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Deprecated Widgets

These widgets are still part of codeBeamer, but considered outdated and are not available on Widget Browser in recent releases. Existing dashboards, which were created in earlier version of codeBeamer, might still contain these widgets. Deprecated widgets on these dashboard still work, but it is not possible to add further instances of these widgets to the dashboard.

Widget name Deprecated since Reason
Area Chart Widget 8.1 Chart widget replaced this widget.
Bar Chart Widget 8.1 Chart widget replaced this widget.
Gauge Chart Widget 8.1 Chart widget replaced this widget.
Speedometer Chart Widget 8.1 Chart widget replaced this widget.

Aligning pinned Widgets

Dashboard in codeBeamer supports exactly 1 full-length Widget on top of the Dashboard. Depending on the size of the Widget, the following alignment options can be selected:


This is the default value. It should be selected for all Widgets, which benefit from taking up all available space. (For example: Table and Release Gantt Chart Widgets.)


Shows the Widget on the left edge of the screen. All of the following options only make sense, if the Widget has a fixed width.


Aligns the widget to the center of the screen.


Shows the Widget on the right edge of the screen.

Report Visualization

Report Visualization Widgets are special types of widgets. They take a Report and show the result on a nice chart. These widgets always show the actual result of the reports. The supported chart types:

  • Pie
  • Area
  • Bar (simple, multi and stacked)
  • Table
  • Gauge
  • Speedometer

The Report Visualization Widgets have a common editor format:

Some fields are not shown for some chart types. The most important fields on the form:

  • Data source: the input report. The chart will visualize the result of this report. Note that some chart type have special requirements regarding the data source. For example for a Multi Bar Chart you can use only Reports that are grouped by at least two fields. The reports that can not be used for the selected chart type are disabled in the list. A small hint under the field always tells you the exact reason.
  • Grouping Field: the Report Visualization Widgets accept only grouped Reports as data source. In this field you can select which grouping field to use on the visualization
  • Aggregation Function: if the report is aggregated by multiple functions (sum, avg etc.) you can select in this field which aggregated value to show on the visualization.
  • Display unit: when the values to visualize are very large you can round them to the hundreds, thousands, millions or billions to make the chart easier to overview.
  • Ordering: defines in which order the values are shown on the chart. You can change the ordering on both axis. If you order by group name then the labels on the horizontal axis will be in their natural order. You can also order the values in which case the labels will be ordered by their corresponding value on the vertical axis.
  • Horizontal/Vertical Axis label: the labels shown under the horizontal and beside the vertical axis.
  • No Group Text: when you group your Report by a field it is possible that some matching items have no value in that field. By default the label for these values on the charts is No Group. You can change this default label by providing something else in this field.
  • Chart Colors: a comma separated list of colors (either RGB codes like #fff or color names). These colors will override the default colors in the chart. This means that the first chart segment will be painted with the first color provided, the second segment will be painted with the second color etc. If you have more chart segments than color provided than the same color will be used on the chart multiple times.
  • Show Values: when checked the actual values will be shown above the chart segments.
  • Value Label: Specifies what information does the values on charts reflects. Works together with the previous option.

    Possible values:

  • Show Legend: when checked the widget will add a legend (an explanation of the chart colors) under the chart

Chart Widget

Chart Widget unifies the previously standalone report visualization widgets. This makes it possible to change the chart type after creating the widget. The configuration options for each widget type stayed the same.

Area Chart Widget (Deprecated)

With this widget you can visualize time series. This means that the editor accepts only Reports grouped by a date field. Note that the chart connects the points with straight lines (even when a date is missing between to consecutive points)

Configuration screen Preview screen

Bar Chart Widget (Deprecated)

This widget has three different modes:

  • Simple: a traditional bar chart. One bar for each group.
  • Stacked: (as on the figure below). This mode accepts only reports that are grouped by exactly two fields.
  • Multi: this mode accepts only reports that are grouped by exactly two fields. The for each group it will show multiple bars: one for each subgroup.
Configuration screen Preview screen

Table Widget

This widget visualizes the result of any report in a tabular form.

On its editor there are some special fields:


  • Columns: you can select the columns of the report that you want to show in the table
  • Column order: you can change the order of the columns with drag and drop
  • Order by: select the column used for ordering
  • Sort: the direction of the ordering (ascending or descending)
  • Page size: the maximum number of items shown in the table. If there are more rows then the table is pageable.

Gauge Chart Widget (Deprecated)

This chart displays a range of values. This range is separated in four areas. The actual value is shown with color area. The color depends on the size of separated areas.

Configuration screen Preview screen

On its editor there are some special fields:

  • Value: you can select which group value is shown on this chart from the query result
  • Minimum: the minimum value
  • Breakpoint1: the first separator on the range
  • Breakpoint2: the second separaor on the range
  • Breakpoint3: the third separaor on the range
  • Maxmum: the maximum value

The following number fields must be ascendant, the order: Minimum, Breakpoint 1, Breakpoint2, Breakpoint3, Maximum.

Speedometer Chart Widget (Deprecated)

This chart displays a range of values. This range is separated in three areas which are displayed with different colors. The actual value is shown by a pointer.

