Froala Editor Limitations, Feature Requests and BugsThis page summarizes the limitations as well as the identified and fixed bugs of the Froala Editor. Table of Contents
Since codebeamer release 9.1.0, the TinyMCE editor has been replaced with Froala
codebeamer 9.1.0 is released with Froala 2.7.6 version.
codebeamer 9.2.0 is released with Froala 2.8.1 version. codebeamer 9.3.0 is released with Froala 2.9.0 version. Froala Feature Requests and BugsDropping Multiple Files to the EditorCurrently only one file can be dropped to the editor with drag & drop at the same time. Response from Froala: "We are expecting to release this feature at the beginning of Q2." Additionally, an ongoing upload can be canceled by pressing the ESC key.
Table Row Copy Paste - Froala | Ticket #1377Table rows cannot be copy pasted currently with Froala. Response from Froala: "It is on our list with many requests, so it might land in the editor shortly." Manual Resize of the Editor | Ticket #1437Froala does not have this feature yet. It means the editor cannot be resized like text area components in a browser.Undo Does not Work for Pasted Image | Ticket #1455 | Fixed in v2.7.6We are waiting for response for this. Update from Froala team: (2018.03.06) - It is fixed on their master branch.Bullet Lists Sometimes Do Not Work on Second Level | Ticket #1460Uploaded Image is not correctly selected under IE11. Tables Cannot Be Resized When The Browser Window is Scrolled | Ticket #1597 | Fixed in v2.7.6The table resize component is incorrectly positioned in the editor when the browser window is not scrolled to the top. Automatic Detection of Links | Ticket #1813Those links whose domain name extension have two characters are not detected properly while the user is typing in the editor. Example: Update from Froala team: (2018.03.07) - "We've just checked it. Unfortunately, we cannot add the .de and Blockquote Editing Problem | Ticket #1853 | Fixed in v2.7.6User cannot remove the Blockquote format on Rich Text UI.
Hotkey not Working | Ticket #1862 | Fixed in v2.7.6Some Hotkeys Only Work with English Keyboard Layout. See Hotkey localization | Ticket #2132Not Possible to Insert from Web Page to Froala Editor | Ticket #2079 | Fixed in v2.8.0It is not possible to insert text and image from a website to the editor in IE11. This can be reproduced even on the Froala website.
Resize Handles in Internet Explorer 11 | Ticket #2106 | Fixed in codebeamer 9.2.0Resizes handles appear when inserting wiki markup into the editor. It is not possible to click inside the new markup block. Sticky Bottom Toolbar is Flickering in Internet Explorer 11 | Ticket #2114 |The toolbar is jumping when clicking on formatting, advanced or link options on the item details comment editor and on the item details edit screen. Update from Froala team: (2018.04.09) - "We've just checked this and unfortunately, we do not have a fix at this moment. When opening the popup, the editor is designed to take focus so that it can restore it correctly later on and in order to display the info in the toolbar correctly. On focus, the IE browser is moving the page to the scroll to the top of the editable area. As a workaround, we are saving scroll before and restore it back afterward." Improve File Upload Progress Dialog | Ticket #2117It is not possible to cancel an ongoing file upload. Froala support told us that hitting ESC can cancel an ongoing upload. Hotkey Localization | Ticket #2132Some hotkeys do not work at all with non-English keyboard layout. Pasted Image is Always jpg | Ticket #2137 | Fixed in v2.8.0When pasting an image from clipboard the type of the image used by Froala is always JPG. We created a workaround for this, in case of jpg uploaded image we always check the type of the image on the server side as a short term solution. Selection Issues in Tables | Ticket #2432 | Fixed in v2.8.0Copying to clipboard and selecting text with keyboard in table cells is not working properly. Selection is cleared when pressing Ctrl key and Shift + arrow keys, this method cannot be used for selecting text. Update from Froala team: (2018.04.06) - "We've addressed these issues on GitHub last week. Could you please check the GitHub master branch and let us know if you still have these problems? Moving the Cursor with Keyboard Inside Table Cells with Multiple Lines of Text | Ticket #2563Update from Froala team: (2018.06.18) - "We just checked it and unfortunately, we cannot do too much as this is the way the browser works." Newline Characters are Removed when Copy Pasting Preformatted Text | Ticket #2985 | Workaround implemented in codebeamer 9.2.0When pasting a preformatted text into the editor the new lines are removed inside the pre tag. Table Cell is Deleted when Pressing Backspace | Ticket #3169 | Fixed in v2.8.4When the last character is deleted in a table cell with [Backspace] button then the table cell is removed as well. Removing Multiple List Items | Ticket #3259 | Fixed in v2.8.4When selecting multiple list items with mouse and trying to remove them by pressing the [Backspace] or [Delete] buttons, the text of the selected items is removed, however, the bullet points remain in the editor. When Entering Korean in a Table then Korean is Broken | Ticket #3366 | Fixed in ChromeThere is a problem with Korean characters in tables when the [Tab] button is used to navigate between table cells. Only the first cell of each row is affected. It was a Chrome bug:, Fixed in Chrome 67 released on the 29th of May. Focusing the Editor in Firefox | Ticket #3758The autofocus option and calling the function are not working for the editor in Firefox.
Paste Text without Structure | Ticket #4076 | Fix will be available in codebeamer 9.3.0There is not any option to configure Froala to support pasting text without its structure. An example is copy pasting only text from Excel to the Editor. Update from Froala team: (2018.0.06) - "Unfortunately, we don't have such a feature. What I would recommend is to use the paste.afterCleanup event and clean the HTML according to the way you want."
Copy and Paste Tables | Ticket #4120It is not user friendly to copy and paste tables inside the Froala editor or between editors. Select some content outside of the table in order to successfully copy and paste the table.
Moving between Cells in Table with Arrow Keys after Copy-Paste Gives Wrong Moves | Ticket #4654If we copy-paste content into empty table cells in the editor, then <br> tags remain in the table cells. Arrow keys do not work properly for moving between table cells if the cells are not empty and contain <br> tag.
Automatic Detection of Links in Text | Ticket #4791Links are automatically detected only at the end of a text content. When links are typed using the keyboard or copy-pasted in the middle of some text then the automatic link detection is not working. Update from Froala team: (2018.08.19) - "We're aware of this, and it was actually implemented like this on purpose because many times users might just go in the middle of text and type text there just for editing purposes and they do not want the links to be converted to text. This is how they expect the editor to work most of the time and that is why such behavior is in place."
Image Upload not Cancelled Properly | Ticket #5934Cancelling the upload of an image is not cancelled properly, the image remains in the DOM, but it should be removed. |
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