}]

shows the state change history of an issue (bug, task, etc.), identified by its task-id.

Inside a comment of an issue page you can add this plugin without the "id" parameter, and the plugin will automatically show the state transitions of the current issue.

  • id='1000' Required (except on an issue page) parameter should contain the numerical id of the related issue.
  • showHeader='true' Optional boolean parameter determines if the header information about the issue is shown. Defaults to true.

Tracker History Audit Trail Plugin


Displays the configuration change history of one or more trackers in the given project. Tracked changes include general tracker changes, field related changes and state transition changes. This plugin is also useful for checking the created baselines and the workflow diagram of a baseline.

Optional parameters:

  • projectId='100' Optional parameter which contains the numerical id of a project. It's only optional in the context of a project.
  • trackerId='10001,10002' Optional parameter with comma separated list of tracker ids. All projects are selected by default when this list is not specified.
  • showFieldChanges='true' If set to true then field changes are displayed.
  • showWorkflowChanges='true' If set to true then workflow changes are displayed.
  • showBaselineEntries='true' If set to true then baseline entries are included in the history change lists.
  • showHiddenTrackers='true' If set to true then hidden trackers are also displayed.
  • showTransitionDiagrams='true' If set to true then transition diagrams are displayed.
  • showPermissions='true' If set to true then the current permissions settings are listed.
  • startBaselineId='20000' An optional baseline id, changes will be displayed from the create date of the given baseline.
  • endBaselineId='30000' An optional baseline id, changes will be displayed until the given baseline.
  • sorting='name' You can specify the ordering of the trackers with this parameter. Possible values are 'type', 'name', 'lastmodified', 'key' and 'priority'. The default is 'name'.
  • types='Bugs,Requirements,Test Cases' Filter for displaying the Bug/Requirement/Test Cases trackers of the current project, only these kinds of trackers are shown. Note: You can't use this parameter and the trackerIds parameter together. You can use the tracker's type names as they appear on the UI, except that you must use English names for types. So you can use "Bug" or "Bugs" as filter, but cannot use "Fehler" here.


[{TrackerHistoryAuditTrailPlugin trackerId='10001' showWorkflowChanges='true' showTransitionDiagrams='true'}]

displays workflow changes and transition diagrams for only one tracker.

[{TrackerHistoryAuditTrailPlugin trackerId='10001,10002' showFieldChanges='true' showBaselineEntries='true' startBaseline='20000'}]

displays field changes including baseline entries for the two given trackers, changes are displayed which are created later than the specified start baseline.

Source Code

Source Code Summary Plugin

Displays statistical information about the source code of a project.


  • projectId='integer' Optional parameter, single number for the project's id. If missing then plugin will show the data for the current project.

Appearance parameters:

  • title='any-text' Optional parameter, the title text displayed above the chart/data-table.
  • tooltip='any-text' Optional parameter, the tooltip information displayed as a little tooltip when the mouse hovers over the table.
  • cssClass='class-name' Optional, CSS class to apply to the box that encloses the chart and the table.
  • cssStyle='css-rules' Optional, CSS style to modify the appearance of the box that encloses the chart and the table.



displays the source code statistics for the current project.

[{SourceCodeSummary projectId='2'}]

displays the same for another project.

Commit Statistics Plugin


displays a short summary of the SCM repository commits in all repositories of the current project.

[{CommitStatistics detailed='true'}]

displays all repositories in the current project, and for each repository will show the number of recent commits.

[{CommitStatistics repositoryId='2,133' layout='column'}]

displays the commit statistics for repositories with id #2 and #133 with column layout.

Commit Trends Plugin

Commit Trends plugin displays the number of commits in the current or specified projects for a period of a time.


Data-collection parameters:

  • repositoryId='1,33' Optional parameter specifies the comma separated ids of those repositories to collect commits from. If missing then data for all repositories of the current project are displayed.
  • projectId='1' Optional parameter that specifies the project where the repositories are displayed from. This is ignored if the repositoryId parameter is specified.
  • period='[{Past|Last|This}] [x] {day|week|month|quarter|year}[s]' Optional parameter defaults to 'Past 7 days'. Specifies the chart/reporting period in a number of last/past calendar days, weeks, months, quarters or years. The period is always relative to the current date, and is either the current day/week/month/quarter/year (e.g. 'This month'), or spans the specified number of days/weeks/months/quarters/years, either directly before (e.g. 'Past 7 days') or including (ending with) the current day/week/month/quarter/year (e.g. 'Last 6 weeks').
  • grouping='daily|weekly|monthly' Optional parameter -defaults to 'daily'. Specifies how the data is aggregated within the period. For example when the 'weekly' grouping is selected that means that issues created over any week during the period are added up, and this total number is displayed for the whole week.

Appearance parameters:

  • display ='chart|table|both' Optional parameter, defaults to 'chart'. Specifies whether the chart image and the data table are displayed.
  • title='any-text' Optional parameter, the title text displayed above the chart/data-table.
  • tooltip='any-text' Optional parameter, the tooltip information displayed as a little tooltip when the mouse hovers over the chart image.
  • width='400' Optional, the width of the chart in pixels. Defaults to 400 pixel.
  • height='200' Optional, the height of the chart in pixels. Defaults to 200 pixel.
  • cssClass='class-name' Optional, CSS class to apply to the box that encloses the chart and the table.
  • cssStyle='css-rules' Optional, CSS style to modify the appearance of the box that encloses the chart and the table.



Shows the commits of the past 30 days.

[{CommitTrends repositoryId='4,5' period='This year' grouping='Weekly' title='This years commits weekly' display='both'}]

Shows this year's commit in a chart and also a data-table.

Committed Issues Plugin

CommittedIssues plugin displays those issues which has an SCM change related to.


