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Tracker Views

Report based Tracker Views are available only from codeBeamer 9.0.0

From codeBeamer 9.0.0 you are able to define report based Tracker Views on Table View, Document View and Cardboard View. All of these three views contains the new Filter Widget in which you can define specific filters by the tracker's fields or other options, group by / order by options, the same way as you can do on the Report page. The set filters can be saved as Tracker Views (public or private) and can be used on Table View, on Document View or on Cardboard View.

Filter Widget

Filter Widget on Tracker Table View is available only from codeBeamer 9.0.0.

From codeBeamer 9.0.0 you are able to use the new Filter widget, you can use here the same filters as on the Reports page, but only for the actual tracker.

Parts of the Filter Widget


  • CB:/displayDocument/icon_add_filter.png?doc_id=3299588&version=1&link_id=9058313&history=false&notification=false Filter button: click the Filter button to add filters. You can select from the Default fields (Status, Priority, Start Date, etc.), from the Common Reference Fields (e.g. Release, Subject, etc.), from custom fields of the tracker if present, and from the other filtering option. Filters types described here: Reports
  • CB:/displayDocument/icon-group-by.png?doc_id=3299589&version=1&link_id=9058315&history=false&notification=false Group by button: click on the Group by button to group the issues. You can display groups up to 3 levels the same way just like on the Reports page.
  • CB:/displayDocument/icon-order-by.png?doc_id=3299590&version=1&link_id=9058317&history=false&notification=false Order by button: click on the Order by button to define sorting. You can select up to 3 levels of ordering options.
  • Search input: type any text for filtering issues using a full-text search. This will find the typed pattern in any text fields of the issues.
  • GO button: click on GO button to display the result of the selected filters.
  • CB:/displayDocument/1583505704047.png?doc_id=9909628&version=1&link_id=9909629&history=false&notification=false Manage Tracker Views button: click on View button to manage filters (views).

In tracker's Table View, you can add filter / group by / order by options using drag&drop. Drag one of the field label of the header of the issue list table, and drop one of the area of into the Filter Widget (Filters, Group by, Order by).

Manage Tracker Views Menu

From codeBeamer 9.0.0 you can manage (save, edit, delete) tracker views using the View Menu.

Please note, that the views of the earlier codeBeamer versions are not displaying here and not supported in Tracker Table View any more.


View types:

  • Public Views: pre-defined views of the tracker (Open, All Items, All Unresolved, etc.) and custom public views. User can save public views only with Views - Admin permission. Public views are displaying for all of the members of the project.
  • Private Views: only displaying for the user who saved the private view.

Click on the name of any view to load it. The saved filters, group by / order by options of the view will loaded into the Filter Widget and also, the issue list will reload according to the selected filters.

From codebeamer 21.04 the Manage Tracker Views menu changed. The views will display in a tree structure. See more information here: Organize Public Views

Resizable Columns

From codeBeamer 9.3.0, you can resize columns in the Table and Document Edit views. To resize columns, click the CB:/displayDocument/1559825708083.png?doc_id=6986817&version=1&link_id=9159942&history=false&notification=false icon in the top right-hand side corner. When the view configuration window opens, select the checkbox in the Resizable Columns field:


You can now use the resizers to set the desired width for each column. It is only possible to change column widths for custom views, thus, you will need to create at least one custom view if you want to resize the width of the displayed columns. The width values are stored for each column (in terms of percentages) for the current view, which means that you need to save the modifications once the column width values are set.

From codeBeamer 10.1 you can use pixel-based resizable columns. Click on the Manage Views icon CB:/displayDocument/1590493194755.png?doc_id=10817396&version=1&link_id=10817397&history=false&notification=false and you can choose the between the percent-based (as previously) and the new pixel-based resize columns options.


Using this option, the cell contents of the table will be cropped If you select pixel-based option and save the View, the column widths will be stored in pixels, horizontal scrollbar can appear.


Using percent-based resizable columns, you can add maximum 18 fields to the table. Pixel-based resizable columns does not have such restriction.

This functionality is also supported for Reports and in Document Edit View.

Save New Views

  • Select the desired filters, optionally add Group by / Order by options
  • Click on the View Menu
  • Click on Save as...
  • Type the name of the view (if you have permission to admin views, Public View checkbox appears in the overlay, check it if you would like to create a public view)
  • Optionally add a description of the viewCB:/displayDocument/1559569063136.png?doc_id=6972344&version=1&link_id=9162947&history=false&notification=false
  • Click on Save button
  • The saved view will immediately appear within the View Menu

Once you saved a custom view, you can manage the view using the upper action bar of the View Menu (Save, Save as..., Properties, Delete) or using the pencil / delete icons near the name of the views. If you select a Public View, you have the ability to set view as default view for the tracker by clicking the Set View as Default button near the name of the Current View.

