Finish a Review
This page describes the steps to be taken to finalize a Review task.
Steps to finish a Review
To finish a review, the following steps need to be taken:
1.Click on the Review Hub and open the review to be closed:
2. On the review page, click the
The Finish Review window opens.
3. To set (or modify) the status of review items, click on [Set Statuses]:
The Status Mapping window opens.
4. If applicable, select a status for approved, rejected, or mixed/not reviewed items:
The status options available in this step depend on the tracker configuration. If you select, for example, Completed for the approved items, the status of all approved items in the review will automatically be changed to Completed.
By selecting the Execute only valid transitions checkbox, the status of a review item will only be changed if the tracker's workflow configuration allows the transition from the items' original status to the status specified in this step.
5. codebeamer has provided a status mapping for all review items based on the review settings (see Step 4 in section
Edit a Review). If necessary, change the default mapping for any of the items as applicable:
6. Once the status settings for the review items is done, click on [Finish Review] to close the review.
If necessary, click on [Back] to go back to the Finish Review window.
Click on [Finish Review] to close the Finish Review window:
Comments can also be added to the review.
Since codebeamer 21.04 (DOROTHY) release, the comments of the reviewers and items can be seen by clicking the comment icon on the right-hand side.
See also:
Review Hub
7. Click on [Sign Review] to [Finish Review] / [Set Statuses] / [Restart Review]
Since 20.11-LTS (Carmen)
If Requires signature to finish the review is set for the review, every single step will require a valid electronic signature. Without the signature, an error message will be displayed.
Click on the [Generate Signature] button and identify yourself with your credentials.
For more information about the signature generation, see:
Generating Electronic Signature with SSO Login
After the successful identification, the Successfully signed message appears. If needed, the signature can be regenerated by clicking on the blue Regenerate Signature icon.
Now, the [Finish Review] / [Set Statuses] / [Restart Review] buttons can be used.
Disabling the omission of workflow actions
Since codebeamer 22.04 (FELICITY) release, the omission of workflow actions can be disabled in the
Application Configuration:
"review" : {
"alwaysExecuteOnlyValidTransitions" : true
Default value: true
If set to true :
- the Execute only valid transitions checkbox is selected and disabled on the review close page. By hovering the mouse over the disabled checkbox, a tooltip explaining the configuration is displayed.
- the [Finish Review] button is disabled until all the reviewed items have a valid status change selected (where there is an executable transition from the current status of the item to the selected target status).