Data-collection parameters:

  • repositoryId='1' Required parameter. Specifies the comma separated ids of the repositories.
  • max='20' The plugin displays the most recently committed issues on top, and only displays a limited number of issues (only the latest 20 by default). The maximum number of issues displayed can be specified by the max parameter.
  • startDate='2011-06-21 11:00' endDate='2011-06-21 12:00' Filters the committed issues for those issues only where there were commits within that period
  • startRevision='rev12' endRevision='rev33' Filters the committed issues for those issues only where there were commits within that revision ids. Either start or end revision can be omitted. If both start/end date and start/end revisions are provided then their common range (intersection) is displayed.
  • branchOrTag='branch-name' Show only issues had commits on the specified branch or with the specified tag.

Appearance parameters:

  • title='any-text' Optional parameter, the title text displayed above the chart/data-table.
  • cssClass='class-name' Optional, CSS class to apply to the box that encloses the html markup
  • cssStyle='css-rules' Optional, CSS style to modify the appearance of the box that encloses the html markup.


[{CommittedIssues repositoryId='1'}]

Shows the issues got commits in all repositories of the current project

[{CommitTrends repositoryId='4,5' title='Committed issues in repository A and B' display='both'}]

Shows the committed issues from repository #4 and #5 with a custom title.

Version Control

Pull Requests Plugin


This plugin lists the pull requests sent by you or sent to you and pending. You can filter the list by projects or by repositories. By default all repositories you have access to contribute to the list.


  • projectId='15,23' Optional parameter. Specifies the comma separated ids of the projects from which pull requests to be included. All repositories of those projects contribute to the list.
  • repositoryId='47,66,82' Optional parameter. Specifies the comma separated ids of the repositories from which pull requests to be included.

Requirements Management

Requirement Coverage Plugin

This plugin shows a histogram based on the coverage of some requirements. The length of the bars tell that how many requirements are covered by a given number of test cases. the most important piece of data is the bar at the zero point since this shows the number of requirements that are not covered at all.


  • id='1' Optional parameter (required only when you're using the plugin on a personal wiki page). Specifies the id of the project from which the coverage data is collected.
  • trackerId='1001,1002' Optional parameter. Specifies the comma separated ids of those requirement trackers to collect requirement coverage data from
  • display ='chart|table|both' Optional parameter, defaults to 'chart'. Specifies whether the chart image and the data table are displayed.



When used in the context of a project uses the default requirement tracker to collect the data.

[{RequirementCoverage projectId='1'}]

Collects the coverage data from the default requirement tracker of the project with id 1.

[{RequirementCoverage trackerId='1001,1002'}]

Collects the coverage data for the requirements in tracker 1001 and 1002.

Test Management

Test Cases by Last Run Result Plugin

This plugin shows a pie chart created from the results of the latest runs of some test cases. The chart may have one section for each possible result (passed, failed, blocked or not run). The plugin also has two filters: you can filter the test runs by test configuration and release.


  • id='1' Optional parameter (required only when you're using the plugin on a personal wiki page). Specifies the id of the project to collect the test runs from.
  • trackerId='1001,1002' Optional parameter. Specifies the comma separated ids of those test case trackers to collect the data from.
  • display ='chart|table|both' Optional parameter, defaults to 'chart'. Specifies whether the chart image and the data table are displayed.
  • build Optional parameter, filters the test runs used in the calculation by the given build number.
  • statusFilter ='all|accepted|in progress' Optional parameter, defaults to 'all'. Specifies which test cases to use in the calculation. All means no restriction based on the status of the test case, accepted / in progress means take into account only the test cases with that status.
  • releaseId='1' Optional parameter, filters the test runs used in the calculation by the given release. Only filters by the chosen release, if the release has sprints, then Test Runs from those sprints are not taken into account during the calculations.



Shows a chart created based on the default test case tracker of the enclosing project.

Test Runs by Configuration Plugin

Shows a chart based on all test runs in a project. The chart contains a bar for each test configuration. The bars show the distribution of the test run results on that given configuration.


  • id='1' Optional parameter (required only when you're using the plugin on a personal wiki page). Specifies the id of the project to collect the test runs from.
  • display ='chart|table|both' Optional parameter, defaults to 'chart'. Specifies whether the chart image and the data table are displayed.
  • testRunTrackerId='1' Optional parameter, the plugin calculates statistics based on the given Test Run Tracker.



Shows a chart created based on the default test run tracker of the enclosing project.

Test Runs by Test Set Plugin

Shows a chart based on all test runs in a project or some test run trackers. The chart contains a bar for each test set. The bars show the distribution of the test run results of the runs of that given test set. The plugin filters only take into account the default Test Set Tracker.


  • id='1' Optional parameter (required only when you're using the plugin on a personal wiki page). Specifies the id of the project to collect the test runs from.
  • trackerId='1001,1002' Optional parameter. Specifies the comma separated ids of those test set trackers to collect the data from.
  • display ='chart|table|both' Optional parameter, defaults to 'chart'. Specifies whether the chart image and the data table are displayed.



Shows a chart created based on the default test run tracker of the enclosing project.

Test Runs by Assignee Plugin

Shows a chart based on all test runs in a project or some test run trackers. The chart contains a bar for each user that has ever run a test and one for the test runs that have no assignee. The bars show the distribution of the results of the runs of that given user. The plugin filters only take into account the default Test Run Tracker.


  • id='1' Optional parameter (required only when you're using the plugin on a personal wiki page). Specifies the id of the project to collect the test runs from.
  • testRunTrackerId='1001' Optional parameter. Specifies the ids of the Test Run trackers to collect the data from.
  • display ='chart|table|both' Optional parameter, defaults to 'chart'. Specifies whether the chart image and the data table are displayed.
  • showInactiveUsers='false|true' Optional parameter. When set to true, then statistics includes the users, who are inactivated at time of rendering the plugin. Default value is false.



Shows a chart created based on the default test run tracker of the enclosing project.

Personal content

User Profile Plugin


displays the user profile information of the current user.

[{UserProfile id='12'}]


[{UserProfile name='john.doe'}]

displays the same of another user account.

My Issue Summary Plugin


displays a dashboard-like summary of your issues according to the specified filters.