View Permissions

From codeBeamer 10.0.0 you can set role based permissions for Tracker Views. The permission handling is similar as on Report page, except you cannot select the project, the roles of the current tracker's project will listed in the Save View overlay.


In this example you set READ permission for the users in Tester role for your own private view, therefore this view will be listed for Tester roles too as a Private View.

View accessability regarding the permissions is working as follows:

  • Private Views:
    • READ permission: the creator of the view and the users in the selected roles with READ or WRITE permissions
    • WRITE permisson: the creator of the view and the users in the selected roles with WRITE permission
  • Public Views:
    • READ permission: all of the users of the current project who has permission for the current tracker
    • WRITE permission: the creator of the view, users in roles where the role has "Public View - Admin" Tracker permission and the users in the selected roles with WRITE permission
      Please note, that only the users whose role has "Public View - Admin" Tracker permission can save and set a View as Public View!

Show Ancestor and Descendant Items

You can also include ancestor (parent) and descendant (child) items of the tracker items in a new view. To include ancestor and/or descendant items in a view, select one of the following menu options when creating a new public or private view:


The new view will now display parent and child items of the tracker items:


The Show Ancestor Items and Show Descendant Items options are available in the Table View, Document View and Document Edit View.

If the Always Show Ancestor Items option is selected in User Preferences (see Displaying Ancestor Items by Default in Document and Document Edit View), the Show Ancestor Items option will be disabled in the View Menu in the Document and Document Edit Viewof a tracker:


If the Show Ancestor Items or Show Descendant Items option is selected, it is not possible to use the Group by or Order by functions.

In case the Show Ancestor/Descendant Items option is selected, and you are using a filter in your tracker view, child or parent items of work items will be displayed even if they do not match the filter criteria. For example:


In this example, we are filtering tracker items based on the Status: In progress value. However, as the Show Ancestor Items option is specified for this view, two parent items are also displayed even though they are in New status.

Parent/child items that do not match the filter criteria are displayed with a light red background.

Show Children

From codeBeamer 10.0.0 you can use the "Show Children" option for displaying the child items as in the previous versions (< 9.5.0).


If you check Show Children checkbox, an arrow will appear before the name of the item. By clicking the arrow, the child items will load under the parent item. If some of the child items do not match the selected filter, they will get a light read background, otherwise the background of the child items will be light orange.


Filter Widget in Baseline Mode

From codeBeamer 10.0.0 you can use the Filter Widget in Baseline mode of the Tracker. The result list will display versioned items, and the links of the items will point to the Baseline version of the Tracker Item. You can use Group by / Order by or Show Ancestor / Descendant items functionalities in Baseline mode also.


Some restrictions regarding the Baseline mode:

  • Description and any other Wikitext type fields cannot be used as filter
  • Historical Filters cannot be used
  • You cannot use Tracker Views which contain any Historical filters - these views are not selectable in the Manage View menu

Manage Fields

From codeBeamer 9.0.0 you can manage easily the fields of the issue list. You can add / move / remove fields, and the displaying field list is stored if you save a custom Tracker View.

Add New Fields

To add a new field into the issue list click one of the context menu of the header where you would like to add the field and select Add Column option. A submenu will appear where you can select which field you would like to add. The fields are grouping the same ways just on the Report Page and in the Filter Widget: Default Fields, Common Reference Fields and custom fields (Project - Tracker). If a field is already in the issue list, it will be appear with grayish color and cannot be add to the current issue list once more.


From codeBeamer 10.1 you are able to add Shared Fields to the layout, see details here: Reports

Move or Remove Fields

For moving fields within the issue table, use one of the context menu Move left or Move right options or drag the label of a field and drop in an other position. While dragging, a green vertical line will help you, where you can drop the field.

Additionally, you can drop the dragged field into the Filter Widget also, in this case, the field remains in its current position, but a filter / group by / order by option will be added into the Filter Widget.


For removing a field, select Remove Column option of one of the header's context menus.

Paging - Show More.. and Show Less.. Buttons

Table based layouts can extend the number of the Tracker Items per page:

  • Show Less.. means that number of the Tracker Items per page equals to 25,
  • Show More.. means that number of the Tracker Items per page equals to 500.

Provided layouts: Simple Table View, Report page, Reference Selector, CBQL Table Widget (but we have to implement everywhere where is the Show More.. button).

Intelligent Table View

An Intelligent Table View for a tracker allows you to display selected upstream and downstream references for tracker items. For more information, see section Intelligent Table View.

Copy Tracker Views

Since Codebeamer release HUSKY, public and private tracker views can be copied from one tracker to others within the same project.