Configuration screen Preview screen

On its editor there are some special fields:

  • Value: you can select which group value is shown on this chart from the query result
  • Minimum: the minimum value
  • Breakpoint1: the first separator on the range
  • Breakpoint2: the second separaor on the range
  • Maxmum: the maximum value

The following number fields must be ascendant, the order: Minimum, Breakpoint 1, Breakpoint2, Maximum.


Activity Stream Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Issue Count by Field Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Project List Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Tracker List Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Resourcing Extraction Widget

Resource Extraction Plugin is deprecated starting with codeBeamer 9.3.0 version

This widget will be removed in the following release so please use Table Widget. It is necessary to create new Report to use Table widget.

Create Report:

Our Report module supports to group items by Release and Team too and it is possible to add additional filter options.

Or create a report in Expert mode:

Items group by value of 'Team' and 'Assigned to' field:

SELECT TeamID AS 'Team', assignedTo AS 'Assigned to', COUNT(1) AS COUNT WHERE IN (1320) AND assignedTo IS NOT NULL GROUP BY 'Team', 'Assigned to'

Items group by value of 'Release' and 'Assigned to' field:

SELECT ReleaseID AS 'Release', assignedTo AS 'Assigned to', COUNT(1) AS COUNT WHERE IN ('current project') AND assignedTo IS NOT NULL GROUP BY 'Release', 'Assigned to'

Items group by value of 'Team' and 'Assigned to' field:

SELECT assignedTo AS 'Assigned to', COUNT(1) AS COUNT WHERE IN (1320) AND assignedTo IS NOT NULL GROUP BY 'Assigned to'

If you would like to add new columns and aggregated information for the report check this page.

Configure Dashboard widget:

If the report has been created then add it to a dashboard as a Table Widget:

If you would like to see only aggregated information then you should check 'Show Only Groups'.

Deprecated version:

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

  • Group field expects a comma delimited list of Group identifiers. (Just like the plugin itself: 123,124)
  • Either "Display Groups?" or "Display Teams?" checkbox can be active at any time.

My Open Tracker Items Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Risk Matrix Diagram Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

The Tracker field only accepts Trackers with Requirement, User Story and Risk types.


Burn Down Chart Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Apply Project Calendar:

  • If this option is selected, the Burn Down chart is based on the setup of the Project Calendar. That is, work days and non-work days will be displayed, and the calculations in the chart will be made, according to the Project Calendar.

Note: if the Project Calendar is not set up correctly, the Burn Down chart will not display the correct information. If there is an error in the Burn Down chart, contact the Project Administrator. If you are the Project Administrator, go to the Admin tab and select Settings > Calendar to correct the Project Calendar setup.

The Data Source parameter specifies how the chart displays the values:

  • Number of Items: the Burn Down chart is based on the number of items in the given release.
  • Story Points: the Burn Down chart is based on the story point values of the items in the given release.
  • Both: the Burn Down chart includes both types of calculation.

Current Velocity Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Data Source parameter affects how the chart shows the values:

  • Number of Items: Current Velocity is based on the number of items in the given release.
  • Story Points: Current Velocity is based on the story point values of item in the given release.
  • Both: Current Velocity for both type of calculations is shown.

Release Activity Trends Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Release Stats Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Remaining Time Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on CB:/images/newskin/item/icon-document.pngthis page.

Configuration screen Preview screen
CB:/displayDocument/1556549446151.png?doc_id=6038605&version=1&raw=true&history=false&notification=false CB:/displayDocument/1556549497263.png?doc_id=6038606&version=1&raw=true&history=false&notification=false

Always show the nearest end date (including sprints):

  • If this option is not checked, the widget shows the remaining time for the selected Sprint or Release.
  • If this option is checked, the widget shows the remaining time for the Sprint or Release which has the earliest end date within the specified Release. This includes all sub-releases in the selected release hierarchy.

Apply Project Calendar:

  • If this option is selected, the remaining time is calculated based on the Project Calendar.

Note: if the Project Calendar is not set up correctly, the remaining time in the selected Sprint/Release will not be calculated correctly. If there is an error in the calculation of the remaining time, contact the Project Administrator. If you are the Project Administrator, go to the Admin tab and select Settings > Calendar to correct the Project Calendar setup.

Sprint Break Down Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Velocity Trends Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Data Source parameter affects how the chart shows the values:

  • Number of Items: Velocity Trends is based on the number of items in the given release.
  • Story Points: Velocity Trends is based on the story point values of item in the given release.
  • Both: Velocity Trends for both type of calculations is shown.

Release Gantt Chart Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen


Test Runs By Test Set Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Test Runs By Configuration Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Test Runs By Assignee Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Test Cases by Last Run Result Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

Requirements Coverage Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

  • Referring Tracker: Requirement Trackers to cover. (Only Trackers, which has Requirement type will appear here.)
  • Coverage Tracker: Specific Trackers to compute coverage with. Only this parameter or Referring Tracker Type can be set, but not both at the same time.
  • Referring Tracker Type: Specific Tracker type to compute coverage with.


My Current Issues Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

My Subscriptions Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen

User Profile Widget

You can find additional information about the plugin and parameters on this page.

Configuration screen Preview screen


Wiki Markup Widget

This widget allows you adding Wiki content using WYSWYG editor or Wiki markup.

Configuration screen Preview screen