  • title='<text>': (optional) Plugin title if you want to override the default one.
  • show='{Any status|Open|Closed|Resolved|Successful|Unresolved|Unsuccessful}>': (optional, defaults to 'Unresolved') Filter the issues to include in the summary.
  • onlyDirectUserItems='true|false': (optional, defaults to 'true') Whether to show only the issues directly assigned to/supervised by the user.
  • showNewIssue='true|false': (optional, defaults to 'false') Whether to show a convenience link under the table, to ease submitting new issues.


[{MyIssueSummary show='Successful' onlyDirectUserItems='false'}]

displays a summary of all your successful issues (both open and closed).

[{MyIssueSummary show='Open' onlyDirectUserItems='true'}]

displays a summary of all open (not closed or resolved) issues, that were submitted by you or are directly assigned to/supervised by you.

My Current Issues Plugin

This plugin displays the list of the issues assigned to the current user, and not in closed or resolved statuses. Issues are ordered by last update time descending.


  • The widget displays a maximum of 100 items.
  • The widget displays only items modified since the last month.


  • title='My Linux Issues': Optional parameter to override the default title.
  • projectId='1,33': Optional parameter specifies the comma separated ids of the projects to collect issues from.
  • trackerId='44,55': Optional parameter specifies the comma separated ids of the trackers to collect issues from.

Note: both of the parameters projectId or trackerId can be used.



displays the open issues for me in the current project.

[{MyCurrentIssues projectId='11,27'}]

displays the open issues in those projects.

My Subscriptions Plugin


displays the entities subscribed by the current user.

My Reviews Plugin

This plugin displays the list of reviews of the current user, including:

  • Reviews in the ReviewHub. Tracker Item Reviews will not be listed. For more information, see: Tracker Item Reviews.
  • Direct ReviewHub reviews - reviews where the current user or the current user's role is assigned in the Reviewers or Moderators field.
  • Indirect ReviewHub reviews - reviews where the current user or the current user's role is assigned in the Viewers field.


  • showOnlyOpenReviews='false|true': Optional parameter, defaults to 'false'. Whether to show only the open reviews.
  • showOnlyCurrentProjectRelatedReviews='false|true': Optional parameter, defaults to 'false'. If set to true then only those reviews are displayed which have work items related to the current project.

displays all reviews for me.

[{MyReviews showOnlyOpenReviews='true'}]

displays all open reviews for me.

[{MyReviews showOnlyOpenReviews='true' showOnlyCurrentProjectRelatedReviews='true'}]

displays open and which have work items related to the current project reviews for me.

Review List Plugin

This plugin displays the last review result for each item in a report result.


  • queryId: mandatory. The id of a report. The plugin will display the last review information for each item returned by this report.
    [{ReviewList queryId='234'}]

Agile Content

Agile plugins work both with releases and sprints (if you are working agile), or releases and sub-releases (if you are not). You can pass the ID of the release, sprint or sub-release using the releaseId parameter. If the corresponding release or sprint has children (further sprints, sub-releases, sub-sprints), then all of the issues addressed in the children will be recursively processed by these plugins.

Burn Down Chart Plugin

[{BurnDownChart releaseId='1000' showBurnDown='false' showVelocity='false' showNew='false'}]

Displays the burn down chart based on open work items for a release or sprint. Possibility to filter by team.


  • releaseId='1000' (optional) ID of the sprint. When omitted, the plugin makes an attempt to guess the active sprint.
  • team='no|12345' (optional) Team ID or 'no' if all issues without any teams should count.
  • showBurnDown='false' (optional) Whether to display the burn down line. Defaults to true.
  • showVelocity='false' (optional) Whether to display the velocity (the number of issues burnt) for each day. Defaults to false.
  • showNew='false' (optional) Whether to display the number of issues added to the sprint for each day. Defaults to false.
  • dataSource='numberOfItems' (optional) What data point should be used. Defaults to numberOfItems. Possible values: storyPoints, numberOfItems and both.
  • applyProjectCalendar='false' (optional) When set to true the chart show values only for work days defined in the Working Calendar.
  • showIdealLine='false' (optional) Whether to display the ideal work remaining line. The applyProjectCalendar parameter also affects the ideal line; it renders straight segment for leisure days.
  • trackerTypes='default|all_tracker_items|test_runs_only' Optional parameter, ability to filter elements for generating the burn down chart (default: 'default').

Burn Up Chart Plugin

[{BurnUpChart releaseId='1000'}]

Burn up chart shows the number of resolved/closed and the total number of Work Items over time. This chart type is useful to visualize the effect of scope changes. Supported from 9.3.0.


  • releaseId='1000' (optional) ID of the sprint. When omitted, the plugin makes an attempt to guess the active sprint.
  • team='no|12345' (optional) Team ID or 'no' if all issues without any teams should count.
  • dataSource='numberOfItems' (optional) What data point should be used. Defaults to numberOfItems. Possible values: storyPoints, numberOfItems and both.
  • applyProjectCalendar='false' (optional) When set to true the chart show values only for work days defined in the Working Calendar.

Bubble Visualization Plugin


Displays the bubble chart.

Velocity Trends Plugin

[{VelocityTrends releaseId='1000'}]

Displays the velocity changing over time for a release or sprint. Velocity is essentially the number of issues resolved per day. Possibility to filter by team.


  • releaseId='1000' (optional) ID of the sprint. When omitted, the plugin makes an attempt to guess the active sprint.
  • team='no|12345' (optional) Team ID or 'no' if all issues without any teams should count.
  • dataSource='numberOfItems' (optional) What data point should be used. Defaults to numberOfItems. Possible values: storyPoints, numberOfItems and both.

Sprint Break Down Plugin

[{SprintBreakDown releaseId='1000'}]

Displays the status distribution of the issues in a release or a sprint. This gives a quick and easy to understand overview about the progress status.


  • releaseId='1000' (optional) ID of the sprint. When omitted, the plugin makes an attempt to guess the active sprint.
  • teams='all|12345,12346' (optional) Comma separated Team ID list to filter result by teams identified by the IDs. When 'all' string provided, all issues with any teams will include.

Current Velocity Plugin

[{CurrentVelocity releaseId='1000'}]

Displays the velocity of the last known day within a release or sprint.