To copy a tracker view,

  1. Open the Manage Tracker Views overlay, select the relevant private or public tracker view and click the Copy... link at the top.
  2. In the Copy Tracker View Filter options window,
    • Select the Destination Tracker(s)
    • Change the name of the view to be used in the target tracker(s)
    • Perform the field mapping if necessary
  3. Click Copy to finalize the process.

When copying a view, not only the fields are mapped but all the set filters, logics and options are copied from the saved tracker view.

  • The Copy Tracker Views function is not available on the Reference Selector overlay.
  • Traceability Views cannot be copied.
  • In case of the Expert Filter, only the cbQL query is copied. Updating the target project and tracker IDs needs to be done by the user.

Select the Destination Trackers

A tracker view can be copied to one or more target trackers and working sets which can be selected in the Destination Tracker(s) drop-down menu.

Working sets other than the default working set are displayed indented in the drop-down list to aid the visual division of those trackers form the default ones.

The user must have Public View and Item Template - Admin permission for the target trackers as well to be able to copy the relevant view and create it in the target trackers.

Only those target trackers and working sets can be selected in the drop-down list which the user has permission to.

Name of the Copied Views in the Target Trackers

The names of tracker views are unique within trackers.

The name of tracker views can be modified in the Name of the destination views field.

If the original name of the copied tracker view is kept, and that name is already taken in the target tracker, Codebeamer automatically appends an ascending number suffix to the name of the tracker view based on the number of versions already created of the related view.

For example, GROUP BY filter 1, GROUP BY filter 2 and so on.

Field Mapping

In the Field Mapping section, filters and options can be mapped to the appropriate fields of the target trackers. If logical filters, for example has Association, are applied in a saved tracker view to be copied, there are no fields to be mapped.

The Field Mapping drop-down menu only lists fields that are of the same type as the original field and the user has access to. Working sets, if any, are displayed indented.

If the target tracker contains a field with the same name and type as the source field, that field is automatically selected from the list. If such type of field exists in the target tracker but with a different name, it needs to be selected manually from the drop-down list. Once the mapping is done for the relevant field, a tick icon is displayed on the right of the field name.

In case a field is mapped to the wrong target field, or the Do not include option is selected from the drop-down list for that field, the filter does not work on the target field.

If no mapping option is selected for a field, an x icon is displayed on the right of the field name. Copying a view with unmapped fields is not allowed, and the following warning message is displayed:

Please select all mappings.

All the fields must be mapped, or the Do not include option needs to be selected to be able to copy a view.

After clicking Copy, a message confirms that the copying of the view is executed. For example:

1/1 views were successfully copied to the destination trackers with the name 'ORDER BY Summary Asc filter 1'.

Private Views and Shared Private Views

Since Codebeamer release HUSKY, the private views and the shared private views are separated both on tracker views and on the reference selector overlay.

User A's own private views are saved in the My Private Views folder, while the private views created by others and shared with the User A are saved in the Shared Private Views folder.

The private views and the shared private views are separated to see who created a specific view and who that view is shared with. A user whom a private view is shared with cannot edit or delete that view without write permission for that view.

Tracker Views (old)

Tracker Views define

  • which content of a tracker
    • which items
    • which item attributes
    • in which order
  • to present in which format.

In CB-9.0 and newer, the fields, format and sort order of tracker views is not longer used, only the Condition, that defines, which tracker items are visible via this view.

The Condition is a tree in Polish notation, to avoid the need for parentheses or other brackets: The operators and, or and not must be the parents of their operands.

For example:

 Priority IN ("High", Highest") AND (StartDate > today OR EndDate <= EndOfNextWeek) 

will be defined like this:

To add a new criteria to the condition tree, select either a grouping operator or the criteria field from the condition selector.
The new criteria will be added as new child node to the currently selected operator node.

You can move nodes to other locations in the tree via drag-and-drop.

You can copy criteria (including descendants) by pressing Ctrl and dragging a node to the new location where to create the copy.

You can edit condition criteria either via double-clicking on the appropriate node or by right-clicking on the node and choosing Edit from the context menu.

You can remove condition criteria by right-clicking on the appropriate node and choosing Remove from the context menu.

Date values in a condition are defined as periods, e.g. "Today" is the period from "Today, 00:00:00" (inclusive) to "Tomorrow, 00:00:00" (exclusive). Date comparisons with

  • equal (==),
  • greater or equal (>=),
  • greater than (>),
  • less than (<) and
  • less or equal (<=)

will refer to the left/lower boundary of the period!

E.g. StartDate greater than "Today" means: StartDate >= Today, 00:00:00.

and StartDate equal "Today" means: StartDate == Today, 00:00:00.

and StartDate in "Today" means: Today, 00:00:00 <= StartDate < Tomorrow, 00:00:00.

So in most situations you should use IN instead of equal for Date comparisons!