This is typically yesterday's velocity, but in a Monday it can be the velocity for last Friday. Possibility to filter by team.


  • releaseId='1000' (optional) ID of the sprint. When omitted, the plugin makes an attempt to guess the active sprint.
  • team='no|12345' (optional) Team ID or 'no' if all issues without any teams should count.
  • dataSource='numberOfItems' (optional) What data point should be used. Defaults to numberOfItems. Possible values: storyPoints, numberOfItems and both.

Remaining Time Plugin

[{RemainingTime releaseId='1000'}]

Displays the number of days left until the end (planned release date) of a release or sprint. Releases and sprints in the agile world are strictly time-boxed, so this information is crucial.


  • releaseId='1000' (optional) ID of the sprint. When omitted, the plugin makes an attempt to guess the active sprint.
  • applyProjectCalendar='false' (optional) When set to true the chart show values only for work days defined in the Working Calendar.

Release Stats Plugin

[{ReleaseStats releaseId='1000'}]

Displays the statistics information about a release looks like the statistics numbers and progress base on the release statistics page.


  • releaseId='1000' - Required parameter. The ID of the release or sprint to display. If missing, the plugin makes an attempt to guess the active sprint or release.
  • project='Demo Project' - Optional parameter. The name of the project. If provided, only issues or items in this project are counted.
  • type='Bug' - Optional parameter. The type of issues to filter for.



Horizontal Graph

No longer shipped with codebeamer. Source code hosted on GitHub.

[{ HorizontalGraph title='Uses'

(Action class[:color:red]
	(ProjectManager[Service layer][:color:#009900][:background:#DDFFDD]
		(ProjectDao[Persistence Layer][:color:#3C78B5][:background:#D8E4F1])
	(ArtifactManager[Service layer][:color:#009900][:background:#DDFFDD]
		(ArtifactDao[Persistence Layer][:color:#3C78B5][:background:#D8E4F1]
			(File System[:color:#777777][:background:#DDDDDD])

Vertical Graph

No longer shipped with codebeamer. Source code hosted on GitHub.

[{ VerticalGraph title='Class Hierarchy'

(BaseDao[Each Dao must extend this][:color:red]
	(EntityDao[Persists entities][:color:#009900][:background:#DDFFDD]
			(Wiki pages[:color:#777777][:background:#DDDDDD])
	(TemporalDao[Persists timestamped entities][:color:#009900][:background:#DDFFDD]

Directed Acyclic Graph

No longer shipped with codebeamer. Source code hosted on GitHub.

[{ DirectedAcyclicGraph title='Project Steps'

(Separate Tasks[:status:done][:color:#777777][:background:#DDDDDD])
(Develop Business Core[:depend:Separate Tasks][:color:red])
(Develop Web Frontend[:depend:Separate Tasks][:status:done][:color:#777777][:background:#DDDDDD])
(Deploy Components[:depend:Develop Business Core][:depend:Develop Web Frontend][:color:#009900][:background:#DDFFDD])
(Milestone[:depend:Develop Business Core][:date:2.14.2006])

Explorer Graph

No longer shipped with codebeamer. Source code hosted on GitHub.

[{ ExplorerGraph title='Dependencies'

(My Project[:color:red]
	(Microkernel[POJO wiring][:color:#009900][:background:#DDFFDD]
		(Spring IoC[Lightweight container][:color:#3C78B5][:background:#D8E4F1])
	(Persistence[RDBMS access][:color:#009900][:background:#DDFFDD]
		(Hibernate[ORM mapping][:color:#3C78B5][:background:#D8E4F1]
			(EHCache[Entity caching][:color:#777777][:background:#DDDDDD])
		(Spring AOP[Templates and transactions][:color:#3C78B5][:background:#D8E4F1])


No longer shipped with codebeamer. Source code hosted on GitHub.

[{MindMapGraph title='New version'

(New version[:color:red]
	(New features[:color:#009900][:background:#DDFFDD]
		(RDBMS agnostic persistence[Vendor independence][:color:#3C78B5][:background:#D8E4F1]
			(Oracle support[:color:#777777])
			(PostgreSQL support[:color:#777777])
		(JCR support[Java Content Repository][:color:#3C78B5][:background:#D8E4F1])
		(Portlet interface[:color:#3C78B5][:background:#D8E4F1])
	(Enhanced features[:color:#009900][:background:#DDFFDD]
			(Visuals[Charts and graphs][:color:#777777])
			(Performance improvements[:color:#777777])



Gantt Chart

[{ GanttChart title='Development Project Plan' yaxislabel='Phases'

:Name|String, Start|Month, End|Month, Percentage
* 'Design', 3-2006, 4-2006, 0.7
* 'Implementation', 4-2006, 6-2006, 0

* 'Test case planning', 4-2006, 5-2006, 1.0

* 'Integration testing', 5-2006, 6-2006, 0.1

* 'Test execution', 6-2006, 8-2006, 0

Dynamic Gantt Chart

Dynamic Gantt plugin is a new and more flexible tool to visualize Gantt charts in a wiki page. It can display tasks represented by horizontal bars and optionally links between them to express their logical relations.

There are two ways to feed data to the plugin. Both of them require that you provide the data in the plugin body.

Simple method: Wiki table format

You must specify the tasks and optionally the links by using the familiar wiki syntax for table data. The advantage of this method is its simplicity, but you cannot use all the advanced features of the underlying Gantt component.


| 1 | First Task   | 2015-03-10 | 3 | 0.5 |   | true |
| 2 | Another Task | 2015-03-15 | 5 | 0.7 | 1 |
| 3 | Third Task   | 2015-03-09 | 2 |     |
| 4 | Fourth Task  | 2015-03-17 |

| 1 -> 2 | finish-to-start  |
| 4 -> 3 | finish-to-finish |
| 2 -> 3 | start-to-start   |


The columns of the task table (and their default values):

  1. ID: a unique numeric ID of this task - other tasks might reference it
  2. Label: label of the task
  3. Start date
  4. Duration (1): length of the task in days
  5. Progress (1.0): progress of this task
  6. Parent: parent ID of this task, is used to build a tree hierarchy
  7. Open (true): state of node if the task has children

The columns of the links table (the entire table is optional):

  1. Source task ID -> Destination task ID
  2. Type of link: "finish-to-start" (default), "finish-to-finish" or "start-to-start"

For both tables, to use the default values, you can omit trailing cells or just leave them empty.

Advanced method: JSON format

This way you can take advantage of the full potential of the underlying Gantt component. Disadvantage is the syntax being less concise and more technical.

To see which properties are supported, check out this documentation.

Please notice that you have to specify the inputType parameter set to 'json' to use this feature.

[{DynamicGantt inputType='json'

        {id:1, text:"Project #1",start_date:"2013-04-01", duration:11,
        progress: 0.6, open: true},
        {id:2, text:"Task #1",   start_date:"2013-04-03", duration:5,
        progress: 1,   open: true, parent:1},
        {id:3, text:"Task #2",   start_date:"2013-04-02", duration:7,
        progress: 0.5, open: true, parent:1},
        {id:4, text:"Task #2.1", start_date:"2013-04-03", duration:2,
        progress: 1,   open: true, parent:3},
        {id:5, text:"Task #2.2", start_date:"2013-04-04", duration:3,
        progress: 0.8, open: true, parent:3},
        {id:6, text:"Task #2.3", start_date:"2013-04-05", duration:4,
        progress: 0.2, open: true, parent:3}
        {id:1, source:1, target:2, type:"1"},
        {id:2, source:1, target:3, type:"1"},
        {id:3, source:3, target:4, type:"1"},
        {id:4, source:4, target:5, type:"0"},
        {id:5, source:5, target:6, type:"0"}


Optional parameters

You can provide these optional parameters to the plugin that allow more advanced customizations:

  • height is the diagram height, you can use CSS units here. Default is 15em
  • inputType is 'wiki' or 'json', default is 'wiki'
  • cssClass adds one or more custom CSS classes to the wiki plugin container
  • cssStyle adds one or more custom CSS styling rules to the wiki plugin container

Pie Chart

[{ PieChart title='Unit tests' threed='true'

Successful, 22
Failure, 13
Error, 2

Polar Chart

[{ PolarChart title='Database Performance Comparison'

* 60, 290
* 23, -120
* -45, 90

* -10, 200
* -12, -30
* 13, 140

Scatter Plot Chart

[{ ScatterPlotChart title='System downtime'

* 10, 20
* 22, 30
* 33, 45

* 60, 10
* 23, 42
* 45, 29

Stacked Area Chart

[{ StackedXYAreaChart title='Issues Over Time' legend='true'


Time Series Chart

[{ TimeSeriesChart title='Contributors Over Time'

* 10/7/2006, 22
* 12/6/2006, 30
* 11/1/2006, 49

* 10/9/2006, 2
* 12/13/2006, 4
* 11/8/2006, 2

* 10/3/2006, 3
* 12/22/2006, 8
* 11/7/2006, 12

Area Chart

[{ XYAreaChart title='Commits By Team'

Team A
* 10, 20
* 12, 30
* 13, 45
* 40, 10

Team B
* 60, 10
* 23, 12
* 45, 50

Line Chart

[{ XYLineChart title='System Response Time'

* 10, 20
* 20, 30
* 30, 45

Report Generator
* 10, 40
* 20, 20
* 30, 10

Step Area Chart

[{ XYStepAreaChart title='Lines-of-Code Over Weeks'

* 1, 7545
* 2, 8987
* 3, 7788
* 4, 8544
* 5, 10344

Bar Chart

[{ BarChart title='Number-of-classes By Package' threed=true orientation=horizontal

:Package|String, Classes
persistence, 32
remoting, 16
utils, 23

Stacked Bar Chart

[{ StackedBarChart title='Issues By Version' seriespaint='red,orange,green' threed=true orientation=horizontal

:Version|String, 0.7-pre, 0.9-rc1, 1.0-final
Fatal, 10, 6, 1
Major, 23, 11, 4
Minor, 15, 3, 6

Waterfall Chart

[{ WaterfallChart title='Timeframes'

:Phase|String, Requirements Capture, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, Total
Manweeks, 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 13

Multiple Pie Chart

[{ MultiplePieChart title='Number of classes' legend='false' height=400

:Country|String, V1, V2, V3
Abstract, 7, 7, 4
Interface, 5, 9, 3
Concrete, 15, 26, 22

Bubble Chart

[{ BubbleChart title='Bubble Chart' seriespaint='red,orange'

Norway, 10, 10
*3, 4, 2
*4, 5, 2.5
*5, 6, 2.7

France, 15, 15
* 1, 14, 5
* 3, 12, 7
* 2, 11, 8

Spider Web Chart

[{ SpiderWebChart title='Radar Plot' direction='clockwise' webfilled='true'
	headpercent='0.02' axislabelgap='0.1' interiorgap='0.2'

:Country|String, Value, Angle, Height, Weight, Coverage
Italy, 10, 10, 40, 30, 50
Norway, 20, 50, 3, 66, 76
France, 15, 100, 20, 56, 100


Gauge Chart

[{ GaugeChart minimum='0' positions='6,16,24' maximum='30' value='27' name='name' valueLabel='label' seriespaint='RED,YELLOW,GREEN' width='500'  height='300'


Spedometer Chart

[{ SpeedometerChart minimum='0' positions='6,16' maximum='30' value='27' name='name' valueLabel='label' seriespaint='RED,YELLOW,GREEN' width='500'  height='300'


Printing to PDF

Freely configurable printing is supported by using a dedicated plugin ExportWiki. This is able to print a single or multiple pages (in configurable order) to PDF easily. The file to be printed is defined once in a wiki. Then the plugin generates a download link, which recreates the up to date content in PDF format any time later, when the link is selected from the wiki view.

Export Wiki Plugin

The ExportWiki plugin generates a download link for PDFs exported from wiki pages.

[{ExportWiki id='1004,1005' format='pdf'}]


  • id='<comma-separated list of wiki page ids>'
  • linkText='<some text>' (optional) - the text of the link.
  • format='pdf| rtf' (optional) - output file format; if omitted then 'pdf' will be used. ('rtf' is experimental because of the known issues in the formatter library.)
  • path='<path>' - path in the Document Manager where the resulting document will be saved. Note that the directory in target path must exist, it will not be automatically created. If this parameter is omitted, then the plugin renders a direct download link.
  • headerText='<some text>' (optional) - text to be printed at head of each page of resulting document.
  • footerText='<some text>' (optional) - text to be printed on footer of each page of resulted document.
  • dpi='<value>' (optional) - sets the source resolution for the document (in DPI). This is used internally to determine the pixel size for SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) images and bitmap images without resolution information.

Examples of Use

[{ExportWiki id='1004,1005' path='/myexports/mywiki.pdf' dpi='300'}]

will save the resulting file mypages.pdf in the myexports folder.

[{ExportWiki id='1004' path='result.rtf' format='rtf' footerText='Some footer text'}]

will create result.rtf in root folder of the Document Manager.


Excel Spreadsheet Plugin

[{Excel id='1067'}]

displays the content of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet having the identifier 1067.

Alternatively, you can use one of the following snippets, if your spreadsheet is not stored in the Document Manager, but is attached to a wiki page:

[{Excel src='175'}]
[{Excel src='calculations.xls'}]
[{Excel src='Another page/calculations.xls'}]

You can identify the file by its attachment ID, filename (if it's attached to the current page) or page name and filename (if it's attached to another page).

[{Excel src=''}]

will display the spreadsheet from the given URL.

The optional parameter sheet can contain the name of a sheet. If not given all sheets will be processed. The optional parameters maxRows and maxColumns can be used to limit the number of rows/columns rendered on the wiki page. The default limits are 1000 rows and 100 columns.

Word Plugin

Word plugin displays content of a Microsoft Word 2007 (or higher, older formats are not supported) document.

The Word plugin will automatically detect the file format and convert the Word document to HTML and embeds that to the Wiki page. Also displays images, however it can only display images supported by the browser. Usage is same as the

Excel Plugin

, so src attribute can contain references to Word files attached to current Wiki page or external or internal URLs.


[{Word id='1067'}]

displays the Word document #1067 which is stored in Document Management.

Jenkins Build Trends and Jenkins Performance Trends Plugin

Draws a chart based on the attachment uploaded by the codebeamer-result-trend-updater jenkins plugin

For unit based tests:


For performance tests:

  • The optional parameter wikiId determines which wiki page the plugin uses for chart data, default is current page.
  • The optional parameters limit limits how many builds are showed when "All builds" is selected form the dropdown.
  • The optional parameters height overrides the default chart height 400px.
  • The optional parameter width overrides the default chart width 800px.
  • The optional parameter title overrides the default chart title.

Shockwave (SWF) Plugin

Starting from codebeamer 10.1.0 this plugin is no longer supported and removed because of Adobe Flash plugin vulnerabilities.

Embeds an SWF file into a wiki page.

  • src: reference to the SWF file. References can point to an SWF file attached to the current or to another wiki page, or located in the document management system. See details about the different syntaxes in the "Adding pictures from attachments" section.
  • height and width (optional): dimensions in pixels.
  • controls (optional): 'true' or 'false' to show or hide the controls. Defaults to true.
  • play (optional): whether to start playing immediately. Defaults to true.
  • loop (optional): whether to loop the playback. Defaults to true.
  • parameters (optional): additional parameters to pass to the Shockwave Player.


[{Flash src='!12!'}]
[{Flash src='!mygame.swf!' controls='false'}]
[{Flash src='!/1034!' parameters='param1=value1&param2=value2'}]
[{Flash src='!/mydir/mygame.swf!'}]

See more examples at the a Flash plugin website.

Google Maps Plugin

Embeds Google Maps into a wiki page.

[{GoogleMaps lat='48.738142' lng='9.111185' zoom='17'}]

will show you the exact location of the Intland Software headquaters.

See more examples with markers and lines at the Google Maps plugin website.

Note: this plugin requires to obtain an API key from Google Maps.
Add the API key as a new property jspwiki.Google.maps.key=... to the WEB-INF/classes/ configuration file.

codebeamer-specific extension:

  • showMembers='true' - if specified then project members' geo locations will be marked.
    [{GoogleMaps showMembers='true' }]

In that case the lat, lng and zoom parameters will be ignored. Instead of that, a correct pan/zoom will be applied to make all of markers visible.

If used outside of any project context, then the projectId parameter must be specified.

  • If trace='true' then geoCoding statistics line will be added: total members count / located count.

Feed Plugin

Includes content feeds (of any version of RSS and Atom) in a wiki page.

[{Feed url='' feedDetails='true'}]

will display the latest news from Slashdot and the details about the feed itself.

[{Feed url='' entryDetails='true' max='5'}]

will display the 5 latest news with their details.

Parameters (with defaults):

  • url='<the url of the rss feed to render>'
  • max='10' The maximum number of feed entries to show
  • feedDetails='false' true/false: if the feed details are shown
  • entryDetails='false' true/false: if the feed entries' details are shown
  • cacheTime='300' the feed plugin caches the feed content for so many seconds for better performance

Color Code Plugin

Plugin that renders the body text as colorized source code.

[{ColorCode syntax='sql'

select count(*) from dual



syntax='sql | c | java | vm'.

  • sql - SQL syntax highlighting (Oracle flavor)
  • c - C & C++, full C++ '98 keyword set
  • java - Java
  • vm - Velocity template syntax highlighting

See more details on the plugin's home page:

Color Code Plugin examples

- Single line comments using #


[{ColorCode syntax='sql' tokenizer.wordChar:'#' colorcode.comment.singleline.pattern='#'

# Default Installation parameters


#Default Installation parameters

- Multi-line comments in c


[{ColorCode syntax='c' tokenizer.wordChar:'/,*' colorcode.comment.multiline.pattern:'/*,*/'


* This program takes age input from the user
* It stores it in the age variable
* And prints the value using printf()

 /*  Code below */

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

  int age;

  printf("Enter the age: ");
  scanf("%d", &age);

  printf("Age = %d", age);

  return 0;


* This program takes age input from the user
* It stores it in the age variable
* And prints the value using printf()

 /* Code below */

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

  int age;

  printf("Enter the age: ");
  scanf("%d", &age);

  printf("Age = %d", age);

  return 0;

Include Plugin

Plugin includes wiki markup. An included document can include others.

[{Include id='1004'}]


  • id='<id of document>'
  • src='<URL of wiki-markup>'
  • template='<Relative path to template file>'
  • message='<Key/Code of message resource>'
  • control='true' (optional) parameter, provide only if you want to control whether control should be rendered for included documents.

HTML Plugin


<b>bold</b> normal <em>italic</em>

displays bold normal italic.

[{Html id='2124'}]

displays the content of the html document having the identifier 2124.

Alternatively, you can use one of the following snippets, if your markup is not stored in the Document Manager, but is attached to a wiki page:

[{Html src='175'}]
[{Html src='markup.html'}]
[{Html src='Another page/markup.html'}]

Math and Latex Plugins

Math plugin is capable of rendering mathematical formulas in Wiki. These formulas are defined in the powerful LaTex language and will appear as an image embedded within the Wiki document.

Behind the scenes, the Math plugin is using the more powerful Latex plugin for rendering the content.

Latex Plugin

Math plugin

Before 20.11 LTS (Carmen)

For both plugins, some extra configuration is necessary which is described in the codebeamer documentation

Since 20.11-SP2

There is an Application Configuration option to control the font size globally for the Math and Latex plugin also.
The default font size is 12px, which could produce too small text when codebeamer is running on Windows.
Minimum value for defaultFontSizePx is 12.
Individual font size settings on the plugin markup level will override the global setting. You can go below 12px with it.

"latexPlugin" : {
    "defaultFontSizePx" : 24



2\sum_{i=1}^n a_i \;\int_a^b f_i(x)g_i(x)\,dx

displays the mathematical formula as an image:

\( 2\sum_{i=1}^n a_i \;\int_a^b f_i(x)g_i(x)\,dx \)

The more flexible Latex plugin needs a complete LaTeX formatted document like in this example:

[{Latex title='some text'

this some LaTeX  text

is rendered as:

this some LaTeX  text

The example below shows how to use formula identifiers:


\( x > y \)

is rendered as:

\( x > y \)




is rendered as:

\(  \frac{\frac{1}{x} \frac{1}{y}}{y-z}  \)


  • width='400' width is dynamic below 400px, but you can override 400px to get wider images.
  • title='optional tooltip for the rendered image'
  • cache='false' true/false parameter to turn cache on/off. Default is true.
  • id='artifact Id which contains the formula or LaTeX text'. You can link a document with id from a project's documents page.
  • src='source URL or attachment name' Alternative location of the LaTeX text or formula.
  • text='alternatively you can put the text here'. Not recommended, exists only for backward compatibility.

Deprecated parameters (not processed since 20.11-LTS Carmen):

  • usePng='true' By default a PNG formatted image is rendered, but setting this to false will generate a GIF image.
  • density='120' The DPI setting for the generated image
  • timeout='30' Timeout in seconds to render the content.


Signs Emotions






(For each smiley, you can write the longer version


instead of


if you prefer ALT_WIKI:EMOTICON:%3A%29%20 .

Traceability Browser

This plugin is deprecated from codebeamer 10.0.0.

Traceability Browser plugin shows a table that correlates any number of sets of any trackers or tracker types in a desired order and visualizes the dependencies (incoming and/or outgoing associations and/or references) between the items corresponding the neighboring selected trackers and/or tracker types. The same table will appear as in Traceability Browser.


  • title='Traceability Browser' Title of the plugin (optional).
  • initialTrackerList='1234 -7,1235' Represents the initial Tracker List, it is a comma separated list of Tracker IDs (optionally filtered by View IDs using space separator).
  • initialTrackerItemId='1234' You are able to use Traceability Browser plugin in Tracker Item mode. In this case, the initial parameter will be a Tracker Item, and not a Tracker and only the levels will appear as columns (no Initial Tracker(s) column). If used, the initialTrackerList parameter will be omitted.
  • trackerList='0,1234 1235,2 3 1236' Represents the levels, it is a comma separated list of Tracker or Tracker Type IDs per level, inside a level you can define more Tracker/Tracker Type IDs separate by space. You can define "All" using 0.
  • showIncomingAssociations='true|false' Whether to show incoming associations or not (default: true).
  • showOutgoingAssociations='true|false' Whether to show outgoing associations or not (default: true).
  • showIncomingRelations='true|false' Whether to show incoming references or not (default: true).
  • showOutgoingRelations='true|false' Whether to show outgoing references or not (default: true).
  • excludeFoldersAndInformation='true|false' Whether to exclude Folder and Information type Tracker Items (default: false).
  • showChildren='true|false' Whether to show children or not (default: true).
  • showDescription='true|false' Whether to show descriptions or not (default: false).
  • showSCMCommits='true|false' Whether to show SCM commit type items or not (default: false).
  • ignoreRedundants='true|false' Whether to ignore redundant Tracker Items in the further levels (default: set in general.xml).
  • hideHeader='true|false' Whether to hide the information (tracker types, trackers, counts) in table header (default: false).
  • hideWikiBox='true|false' Whether to hide the wikibox and the plugin title (default: false).
  • reverseArrows='true|false' Whether to reverse the direction of the arrows in the result table header (default: false).
  • preset='Name of preset' Load a saved Traceability Browser preset by its name. If this parameter is used, the result will represent the preset, so all of the options above will be omitted. You can use this parameter only in Project context!
  • presetId='ID number of preset' Load a saved Traceability Browser preset by its ID number


[{TraceabilityBrowser initialTrackerList='12345' trackerList='0,2 12356'}]

Shows a Traceability Browser, the initial tracker will be the tracker with ID 12345, the Level 1 will be "All" items, Level 2 will be "Bugs" type items or the Tracker with ID 12356. All the relation types and directions will be displayed.

[{TraceabilityBrowser initialTrackerItemId='1234' trackerList='0,0' showIncomingAssociations='true' showIncomingRelations='true' showOutgoingAssociations='false' showOutgoingRelations='false'}]

Shows the incoming associations and references of the 1234 Item in two Levels (displaying all Items, no filter by tracker type or tracker).

[{TraceabilityBrowser preset='Preset_Name'}]

Shows a Traceability Browser which represents a saved preset called "Preset_Name".

Traceability Matrix

Traceability Matrix plugin renders trace-ability report between one or more trackers and their views in a Matrix form.


  • horizontalTrackersAndViews='Contains ids or keys of trackers and optionally their views to show on the horizontal axis'. This is in form of "<tracker-id>/<view-id>,<tracker-key>/<view-id>..." format where there is a "/" character between tracker-ids and view ids and "," between the next tracker/view id.
  • verticalTrackersAndViews='Contains ids or keys of trackers/views on the vertical axis.'
  • title='optional title of the plugin output'
  • max='100' Maximum number of issues displayed on the horizontal/vertical axis.
  • includeFolders='false' If the folder issues are displayed, defaults to false
  • defaultView='-2' The id of the default view when the view is missing from the horizontal/vertical id list. Defaults to -2 which is the "All Items" view for trackers
  • allowEditing='false' If the dependencies between issues can be edited as on the Traceability Matrix management page.

Additionally to the parameters the matrix's body optionally can contain a Velocity script. This script is called during rendering of the matrix for each cell, and allows you to customize the look and content of each cell. The output of this script is put to the cell. The script gets following variables in its scope:

  • {content} The original content of the cell. So if you want to keep the original content just add ${content} to the script
  • {cssClass} The original css class of the cell. You can change this value if you want some other class
  • {cssStyle} The original css style of the cell. Change this to add custom style
  • {horizontalTrackerItem} The current issue/tracker-item on the row (left)
  • {verticalTrackerItem} The current issue in the column (above)
  • {suspectedLink} Boolean if the cell contains a suspected link
  • {dependency} The TraceabilityMatrixController.TraceDependencyMapEntry instance defines the dependency between the horizontal/vertical items
  • {direction} The dependency direction between the issues, possible values are: 'NONE', 'H2V', 'V2H', 'BI'
  • {resolver} TrackerItemFieldHandler's instance can be used to resolve custom field values in the issues
  • {request}, {pageContext} and many more standard JSP attributes...

Here is an example of usage with a customized cell content:

[{TraceabilityMatrix horizontalTrackersAndViews='1250' verticalTrackersAndViews='1250'

#set($field = "Software safety classification")
#set($safetyHorizontal = $resolver.getItemFieldValueByFieldName($horizontalTrackerItem, $field))
#set($safetyVertical = $resolver.getItemFieldValueByFieldName($verticalTrackerItem, $field))

#set($color ="")
#if ($safetyHorizontal == "A" || $safetyVertical == "A")
  #set($color ="green")
#if ($safetyHorizontal == "B" || $safetyVertical == "B")
  #set($color ="orange")
#if ($safetyHorizontal == "C" || $safetyVertical == "C")
  #set($color ="red")

#if ($color != "")
 #set($cssStyle = "background-color: ${color};")


Risk Traceability Matrix

Risk Traceability Matrix plugin renders a trace-ability report between two or more trackers based on their associations in a Matrix form.

You can specify a comma separated list of tracker IDs in the trackers parameter. The generated matrix will contain the corresponding trackers in the very same order, one column representing one tracker.

[{RiskTraceabilityMatrix trackers='1035,1032,1034,1029'}]

The matrix rows will contain tracker items. By default all of the items will be displayed (with respect to the generation rules, see below), but you may also manually exclude particular tracker items from any of the trackers. To do that, just add the tracker ID(s) or key(s) in parentheses after their containing tracker, separated by dashes, like this:

[{RiskTraceabilityMatrix trackers='1035(1123),1032,1034(1341-1322-1345),1029'}]

The matrix will be generated based on the following rules:

  • The first column will contain all the items from the first tracker (with one or more manually excluded if you specify that)
  • Other than the first, each column will contain only the tracker items that have associations pointing to at least one of the items in the previous column. Of course manually excluded items will not be shown.
  • If tracker is of Test Case type, the last run result of the test case will also be indicated in the item cells.
  • Each item in a cell will imply at least one cell on its right, but that cell might be empty.

Other optional parameters:

  • title adds a caption to the matrix
  • cssClass adds one or more custom CSS classes to the wiki plugin container
  • cssStyle adds one or more custom CSS styling rules to the wiki plugin container
  • showAssociations tells whether to consider associations between items while constructing the matrix. Can be 'true' or 'false', default is 'true'
  • showRelations tells whether to consider relations (via reference fields) between items while constructing the matrix. Can be 'true' or 'false', default is 'true'


In this example, we use letters as IDs to make it easier to follow:

Assume we have 4 trackers, their IDs are: A,B,C,D

  • A has 2 items: A1,A2
  • B has 3 items: B1,B2,B3
  • C has 5 items: C1,C2,C3,C4,C5
  • D has 6 items: D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6


  • B1,B2 are derived from A1 (associations A1->B1, A1->B2)
  • B3 is derived from A2 (association A2->B3)
  • C1,C2 are derived from B1 (associations B1->C1, B1->C2)
  • C3,C4 are derived from B2 (associations B2->C3, B2->C4)
  • C5 is derived from B3 (association B3->C5)
  • D1,D2 are derived from C1 (associations C1->D1, C1->D2)
  • D3 is derived from C2 (association C2->D3)
  • D4 is derived from C3 (association C3->D4)
  • D5 is derived from C4 (association C4->D5)
  • D6 is derived from C5 (association C5->D6)
    [{RiskTraceabilityMatrix trackers='A,B,C(C5),D'}]

will generate this matrix:

A1 B1 C1 D1
C2 D3
B2 C3 D4
C4 D5
A2 B3


The following characters in the Rich Text view will be escaped with tilde (~) in Markup view:
